The Return of the Spark

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As Maca sped towards the parked caravan, she noticed Zulema stood outside, holding her gun aimed towards her. Braking the car to a sudden stop as she approached closer to Zulema, she quickly switched off the engine and jumped out of the car. "Zulema!" She said, almost as a sigh of relief that she is not alone in this situation anymore. Maca walked swiftly to Zulema, pulling out her gun.
"Estás bien?" She asked the blondie, not moving the position of her gun. Zulema imagined that the cop was not far behind. He would be here soon.
"Sí. Mas o menos," she replied, catching her breath after the heart-pounding car chase. "Although, I'm never going shopping alone again. You'll have to come next time," she continued, slightly annoyed that, yet again, it was herself that went out shopping and not Zulema.
"Vale. If I must. Although I fucking hate it, Rubia," came the reply.
"Well you're gonna have to Zulema! I've just driven like a fucking mad woman because, yet again, I was the one to go to the fucking store! It's always me!" She shouted angrily.
"Vale! Joder, Rubia."
Maca got her gun ready. She was now a bit more prepared than earlier when she got caught with no time.
"How far away from you was he?" She asked Maca.
"Not very far. He should be here any second now." She held her gun ready, pointing it at the gap in the trees. The anticipation rose, more and more, waiting for the rumble of car tires to come speeding towards them. The two women stood side by side, metres apart, guns raised. Their breathing quickened; hearts racing. Anything could happen.
Suddenly, the sound of a car became clear, as Macarena and Zulema braced themselves.

There it is. The policeman drove towards them and stopped his car.
"Sal del coche!" Zulema shouted to the man, pointing her gun right at him. Maca stood doing the same. This time, Maca was holding a gun at someone with a bit more courage and bravery than the last time. As she stood there, waiting, she thought about how much Zulema's shooting lesson had helped her. She didn't feel scared, standing there, pointing a gun at someone. The shock of such an act had shaken Maca during the stand off with the stranger. Something had changed inside of her. But now, she felt different; braver. And it was thanks to the woman stood beside her. So it's true, when two people work together, anything can be achieved. Which was surprising with Zulema.

The policeman slowly exited his car, holding his gun in his hand. "Baja la arma!" Zulema shouted once again.
"Y tú!" The man replied. He slowly stepped away from the car, gun now poised at Zulema. But he has a problem. He's faced with two guns. And he's on his own, with one. He can't possibly shoot because the other woman would surely just shoot him?
"Drop your weapon!" He shouted again, gradually taking steps closer.
"No! Stay where you are!" Macarena shouted this time. Zulema turned her head to look at her. She's shocked that Maca even spoke. Zulema had a face of shock and excitement. La Rubia had spoken. It was time for business...
She turned her energised gaze back to the policeman.
The man ignored the women once again, and continued approaching.
"Oye! She said stop!" Zulema shouted, angry that he had ignored Maca and herself.
"This is the police and I am ordering you to lower your weapon!"
They both stayed holding their position, guns poised, ready.
"Stop! Stay where you are!" Zulema ordered, as the man came even closer. She held her gun tighter.
"You'll give me no option but to shoot! Drop your weapon!" He shouted.
The policeman mistook Zulema and thought she was about to shoot him, so he fired his gun but the bullet swept past her, just missing her arm. At the same time, another shot was fired. This one at the policeman and not by Zulema. It was Maca. She pulled the trigger and the bullet hit the man right in the centre of his chest. He dropped to the floor, dead.
In complete shock, Zulema looked at Maca beside her, her mouth wide open. Maca was still holding her gun, pointed at the man who lay still on the floor. Her breathing was heavy, creating clouds in the cold air. Zulema didn't know what to say. She was truly lost for words. All she could do was laugh.
"Vaya, Rubia. Vaya vaya."
Maca didn't look at her; she was trying to process what had just happened.
"Well it looks like that lesson I gave you, finally paid off, Rubia!" Zulema laughed with a shocked face.
"I need a drink," came the reply from Maca. The only thing she could manage to say. Her response just made Zulema laugh even more. Maca began to walk away, back towards the van, with a stern, frozen expression. She didn't blink, smile, or barely even move apart from her legs that took her into the caravan. Zulema nodded her head, chuckled, and followed her.

"That was quite a shot Rubia," said Zulema as she entered the van and walked over to Maca who was sat at the table, a beer in her hand. She still held that plain expression, almost staring into space.
"Lo sé," finally Maca replied, before taking a sip of her drink.
"And you weren't nervous?" Zulema asked, intrigued.
Zulema took a seat opposite her, and sat with her hands on the table.
"You know, your shot, kinda saved my life." Zulema struggled to say those words. She didn't want to admit that someone else had saved her.
"I know. You're welcome."
"If you hadn't have done it, he'd have probably shot me again. And that time, he wouldn't have missed."
"It's what anyone would've done," Maca said.
"No, Maca. It's not," Zulema replied, causing Maca to look at her. "You did it because you've changed and you saw how, for some unknown reason, I froze."
Maca stared into Zulema's eyes; she'd never known this strong, brave woman to ever mess up during anything, especially not something like a shoot out. Maca didn't know what to say. So she continued to just look at Zulema, hoping she would say something to break the tension.
"But we still have one problem..." Zulema added.
"The body."
"Oh shit." Said Maca.
"We're going to have to bury it, Rubia," Zulema explained, much to Maca's dread. She looked down at the table and sighed. Maca hated things like this; trying to cover up their crimes. They've only ever had to bury a body once before. And Maca hated it.
"Joder. Vale," Maca looked up from the table and back to Zulema. She'd given in.
"We also need to hope that he didn't contact any of his colleagues, otherwise we are screwed." Zulema added. "Because if he told them who he'd found and where he was heading, then we're fucked, Rubia."
They both sat still, contemplating on what could possibly happen. If the cop had radioed to his colleagues, then there is a high chance they were on their way. But Zulema and Macarena had to remain positive.
"Let's not worry about that just yet. We need to bury the bastard first. Then at least our tracks are covered," Zulema explained as she rose from her seat. Heading to the door, she spoke again, "venga Rubia. Bring the shovel; you know where it is." It's true, Maca does know where the shovel is. She was the one who left it behind the caravan after they buried that man a few months ago. She'd sworn never to have to use it again, but now she has to get it out again. Zulema could get it herself, but she finds it way too much fun to make la rubia get it.

Following Zulema out of the van, she collected the shovel from around the other side and walked over to Zulema who was stood by the body. "Here we go again, Rubia." Maca looked at the brunette and sighed. "We need to move him first," Zulema added. Together, they carried the body closer to the edge of the woods, and dropped him where they thought would be the best place to bury him.

"Do you wanna start or shall I?" Zulema smirked.
"I'll do it," Maca replied before she forcefully struck the shovel into the ground. Maca thought that since she killed him, it was only fair she dug the hole. Zulema, meanwhile, stood watching at how Maca was digging up the mud. She could see the frustration and power in her, and she liked to see it. It had been a long time since Zulema had seen this in her crime partner. For some reason, and Zulema couldn't figure it out, Maca had changed and become more afraid, in a way. As she stood admiring her, Zulema wondered whether it was due to Maca getting shot during their jewellery heist a few weeks ago. Maybe that's what made her lose her confidence? But whatever it was, it had gone now and the old Maca that Zulema liked so much was back. She loved Maca's energy and willingness to be reckless.

Her spark was back, and Zulema liked it...

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