"I'll leave you two," She said and left but not before giving Taehyung dagger looks.

Jimin cleared his throat and decided to pretend that Taehyung's presence didn't affect him as he worked.

"What are you doing here? I thought you were having a nice time with your girlfriends"

"Girlfriends?" Taehyung laughed. "Please..."

"So what are you doing here?"

Taehyung peeked at him and chuckled. "Are you jealous?"

"What will I be jealous about?" Jimin retorted.

"That's right. Of course, you won't"

There was silence for some time. Jimin could feel something was wrong.

"Taehyung, what's the matter?"

"Jimin, I'll be leaving. I'll be leaving in two days" He said.

There was silence for a while. Jimin was shocked to hear that. He thought Taehyung would stay a bit longer but he immediately recovered himself.

"Oh... you're finally leaving. I was wondering when you would be gone"

He gulped "You didn't have to tell me though."

Taehyung smiled. "You're right. I just felt you needed to know to see as we had gotten close during my time here"

"I'm also very grateful to you for making my stay here a pleasant one"

There was an awkward silence. Jimin broke it with a whisper.

"Is this how you leave from one place to another?"

"Don't you ever feel like settling down in one place? Don't you have a home"

Taehyung heaved. "I do have a home but I don't consider it my home"

He sounded so sad and worried.

"I prefer traveling around the world having little to responsibilities...no worries nor any care in the world"

"I see!" Jimin muttered smiling sadly. "You have no reason to stay"

Then he suddenly smiled. "Before you go, I need a favor from you"

"What's that?" Taehyung asked.

"I want a sculpture of you. Will you mind becoming my face model tomorrow?"

If only Jimin could see the smile on the other's face, he would know how whipped he was.

"Yeah, I could do that but why do you want a sculpture of my face?"

Jimin was embarrassed to say this to a man who was leaving because he had no reason to stay but he knew Taehyung deserved an answer so he swallowed his pride.

"I wanted to imagine what you look like. I wanted to see your face in my mind"

The air went still. No one said anything. Jimin became more embarrassed because of the silence and laughed nervously.

"Um Taehyung, are you there?"

Suddenly, he felt a strong grip on his shoulder. He was pulled forward. Taehyung's head was resting on the crook of his shoulder. One arm wrapped around him, the other patting his back slowly. Jimin didn't speak. He just enjoyed being close to the other, his warmth, his musky scent. He wished he could tell him to stay but he lacked courage. He heard Taehyung whisper into his ears.


He was trembling and holding him tight. Jimin could feel a teardrop on his clothes soaking onto his skin. They pulled away from each other and he could hear silent sobs coming from the other. His heart completely broke hearing that so he felt his face with his fingertips.

"Taehyung, are you crying?" He whispered.

The residue of clay plastered on Taehyung's face from where Jimin touched him but he didn't mind. He claimed his hands stopping them from roaming further along his face.

"Jimin I'm fine. I just felt emotional and overwhelmed"

Jimin pouted. "Gosh... you're making it such a big deal," he said but he smiled afterward and Taehyung adored that smile.

The following day as promised. Jimin started making Taehyung's sculpture. After the session, his face would be completely covered in clay but he enjoyed it because it was an excuse to stay with Jimin. He spent so much time sculpting and tending his garden. There was no better time than now to be by his side.

Two days later, Jimin had completed his work. It took several hours but he finally finished it. When he touched the finished sculpture, he could already imagine Taehyung in his mind. Dark curly hair, strong chin, prominent brows. It was perfect. His best work so far.

"Very handsome!" Jimin whispered to himself.

"Who is?" Taehyung said from behind him. Jimin jumped in fright.

"Don't scare me like that" He muttered. Taehyung stared wondrously at the sculpture. It was perfect. It was a very close resemblance to his actual self.

"So, how is it?" Jimin asked.

"It looks almost like me. The nose is a bit crooked. The lips..."

Jimin panicked. "What? My sculptures have always been close to reality. How can...'

"Just pulling your legs!" Taehyung responded and laughed.

Jimin sighed"You're so naughty Taehyung!"

Taehyung suddenly pulled him closer taking him unawares.

"It's perfect Jimin. Perfect"

Today was the day he was leaving to only God knows where. So things felt a bit awkward between them.

"I got you something," Taehyung said. He brought out a bracelet from his pocket and placed it on Jimin's wrist.

"What's this?"

Taehyung smiled shyly. "This is a distance bracelet used between friends that are far away from each other"

He wriggled his wrist. "I have mine as well"

"Despite the distance, we will always have each other in our hearts"

Jimin was once again embarrassed. "Isn't this a little too cliche? We aren't that close to being exchanging bracelets"

"It doesn't matter. You're the person I feel closest to at the moment"

He took a deep breath. "In all my time wandering, I have never found anyone I felt worthy enough to share this bracelet with me. You're the first"

Jimin's heart was beating faster. If he wasn't careful, he would break down in tears and hold onto him begging him to stay but his pride was bigger than that.

"Th... thanks" he murmured under his breath.

That evening, Taehyung stood with his bag in front of the inn to say his last farewell. Jimin and Yumi were there to see him off including his female admirers who were begging and whining to stay with them.

"I hope we see each other again," he said. Jimin couldn't speak. He just nodded his head and waved his hand.

"Take care Taehyung!" Yumi said.

Taehyung nodded his head and all Jimin could hear was his footsteps fading away.

Thank you so much for reading. To be continued

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