Playground Bomb

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"You're a rat!"




"There's a reason your friends left you!"

My eyes open as I feel the pain all over again.

The physical pain hurt a lot. But the mental attacks were much worse.


The whole HQ shakes as an explosion goes off.

"The hell?" I ask myself as I already know what happened.

One of my bombs went off.

That can't be possible though...I control them directly with my thoughts...which means someone tampered with one


I look outside the window and I see a bloom of smoke.

I turn on the news and see what was affected.

"The Seeker just set off another boom as leaders of nation discuss what to do. Many people of Vale are left asking, what's taking them so long?" the reporter misreports the situation. I didn't set it off that's for sure.

I switch it off as I look around.

"I guess Ruby wants to investigate today," I say as I leave to go to Ruby's

As I walk down the streets, I see the faces of scared citizens. Fear that a bomb can go off at any moment. The anger that the leaders of the other cities are just standing by.

It's going as planned

I see kids running with smiles as their parents look worried.

The will of a parent to make their kids happy despite being in the face of death

I feel sorry...I'm forcing these people through hell...all for no reason.

I don't know why I do this?

For revenge against the people who left you behind...didn't honour you

I don't think so...I'm doing this for no reason


I'm killing people for no reason

To expose the world to what good people are really like. They turn their back on you when you need it the most

I knock on Ruby's door as she opens it

"Hello," she says with dark eyes.

"Finally got some sleep?" I ask her as she nods.

Since Yang was put into a coma, Ruby hasn't gotten any sleep. I finally convinced her to get sleep after she declared that we must find the Seeker.

"Where do you want to start?" I ask her as she comes outside

"I'd like you to inspect one of the bombs," she says as I raise my brow

"Isn't that dangerous?" I ask her as she shakes her head

"As long as we don't touch it, or tamper with it, we should be good," she says as she realizes something.

"You know that we are also trapped in here right?" She asks me

"Yeah, I saw it last night, there's like a force field around the city," I say as she nods

"Maybe look at that too," she says

"Ok, any ideas where we should look for a bomb?" I ask her as she nods

"Yep, they are all over the city. Police are finding them really easily when they actually started looking. They have no-enter zones around them, but I suspect we can find a bomb easily that they haven't found yet," Ruby explains

"Ok," I mutter as we start looking in places.

I know what most of the bombs are, so finding one should be easy.

After a couple of minutes of looking, Ruby found one.

"It looks like your Grimm Bombs," Ruby says as I pretend to look surprised.

"Yeah, maybe whoever made these is someone who handled the Grimm bombs before," I conclude as Ruby nods

"Yeah, maybe they weren't all used in the fight against Salem," Ruby says as Salem's name makes my face pale a little

"Right," I utter as Ruby notices and changes the topic.

"Any way we can deactivate them?" She asks as I shrug

"Depends, if I had my semblance I could make a device that could...but without it I need to dismantle the bombs...which would make it explode and then game over," I tell her

Ruby looked at the bomb and then looked around.

"What sick freak would put a bomb in a playground," she says as I look around too.

"Yeah...they are pretty sick upstairs," I say as kids are running around.

"We should report this one to the police before a kid touches it," Ruby says pulling out her scroll

"Hi, I'd like to report a bom----wait! Don't touch that!" Ruby screams as my attention rushes to what she's looking at it.

A boy, probably around 6 touches the bomb. Ruby was about to start running toward the kid.

I wasn't lying when I stated if the bombs were touched they would explode.

Out of instinct, I grabbed Ruby and placed my body between her and the bomb.

I hugged her into my chest as I waited for the explosion. Within half a second, one of the loudest bangs of my life happened behind me. The explosion pushed me off my feet and I protected Ruby with my life.

We weren't airborne for long, I felt the ground scrape my arms as I attempt to protect Ruby from the impact.

We skated across the ground for a couple of meters before we came to rest.

My ears are ringing and I could barely feel Ruby under me

"Are you ok!" Ruby cries as I barely hear her.

I push my body off her and she looks at me with tears in her eyes

My back burns as I collapse beside her.

"You good?" I ask her in a weak voice

"Are you Ok!" Ruby says quickly as she kneels beside me.

"I'm fine," I mutter as she looks around and starts to cry.

"The kid," she sobs.

I look around and the kid is nowhere to be seen. He had been vaporized.

The way I set the bombs up, is to cause a lesser explosion when someone tempers with it. This is to prevent one bomb from activating another when it explodes...but even in its weak state, it still packs a punch.

"There's we coulda done," I say as Ruby curls up in a ball

"I shoulda paid more a kid is dead...a Kid!" She yells.

I look around and the other kids look to be in serious condition

"Ruby. We couldn't help that kid...but let's help the rest," I tell her as she looks around.

"Right," she says standing up and wiping the tears from her face.

"Let's be heroes!" She says before rushing to help a kid.

I guess I need to play along.

She doesn't even suspect us

Knotavin- I gotta say. I seriously feel like I'll have the FBI have my doorstep. Literally one of the darkest Fanfics I've ever written and probably the one involving the most illegal activities lol.

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