𝑻 𝑾 𝑬 𝑵 𝑻 𝒀 - 𝑻 𝑯 𝑹 𝑬 𝑬 ♱

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a nervous Victoria stands in front of me and I have no idea why she is acting this way, but it makes me feel uncomfortable too. "Baby, what is wrong", I cup on her cheeks, making her watch in my eyes. "Victoria!", I snap, pulling a hand for my mouth, shocked, because I snapped at her. "I'm sorry, I'm sorry". She stays quiet, giving me so many questions about what is going with her. "Viccy, please", she did not even came inside. Maddison is taking Lina, Vincenzo and Mauro towards a playground, so no one is home.

"I-", she stops, when I pull her inside, placing her on the couch, without saying something. "Now, please talk to me", I grab both her hands, but she pulls them away. "Victoria? What is going on", I'm starting to sound a little annoyed, but I just want to know what it going on in her head. I get up, walking towards the kitchen, to make her something to drink. "I don't need anything", she says, quickly. I walk back and sit down again, trying to look patient, which I'm completely not.


"Okay, Olivia listen", I start, getting the feeling I have to puke. "I listen", she is impatient, and I don't blame her. "The last days, something is bothering me", I swallow, and breath I and out. "What? Let me help you", Olivia crawls closer to me. "About us", I hold my breath, desperately waiting for an reaction. "Us is bothering you?". She deserves answers, and to know why and what, but even I have actually no idea. "No not exactly, I don't know Liv, I have no idea. Something is just not feeling right". The fact that she lets go of me, makes me know she is shocked.

"Livvy?", I make a fist, to avoid my tears. "You tell me this now?", she gets up, looking shocked and angry at the same time. "So you actually don't love me", her words are the key to my tears, and they start rolling down my cheek. "No! Olivia no! I love you, I love you so fucking much baby", I try to grab her arm, to press her against me, but in a movement she pushes me away. "I gave you everything! All my love, everything, and now you're telling me 'something doesn't feels right'". I stay quiet, hoping she would be the one to say something. "Go away, please go away", sobbing, Olivia sends me away.

"Livvy please please listen", I make a little run towards her, grabbing her cheeks with both hands. "No! You can't do this after we spend two months together, I thought you loved me", she snaps, opening the front door. "Leave!", she yells harder, and out of fear I quickly step out, before she slams with the door. My legs run, as fast as they can towards my scooter. I'm so stupid, and Olivia is right, she is right for one hundred percent.

The sun disappeared, the moon came. The stores closed, the restaurants and clubs open. I jump on my scooter, tears are covering my eyes. Faster than normal I drive away, towards home. Until a car is heading towards me, I try to avoid it, by stopping as fast as I can, but I am too late. Less than a second later, I feel the ground under me, unbearable pain in my head, followed by screams of people and blood running down my face. And than, nothing, only black.


How could she, after everything we did together. I gave her all the love I had in me, just to make sure she wouldn't think I did not love her. And now this, I have no idea what to do or say. Crying I let myself fall against the door after I closed it, and I fall on the floor, hinding my face in my hands. My phone rings, and I ignore it, until it rings again, and again and again. "What?!", screaming and crying into my phone I pick up, noticing Thomas called.

"Did Victoria came?", he asks, sounding concerned. "I fucking thought she loved me, I gave her all my love, and all I got from her was this", I know Thomas can't help it, but at this point I'm angry at the whole world. "Liv stop, she cried the whole day because she feels this way, and you know she loves you", Thomas says, and I swallow. "She literally told me 'us' didn't feel right", with a towel I wipe my tears away, but my cheeks immediately cover themselves with new ones.

Thomas says something, but I can't hear it, because the noise of the sirens of an ambulance are too load. "Wait Thom, I can't hear you", I yell, seeing the lights of an ambulance stopping a few houses away. I swallow and walk towards the window, just to look what happened. "Liv?", Thomas interrupts my walking and I stop. "I'm sorry, I heard an ambulance, and I have to look what happened", I say, and Thomas chuckles. I open the creme colored curtains and look at the ambulance a few houses away. Many people are standing around it, and I see a car, which is half-broken.

"Oh my gosh, no", I scream, as soon as I recognize Victoria her scooter, laying in pieces on the road. "What?!", Thomas snaps into the phone, but I drop it, running towards the door. "Olivia?!", I hear Thomas still screaming into the phone, and as soon as I can I pull on my shoes, running back towards the phone. "It's Viccy, come quick", as soon as I finish my sentence, he hangs up the phone, I can't blame him, but I can blame myself.

In the hall I stumple over a random shoe, which is laying there. I crawl up and start running, faster than I ever did, towards the mass of people who are standing in front of Victoria, with many people around it.  


Oh no no no

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