From teacher to student

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Those three cherished hours flew by and it was nearly 7:00 am. As the gleaming sun pierced through the window, Zulema began to open her eyes. She lay still for a moment, trying to wake herself up carefully as the blinding sun hit her sensitive morning eyes. Adjusting to the light, she opened them fully and looked down in confusion. With a puzzled expression, she noticed her arm around Maca. 'What's going on?' She thought as she had forgotten what she had done the night before. Her comforting act she did was not something she is used to or does very often. It was merely an impulse. What felt right.

Slowly, she tried to lift her arm up and move away to get out of bed, but she found that her hand wouldn't move. She stretched over Maca to find that she was holding her hand, their fingers still remaining interlocked, and clutching it to her chest. There was no chance of Zulema leaving. As much as she thought this was sweet, she really needed the toilet and she realised that the shooting lesson starts in 15 minutes. How was she going to get out of this? It did worry her also, since this type of connection is not something she's comfortable with. She never has been. Zulema has never liked physical contact with other people unless it was with a lover, and even then it was usually brief and quick and resulted in never seeing the same guy again.

She gradually attempted to unlock her hand from Maca's grip but it was no good. 'Maybe if I just knee her in the back, she'll wake up and I'll be free.' She thought. After minutes of contemplating, she decided to go for it. Leaning over the blonde again, she tried using her other free hand to unlock her fingers from Macas. Carefully, she eventually managed to free her hand. Maca started to fidget around, turning herself more onto her side. Zulema saw this as an indication that she was still half asleep so she didn't want to disturb her. She knew she needed the sleep after all her crying last night. 'Bless her,' she thought as she looked down at Maca's blonde locks as she sat on the bed.

She slowly climbed out of bed and got herself dressed into her usual black cargo pants and bomber jacket. Zulema began to make two cups of coffee when it wasn't long after that Maca began to wake up. She rolled to her other side and opened her eyes to the brunette. She was stood pouring the water into the mugs.
Maca, still really drowsy, made a morning moan noise because she didn't want to be up this early.
"Good morning to you too," remarked Zulema as she stirred the coffees.
"It's too early," came the miserable reply from the blonde who attempted sitting up.
"Oh stop being a child Rubia. It's not early," she joked as she walked over to Maca and handed her a cup of warm coffee. "Here, drink this. You've got to be alert for your shooting lesson this morning. Which, by the way, starts in 7 minutes," Zulema stated as she started to walk away.
"What! No it's too soon Zulema. I'm not even out of bed!"

"Well you better get moving. Come on," she said with a comical tone to her voice as she left the trailer. Lighting up a cigarette, she took a seat on the step of the van. Maca sipped her coffee which was surprisingly nice for once. Zulema always makes coffee way too strong for Maca's or anyone's liking. She always dreaded having a coffee off of her because it always tasted too strong. But this one was good so she drank it all quickly so she could get dressed. Just as she was about to get off the bed, Zulema entered the caravan again.
"Come on Rubia. 2 minutes..." she said as she got a bottle of water out from their tiny fridge.
"Zulema..." Maca quietly queried.
"Sí?" She said as she knew what was about to come. She stood by the table, as if contemplating whether to sit down or not.
"I just wanted to say thank you," Macarena said, looking softly and warmly into the brunettes eyes.
"Para que?" Zulema frowned in confusion.
"For last night. It- it really meant a lot."
"De nada," she replied quickly and subtly as if trying to avoid this conversation. She didn't look the blondie in the eyes but stared at the bottle in her hand before opening it and taking a big swig of water, almost as if to calm her nerves.
"I mean it," Macarena assured so Zulema knew she was being serious. She continued looking up at Zulema who wasn't looking at her.
"Well, it's what anyone would've done."
"But you aren't just anyone. You're Zulema." This hit Zulema with a double beat to her heart. Those words made her heart jump. Now, she looked at Maca.
"You can be nice when you want to," the blonde continued with a smile. Zulema resisted but a small smile cornered her mouth which she tried to hide away quickly.

If it was up to Zulema she would never talk about these kind of things. She'd prefer not to even mention what happened last night. It was an impulse; a spur of the moment that she thought was necessary and supportive. Nothing more. She didn't want it to be a big deal.

Zulema quietly slipped out of the van as Maca pulled on a grey hoodie. She watched the brunette as she left. So many things were swimming round her head after last night. She was beginning to feel things for this woman that she never had before. For this woman who she'd spent so long hating with all her being. It's crazy how things can change so much so quickly...

"Venga Rubia. It's 7:03," said Zulema as Maca stepped out of the van with a yawn as the morning sun hit her. "Have you got your gun?" She asked the blonde with curiosity.
"Well that's not a good start is it."

Maca looked at her with a look of confusion as she walked towards her.
"Here," Zulema handed her the gun in her hand. "You can use mine. It's better than yours anyway," she remarked. Maca just looked at her not knowing whether to smile or scowl.
"Let's get this over with. I'm tired," Maca said as she walked away to where she thought she should go to start the lesson. Zulema followed.
"Vale. First, you need to stand here. Not there," she pointed to the ground further back behind Maca. Macarena, with a thought that this was not going to go well, moved to the spot she was told. It was in the line of a few targets that Zulema had placed on a big rock ahead.
"Now part your legs a bit more. You need to perfect your stance before you even think about shooting Rubia," she explained, gesturing her hand near Maca's leg to get her to move it back slightly. "Más," she gestured again as Maca moved her leg back more. "Mejor. Now, hold the gun out in front of you like you know," she continued. "Straighten your arms; lock them," she said as she stepped closer to Maca and pulled her arms straight. "But relax your shoulders." Zulema held Maca's shoulder to tell her to relax it.
"Are you sure this is right?" Maca dared to question.
"Maca, if you're asking me that then you clearly don't know me well enough. I know what I'm talking about."
Maca looked at the brunette from the corner of her right eye.
"No wonder you don't know what you're doing. Have you even used a gun before?"
"Of course I have!" Maca snapped.
"You seem like an amateur Rubia, even though we've been doing gun-point heists for one year," she said. "Alright. Now get your eye-line, concentrate, and fire at one of those cans," was the next order.
Maca did as she was told and fired. But she missed and the bullet shot off behind the rock.
"Puta mierda, Rubia. Otra vez."
Maca re-positioned herself and held the gun ready.
"Legs. Prepare your stance before you even attempt to shoot," Zulema reminded her.
She tried again but still didn't hit the target.
"Joder Maca," Zulema sighed in a quiet voice as she walked up to her. "How the hell did you ever shoot before? How we've ever gotten through so many heists I'll never know," she said. Maca looked at her and rolled her eyes.
"Again," she demanded with more force. Maca prepared her stance before pointing the gun. "Arriba," she said sternly as she pushed Maca's arms up with her one hand.
"Zulema i-"
"Just concentrate Rubia," she interrupted. Standing behind the blondie, she moved closer until Maca could feel her body behind her back. Zulema leaned over Maca and placed her hand on top of Maca's hand to guide her. She looked over Maca's shoulder, her breath tickling the side of her neck as she spoke, sending shivers down Maca's spine. "Now, aim and shoot." Maca couldn't concentrate, feeling Zulema's breath on the side of her neck; just the close presence of her made her uncomfortable.
Zulema steadied Maca's hand as they both held the gun. Maca pulled the trigger and the bullet shot the can off the rock.
"Muy bonita, Rubia," said Zulema, releasing her hand from the gun. She walked over to the rock to find the can. "You can do it when you concentrate Rubita. Well, and with my assistance," she added.
Macarena smirked and looked up to the sky for a second.
"Joder Maca. You shot that very well," she said surprised as she picked up the can and held it up for Maca to see. It had been blown really far behind the rock. "Now try again. And this time you won't have me to help you," she smiled as she walked back over to Maca.
This time, she managed to hit the can perfectly again as Zulema stood slightly behind her to the side. "Bien bien." Zulema looked at the blonde.
"Not so much of an amateur now," she turned her head to Zulema and a cheeky smile spread on her face...

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