𝑭 𝑶 𝑼 𝑹 𝑻 𝑬 𝑬 𝑵 ♱

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"And we are back!", my key unlocks the door and I take Victoria inside my house. "We?!", Maddison almost runs out of the kitchen and starts smiling when she sees me holding Victoria her hand. "I knew it would happen!", she squealed and I started to blush. "She is staying for diner", I say, and my girlfriend takes off her shoes and coat, walking with Maddison towards the kids who are helping setting up the table.

While diner Lina and Vincenzo ask Victoria a thousand question, and I just watch her explaining what it's like to be a famous rockstar. "Are you staying for tonight, because then I'm taking them to a hotel", Maddison chuckled, and I give her my middle finger. "She is staying, but don't be weird". "Oh, so I'm staying", Victoria giggles and I squeeze in her leg. "Yes you are". Maddison closes Lina her eyes with her hands and Mauro chokes in his spit. "You guys are digusting", he says and Victoria and I both laugh.

"Please girls, just leave to your room if you wanna be alone", Maddison sighs, walking into the kitchen. Victoria just continues kissing me, softly. "Viccy, Maddie doesn't like the view I believe", I caress her cheek and place a little kiss on her nose. "Let's go than", she says, taking me towards my bedroom. Maddison still looks shocked at us, while we walk away.

"Your family is adorable", Victoria says, giggling. Biting on my lip, I watch my girlfriend looking through my room, stopping at the memorial place for my parents. "I have something like this too, for my mom", she pulls me close to her body and kisses my forehead. "I miss them every moment", I say, swallowing. "Enough sadness, let's go take a bath", I wipe Victoria her tears and my own away, leading her towards my bathroom. Although my room isn't than huge, my bathroom is. I have a shower and bubble bath in one, and a huge sink.

"Omg I love that", she squeals, and I turn on the hot water and the bubbles. Behind me I hear Victoria pulling off her belt, which makes my heart beat a little loader. "Can you help me?", she asks, and when I turn around she points at her shirt, and I just can see she is not wearing anything under it. With my hand I turn her around, making me stand against her back. Softly I help her taking off her shirt. When my fingers touch the skin on her stomach, chills appear on her body.

My girlfriend throws her head backwarts and I place my lips in her neck. "It's time to get into the bath", teasing, I tell her. "Please don't stop", a soft voice comes out of her lips, and I chuckle, breaking off my kisses. "Help me out too", I turn around, gesturing Victoria to take off my blouse. The bubble bath is almost full, when we both get in, naked. In the corner stand a bottle of wine, from my last bath a few days ago. "Can I?", she ask, and I nod.

She makes me lay down on her body, between her legs, with my head resting on her chest. "I love that you are mine now", she says, giving me butterflies and chills at the same time, by stroking my arms. "I love the fact that I found someone so beautiful and special as you, baby", I lead her hand towards my mouth, and place little kisses on it, while little kisses from her land on my hair. Her heart beat is load, so is mine.

Within less than five seconds I make myself get up, so I sit on top of my girlfriend, drowning in her beautiful eyes. I cup her cheek with my hand, while her nails run over my back. The tension raised and we both were so desperate for each other, but not in a toxic way like we used to. As soon as my lips touch hers, a long intense kiss starts, and I never wants it to end. How sweet and soft the kiss was, in a rough movement, Victoria pressed her body on mine, and she pulled on my hair, very gently. "Don't you dare say that you're a toxic slut once more, my princess", she orders, not taking her lipe away. "I will not, my princess charming", I giggle against her lips, biting in her the lower one.

Literally for minutes long we kissed, caressed and hugged each other, and we both don't want it to stop. "Viccy, no please", I take her hand, avoiding that she might get out of the bath. "Livvy, I need to change, and go to bed, I have rehearsels tomorrow", she kisses me, and steps out of the bath, looking very good. "Are you going home?", a little scared that she will leave I ask her. "Of course not my love". Relief makes me sigh, watching my girlfriend get dressed into a fluffy dark pink pajama. "Never expected to see Victoria de Angelis in a dark pink pajama", I chuckle.

"I bough a light pink one for you my love", the same pajama, but in a different color appears out of her bag and my heart literally melts. "O my gosh Victoria", I grab her hand, and place as many kisses as possible on it. "I'm so damn lucky with you Viccy". "Where would you be without me", she grinned, stepping out of my bathroom, leaving me in the in the meantime cold water.

"Come here", Victoria invites me in my own bed, in her arms. Bright smiling I step into my bed, under the warm sheets and together with my beautiful girlfriend. She wraps her arms around my neck and my fingers run over her back, while we just lay there, looking in eah others eyes. From one moment to another I feel a tear rolling down my cheek. "Princess, what's wrong?", Victoria asks, wipng the tear away. "I'm scared I'll fuck up again, and that I'll break your heart agai-", her warm lips pressing on mine interrupt my sentence.

Both her hand caress my cheeks, and she pushes herself closer to me than she already was. "Stop thinking about yourself in that way, you are not like that", she takes a deep breath. "For me you are perfect, and you are good enough, don't think your less". I mean it, and I mean it a lot, where would I be without her. I would still be the old Olivia. The Olivia who was heartless, and always looking for one night stands. Soft kisses on my cheeks interrupt my thoughts, it's Victoria who kisses my tears away. "Thanks Viccy, I love you". "I love you way more, otherwise I would still hate you", the bassist said, bright smiling


I love them way too much, and no the story won't be over, I got some things planneddd 

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