Sometimes the pain is physical

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"Aghhh joder!" Screamed Maca from the back of the car. She held onto her leg as blood still seamed from the wound.
"Not far now Rubia. Hold on for me," zulema replied. Carefully but quickly she turned her head around to check on maca. She saw her wincing in pain and a look of severe worry appeared on the brunettes face. Maca kept tossing and turning from the pain, hoping that it would ease. Turning back around, zulema pushed her foot further to the floor. They needed to get there quicker. Now.

As time passed, there became less and less noise and movement from the blonde in the back of the car. After a while, zulema realised something was different and began to worry. Keeping her eyes on the road, she spoke, "Maca? Estas bien?"

No reply.

"Maca?" This time, she turned around. Her stomach suddenly dropped as to her dreaded feeling, she saw Maca was motionless and her eyes were shut. "Maca!" She shouted as she tried to drive whilst looking back at her. "Maca wake up!" Slowing the car, she tried to lean back and grab one of Maca's hands. "It's ok rubia. We're nearly there. We're nearly home. Hold on." She held onto her hand as she continued to drive with the other.

Five, ten minutes passed and they finally reached their little blue caravan by the lake. Zulema sped into a halt, whirling up a cloud of dust, not giving a care about where she dumped the car. The only thing that mattered now was saving her friends life. She hurried out of the car and quickly flung open the door to get Maca out. A wave of sympathy and worry engulfed Zulema as she looked down at the blondes head below. For a moment she stood over her head and didn't know what to do.

'Come on Zulema. You know what to do now.'

Snapping back into reality, Zulema quickly clasped maca under her arms with her arms and slowly began to pull her, head first, out of the car. There was still no response from Maca. Zulema began to worry more and more. Bending down, she managed to scoop the blonde into her arms and hurriedly carry her to the caravan. "Hey Rubia. We're here. You're gonna be fine," Zulema said, hoping she'd be able to wake her up.

She kicked the door open with her black boot and carried Macarena inside. She had to think strategically about how she was going to help Maca's leg. She carefully lay the blondie on the sofa bed that they shared every night. That damn thing is so small they can barely both fit on there. Some nights, they would have to sleep really close to avoid falling off the edge. Many times Zulema would roll over to find Maca's face just centre meters away from hers. Most nights they would have to almost spoon each other in order for both to stay on the bed. That damn bed. Zulema loved it really. And now, it has proven very helpful for supporting a hurt Macarena.

In a state of hurry, Zulema darted around the van to try and find the first aid kit they kept in case of emergencies like this. They both knew that one day something might happen to one of them, and that they wouldn't be able to seek help at a hospital. It was a grave risk they took each time and they knew the consequences if they weren't careful. That's why on every heist they would need to be so careful and ensure each other's safety. Taking huge risks was not an option in this game.

Eventually, after what seemed like a never ending hunt, zulema found the first aid kit and ran back to Maca's side. She still lay with her eyes closed, motionless. "Maca, despierta. Maca!" She gently shook maca by the shoulders to try and wake her. No response. "Maca!"
Zulema needed Maca's help to take her jeans off if she wanted to successfully sort her wound. It was going to be difficult without her awake. As Zulema began to lose hope and drifted into a pause of uncertainty of what the hell to do, maca started to stir and fidget. "Maca!" She cried as she tried to help her wake. "Maca soy yo. Zulema."

"Zulema-" Maca breathed in a hushed voice with her eyes still shut.
"Estoy aquí." Came the reply.
"Agghhhh!" Obviously maca could feel the immense pain once again as it suddenly woke her up fully.
"Maca, im going to have to take your jeans off. Vale?"
"Sí, sí. Ayud-a-me!" Maca cried. With no hesitation, zulema began to quickly pull off Maca's jeans to reveal her very serious wound. It was still seeping with blood; something needed to be done quickly. "Just relax rubia. This is going to be painful but I'll do it as quickly as I can, vale?"
Maca nodded in response as she prepared for Zulema's doctor skills. She completely trusted the brunette with this. With her life. She knew she'd be careful and keep her safe. She knew nothing could happen to her if zulema was around. She knew that zulema wouldn't let her get hurt or be in danger.

And with that, Zulema began to cut the bullet out of the wound in Maca's thigh, as cries of pain escaped from maca. After finding the hidden bullet, the most painful part arrived: stitching up the wound. Maca seemed to cry out more with the stitching. "Oye Maca. I'm nearly finished. Just hang on for two more minutes vale?" Zulema soothed as she picked up Maca's hand and held it in hers for a moment. Maca squeezed her hand as she flung her head back in pain.

Once she'd finished she wrapped a bandage around her leg to prevent any more bleeding or infection. "You need to rest now," she said as she tidied away the first aid kit.

"But the money," maca replied without a care about herself.
"It's fine Maca. We had to leave it. What matters is that we're both ok. That you're ok," zulema replied trying to prevent Maca becoming upset and worried about the money. She sometimes wondered whether all the money had gone to Maca's head and she'd become obsessed. Or does maca have too much self control for that to happen?

"You need to rest now."
"Gracias, Zulema," Maca thanked as Zulema stood up and walked away to return the kit. She didn't reply.
"Seems you're quite the doctor when you want to be," maca chuckled as she began to get as comfy as she could, despite the amount of pain she was in due to the lack of painkillers around.
"Suppose I am," came the reply in unison with a smile from the brunette. And the blonde.
"Here. Take these," Zulema said as she walked back over to maca holding a couple pills.
"Not trying to drug me Zulema?" Maca chuckled as she held out her hand.
"Just take them Rubia. It'll help with the pain," she handed her a glass of water and the pills as Maca watched her. It was very strange. As one minute zulema is kind to the blondie but the next minute she can be angry or short tempered with her. Deep down there were hidden feelings for her that she just didn't want to accept or admit. The feelings and not doing anything about them make her angry. Mostly the pain is mentally as she knows nothing would ever happen. The same goes for Maca. They just both don't know that they both feel the same. But today the pain was physical. Well, for Maca anyway. She felt the true extent of the danger they're putting themselves in. And in a way, the pain was physical for Zulema also. Her heart ached. Oh how it ached...

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