Pillow Princess

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(Smut, and mention of a pregnant reader in this chapter. If you do not like that, don't read!)
Sun had gotten 100 percent better boundary wise. He would let you do anything you wanted, as long as it didn't require sleeping with other animatronics, or saying bad things around the kids. He was very protective of the little ones after all.

You hadn't seen moon in a little while. He had come out when you were gone, either talking to Chica, or doing other things around the pizza plex.

It was a mystery how Moon would act towards you if someone just so happened to flip off the lights.

As of now, however, you found yourself sitting in one of the bathroom stalls in the locker room. You felt so sick, and every-time you thought that you were good to go back to the room, you found yourself hunched over the toilet, ready to get sick.

This was no fun. You hadn't been around the kids, so you had no idea what could have gotten you sick.

Maybe it was something you had eaten. Or low Iron. Whatever it was, it needed to hurry up and go away.

You ended up sitting on the gross tile floor of the stall for about 15 minutes before you gained the strength to stand up, and head back towards Sun and Moons room.

Another thing about living here for the time being is how you had changed your sleep schedule. Since you weren't technically employed anymore, or fired for that matter (the company was kind of letting you have free reign of the building as a bandaid for a possible lawsuit), during opening hours you slept most of the time, waking up at 8pm, which was the new closing time.

You had adjusted fine to this, but now your body seemed to be feeling rather weak.

Roxanne and Chica had taken notice to your long stay in the bathroom, so when you left the locker room looking rather pale and tired, they looked very concerned.

"Are you feeling ok, (Y/N)...?" Chica asked, and you shook your head a little. Feeling Roxanne pick you up..

They carried you to your room, laying you down on the bed and standing over you. Sun had taken notice of your appearance, rushing onto the balcony and past the curtains so he could check on you.

¨Oh, Sunbite- you don't look too swell...¨

Sun stepped closer, and examined your features. Noting all the color missing from your face.

¨Where was she?¨ Sun asked, wondering if maybe something had frightened you. Chica hummed.

¨Me and Roxy saw her leaving the Locker room...she didn't feel good so we helped her back here. Some rest or something would probably help...¨

¨Poor thing...¨ Roxy muttered.

You were starting to feel a little better though. The light headedness was easing up now that you weren't moving around. Ÿou had also realized what it could be.

You wondered how long it would take the others to find out.

¨I appreciate you guys, but the staring is kind of creepy...¨ you whispered. Chica and Roxy moving their eyes away from you. ¨We will head back downstairs, (Y/N)...If you need us, just give a shout¨

And with that they left. On instinct however, Chica had shut off the lights upon leaving the room. She hadn't  meant to, but you pulled the blanket all the way up to your chin, hiding under it kind of. You feared what Moon would say, or rather, do.

¨Mmm...Long time no see, Doll...¨ He chuckled, crouching beside the bed as he took in the sight of you. Moon wasn't naive though, and he snaked a hand under the blanket, touching your stomach teasingly.

Sunshine and Lollipops (Sun/Moon X Reader)Where stories live. Discover now