part 6

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Over to Sharman

"Shravan are you sure the Exorcist will like collaborate with us when we literally have ghosts and spirits on our side" Asked Suman as she sat on her broomstick

"What.... You mean you arnt confirmed with this plan.... Oh dear Lord... I should have known this... My wife is a bheegi billi  out side the house but a sherni inside the house.... Oh god she told everyone their roles to play but didn't think about ours thoroughly.... Tell me you did this to bother Rebecca na... What is your problem with that spirit... She is so innocent" Said shravan as he sat on his broomstick

"Acchaa... So you will defend that creepy lady instead of your darling wife? " She asked appalled

"Ugh.... I mean I don't know what happened between the two of you so.. "

"So you automatically assume it's my fault... Dear Lord this wizard is an idiot.... Absolute idiot. "

"Uhm yes? "

"Choomantar" She chanted and the shravan's stick began to turn around in circles.

"Love... Please help"

"Ask Rebecca na.. Why ask me? "

"Sorry love... I love you"

"Love you too" She said and then indie the spell

"Thank the freaking spirits above.... Though I'm curious as to what happened between you and Rebecca that you two have bad blood between yourselves"

"She said witchcraft is a fraud and then I called her fat and then she called me a cow so I called her an owl, she called me Voldemort so I cut her nose and made it reappear again in an odd angle. So now she permanently has a bent nose"

"Remind me never to call you Voldemort"

"Of course.... Looks like we are here"

"Yeah I smell Exorcist"

Below them they saw the Exorcist community with their head Marcus., changing their spells and trapping the devils near bye.

"Good.morning witch and wizard... How shall I help you today? " Asked Marcus as he looked up to the couple

"Help us trap some devils and fight alongside some far, wolves, vampires, angels, witches, wizards, shape shifting animals and ghosts. " Said shravan

"Your working with the spirits! How did you get to them... Quija board... Ghost callers.... Did you call the bhootpolice or ghost busters.... Oh my god... Working with the spirits" Asked Marcus excitedly.

"Ugh they contacted us"said shravan

" So why kill devils? " Asked Marcus

"They took over our home and kicked king dev and queen sonakshi out of their palace and have created havoc in our world" Said Suman

"Ooh a lady so beautiful stuck with a wizard so useless... The name is Marcus and I'm single" He said

"I'm married to this wizard and I love him... So sorry" She said

"Aww shucks....any unmarried wizards in your coven? "

"A few" She replied

"Great then... I'll help... But first do you mind helping us catch these damn vampire mice. "

"Alright let's get started. "

Over to devakshi

"Dev why can't I fly? "

"Because you don't have wings"

"Neither do you"

"Ugh but I'm a vampire"

"I'm an angel"

"Yes but a partial human as well so I guess you didn't inherit the flying gene"

"Ugh so I'll never be able to fly? "

"I'll fly you to places... But you won't be able to go without me.... That is actually so good that way you'll always need me"

"What if I want independence"

"I want another baby.. Let's make babies in the air. "

"Excuse me? "

"Excused let's get started". With this dev made their clothes fly next to them while he held onto Sona while she clung to him for dear life while he pounded her.

" There better not be any shape shifting birds up here watching us. "

"Their arnt love.. Now concentrate on me and the pleasure I give"

"You're crazy"

"But I'm yours"

"Yup all mine" She said and he smiled

"You do know that soha was a miracle... Getting another baby sill be tough"

"I know... But that doesn't mean we can't try"

. Meanwhile jatin and Mira

"Darling catch Luca he is disappearing again.... Only his legs are visible... Put him in the anti magic cot" Said jatin as he struggled to keep his baby snake from eating his feathers

"I'm back guys" Said pushkar as he walked in

"Jeez.... What's going on? Where you is the rest of the gang... I went for a trip to London and come back go my favourite peacocks babysitting all the kids" He continued

"Long story.. But the main points are that we are at war with the devils Asha and bijoy. They are alive for some reason... The rest of the gang left the babies with us and have gone to gather allies... Mainly the wolves, far and Exorcist community" Said Mira

"Mind helping a bit... Your snake our kid is snake hold her while I grab soha" Said jatin and pushkar nodded and  held the baby snake who smiled up at him.

"Soha please don't use your magic.. Your a good baby na... Here eat some lucky charms and fruit loops" Said jatin as he picked the going baby who slapped his head

"Ow" Screamed jatin

"Hey little baby sh sh sh...hey little baby sh sh sh... Good little baby sh sh sh" Sand Mira as she put Luca to. Sleep and went on to handle the baby wizard

"Baby wizars baby wizard where are you.. Nap time nap time... Come out now" She sand as she creeped up to catch the baby behind the bar drinking chocolate milk.

The baby giggled and spilled the cold shake on jatin

"Hey" He said as he shook his  feathers trying to get rid of the milk.

"Hey baby snake how are you.. I'm uncle pushkar... The best for you" He sang as he put shivani to sleep.

He then took soha from jatin and held the baby

"Angels and vampires are souch fun but when this vamangel was born  the fun tripled up.. But sadly now bay it's time to sleep... Sh little. Baby go to sleep... Dream on angels and vampires... Sleep" Sang pushkar as he put soha to. Sleep and plopped her in the anti magic crib with the other four babies

"We are back" Screamed devakshi, Sharman, Rebecca and Alex

"And we got good news" Said Sona as she ran towards her sleeping baby

"Hey pushkar.. How was your trip? " Asked shravan as he kept his bags down

"Awesome.. I found my mate preeti.. She is a simple human... She will come to our world after the war" He replied

"That's great finally a human in the family and not some supernatural creature" Said Sona and everyone laughed.

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