Finger paint!

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(This chapter has slight gore. You have been warned!)
You woke up when you couldn't stand listening to all the commotion downstairs , deciding to venture out of the room and go interact with other humans for once. After getting dressed, you walked out, staying along the railing upstairs to watch the kids play with Sun. You loved to see him make the littles ones happy with his puppet shows and other activities. Currently it seemed that they were all having a tea party with origami cups that Sun had made. How cute.

You were snapped out of your thoughts however when you noticed one of the boys that worked at the Pizza Plex staring at you. Maybe he was just taking mental notes of something? Or perhaps looking behind you?

You glanced over your shoulder, not seeing anything besides a little Floor bot roaming around. They were covered in stickers from the children, and seemed to be working on getting some glitter glue out of the carpet. That had to be a fun job.

The boy made his way over to you. How wonderful this interaction was about to be.

¨ What's up, sweetheart? Enjoying the Pizza Plex?¨ He asked in the smoothest voice he possibly could. You felt yourself blush, glancing down at your feet.

¨I-...Yeah...I'm enjoying it¨ You didn't want to make it more awkward by telling him that you have been here longer then he had probably. Moving some hair out of your face as you got a better look at the guy. He stood around 6'2, Had long brown hair that seemed to be cut slightly below his shoulder blades, and rather clean skin for someone working at a Pizza Place. He did have a name badge that read ¨Super-Star Daycare Attendant: Nathan¨

Of course he worked in the Daycare.

Nathan leaned against the railing, looking you up and down. ¨Are you here to pick up your little one, or did you drop them off, Cutie?¨

You guessed Nathan liked flirting with the Moms. Sadly for him you didn't have a kid. Not yet at least.

¨Um...Neither. Im just...enjoying the view I guess¨ You scratched the back of your neck.

You didn't understand why Nathan wanted to flirt with you. Especially considering all these other moms he could go flirt with. They all looked so good. You were dressed like a kindergarten teacher, Wearing Black flats, Tights, and a blue dress with little suns all over it.

Nathan seemed to take notice of your dress pattern, and smiled. ¨What's your name?¨

¨I am (Y/N)-¨
¨Are you a fan of Sundrop?¨

You guess you could say that. It would definitely be interesting to see this guy's reaction though. ¨No, I have never heard of him. He looks cute though¨ You smiled, holding back from laughing.

You were happy that you weren't showing yet, because it was kind of fun to be flirted with.

¨Would you like to go see him? Normally we don't let parents down by the play area, but I can make an exception for you.¨

How kind of Nathan to want to introduce you to that 10 ft tall Sun animatronic down there that you for sure hadn't been watching.

¨Maybe after you meet him we could grab some coffee and go play a round of Gator Golf?¨

Being seen with a random boy around Monty didn't seem like a good idea. As long as you keep things friendly though it might be ok. ¨Maybe...We will see¨ You gave a small smile. Nathan walked you over towards the slide, and smiled back. ¨You go first! Ill meet you down there¨

That sounded like a good deal, and you slid down into the ballpit, pretending like you have never been here a day in your life. Nathan followed suit, helping you out onto one of the rainbow bridges as he led you towards Sunny, who had moved on from having a tea party, to supervising the little ones that were in the jungle gym.

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