The Past

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"It got you good," I hear a girl says as my vision fades between darkness and light.

Eventually, the darkness consumes me once again.

My eyes snap open as I look around a dark room.

Where am I?

The last thing I remember is getting caught in a trap and blacking out.

I shuffle around in the comfortable bed I was in.

I felt pain in my left leg.

"Shit," I mutter as I look under the blanket.

My whole left leg under my knee was missing.

That's interesting

No shit

I start feeling the pain in pulses as I realize that my most of my leg is missing.

"Oh great, oh great," I mutter as someone opens the door and light shines through

"Your awake!" Ruby says as the lights come on.

When I saw her...I knew it wasn't Ruby.

She looked like Ruby, but her hair was different, and her usual black and red cape was solid white.

"Where am I?" I say as my leg burns

"You're in a cabin," the lady says

"That helps a bunch," I tease as my face twists in pain.

"Drink this, it's a pain killer," she says passing me a small cup of liquid.

I down it instantly and it burns my throat

"Is that alcohol?" I ask as she smiles

"It's the only thing I had," she mutters

"A friend left it behind," she finishes

"Who are you? You remind me of someone," I say as she looks at me

"I'm Summer...Summer Rose," she tells me as my heart drops...Summer Rose? That's Ruby's mother.

"Do you know someone called Ruby?" I ask her as she nods happily

"Of course I do, that's my daughter's name," she says with a huge smile.

"And how old is your daughter?" I ask her with concern

"She's 3," Summer says confused.

"And why are you out here?" I ask her as she looks at me

"Why are you asking so many questions?" Summer says.

" couldn't believe me," I say as she looks at me with a grin.

"I know some pretty weird stuff," she points out.

"Ok...I'm from the future," I say

"Not that weird," she says sitting down on a chair beside me.

She looks a lot like Ruby. There's a difference...but not a big one.

I find myself staring at her.

"I'm married you know," she says blushing as I look around

"I'm just look a lot like Ruby," I say as she frowns

"You really are from the future," she concludes

"Who's crazier? Me from stating I'm from the future, or you for believing it," I ask her

"Definitely you," she scoffs.

"Yeah...I am a crazed huntsman," I admit as she looks at me.

"How'd you go back in time? Do you know Ruby? How's she doing?" Summer starts asking question after question.

"I'll tell you later," I say as she nods

"First...why are you out here?" I ask her.

"I have an important mission from Ozpin!" She says

"What's that?" I mutter

"Defeat Salem!" She fistbumps herself

The name brings chills to my bones

"Even the future people are scared of her," she says sadly

"Which means," she mutters as I stop her

"Yeah...if that's what your mission never returned," I straight out tell her.

She smiles.

"Oh...I see," she mutters as the atmosphere of the room takes a downturn.

"I...I don't know why...I only intended to go back as far as...well when a Vale started to get destroyed...but looks like I went way too far back," I say as Summer looks at me

"Vale gets destroyed? By who!" She says worriedly.

"Calm down," I say as I feel like my chest is gonna explode.

I've been keeping it a secret...but I can't anymore. If I try to keep's gonna overfill and I won't get another chance.

"I did," I say those two words in a hushed voice. Even still, the two words seemed to echo in the room

"You destroyed Vale?" Summer asks

"Well...I almost did," I admit as she looks more cautious around me.

"In the future...I get brutally tortured and lose my mind," I tell her as her eyes soften a little

"Your better now?" She asks me as I nod

"Yea...I have a clear head now," I see as she nods

"Well, if I'm gonna die this mission...there's no reason to continue it," Summer says

I should go back to the future

You can't

What do you mean?

The future is changed now


Yes...the future is very different now. Follow Summer home and everything will be ok

But Ruby is a child!

I get no reply from my alternate self.


Just great

"Can I...come with you?" I ask her as she laughs

"Of course, I can't leave you to die," she says as I nod

"Thank you," I say as she shrugs

"It's what I do," she mutters

"I think we can leave tomorrow, that's the time I was leaving this cabin anyway," she tells me as I nod

"Sounds good to me," I say as I look at my missing leg.

That's one thing that'll never grow back.

Crazed Huntsman ( Ruby Rose X Male Reader )Where stories live. Discover now