Blonde and Brunette

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It wasn't long before Zulema went back into the caravan, making sure she had finished her cigarette first, otherwise she'd never hear the end of it from la Rubia. Maca always gets so mad whenever Zulema smokes inside the van. When she stepped through the door, she heard the shower running. Secretly, she had this small urge to rip off her clothes and jump in the shower with Macarena. To feel her wet, smooth skin on hers, to smell the fresh coconut shampoo in her hair, to kiss her all over as their bodies mingled together under the raining water. But unfortunately, it was all her fantasy. She couldn't. Not now.

As the sound of the running water tormented her mind, she sat reading through a jewellery magazine, probably planning her next heist; trying to distract her mind.
All was peaceful and relaxing until a sudden crackle sounded from the radio that was sat on the table in front of her. Her eyes suddenly darted to it, her heart racing. She dropped her magazine onto the table, staring at the radio in anticipation for it to speak.
"Carlos? I heard from Rodriguez that you were on your way through el Calle Lobo and heading towards some forest. That's the last he heard from you. Hope you're ok man-"

Zulema's heart skipped a beat. Shit. He knows where he was heading. Which means he could easily find his way here. She quickly jumped out of her seat and ran the few metres to the shower door. "Maca Maca!" She yelled as she pounded on the door of the shower.
"Qué!" Came the underwater, blurred muffle from inside.
"Abre la puerta! Ya!"
"What, why?" Maca shouted.
"Just do it, coño!"
Zulema waited restlessly outside the shower door, impatiently waiting for her to come out. The door suddenly slid open as a hand reached out and grabbed the towel that was hanging on the hook. Zulema saw Maca's wet, shining skin through the tiny gap in the door. She wanted her again, so badly. But now still wasn't the time. Tying the towel around her, Maca stepped out of the shower, soaking wet.
"This better be good Zulema. I wasn't finished washing my hair!"
"Cállate. He's coming," was the only thing she could say.
"Qué?" Maca's face suddenly changed.
"The guy. He knows where Carlos was going. He's coming," Zulema explained, trying to keep calm.
"Joder!" Maca said as she stood there with nothing but her towel covering her. It was a sight that very much pleased Zulema's eyes. But now was not the time.
"Well what are we gonna do?!" Maca panicked.
"I don't know. We just need to prepare ourselves. We don't know if he'll even find us yet," Zulema replied.
"Oh so now you want to prepare!" Maca said.
"Yes, Rubia! It's clearer now that he could find us!"
"Of course he will find us!" Maca said as though they never get any good luck.


The dreaded sound of tires grinding on gravel, was suddenly heard in the near distance. Zulema immediately ran to the window and peered out, carefully. "He's here!" She shouted as she turned back to Maca.
"Shit!" The blonde replied.
"Quickly Rubia, get some clothes on!" Zulema said hurriedly as she ran to the cabinet to retrieve two guns. At the same time, Maca scrambled around for some clothes. She managed to find a fresh pair of blue jeans and her tiger top. Zulema ran to the window again, where she watched the car approach in the distance. With Zulema looking away, Maca dropped her towel and picked up her top; there was no time for her bra. Just as she was about to put on her shirt, Zulema turned around. Maca gasped but didn't try to cover herself quickly. There was no need. They'd seen each other naked by this point. Even though they can barely remember last night, they both know they'd seen each other with no clothes on. There was a kind of feeling of regret for last night. They just couldn't make up their minds. And besides, there was much more important things happening right now that they needed to concentrate on.
Zulema just casually looked away.

Dios. This woman is going to play on her mind.

She searched around for extra ammunition in case, as Maca slipped on her underpants and jeans.
"Ready?" Zulema asked.
"Claro," Maca replied as Zulema handed her a gun. She loaded it. Zulema put her gun in the pocket of her pants and Maca did the same.

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