part 5

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Switching over to Rebecca and Alex in the werewolf realm
"Alex are you sure that the wolves still welcome us after what happened a month ago? " Asked Rebecca as she flared through the air with Alex next to her

"Of course they do I mean all we did was call a wolf baby a puppy" He said

"To be exact we called if a domesticated puppy" She replied

"We saved them from being food to the walking Venus fly traps. "

"300 years ago we saved them ... I think they have already considered the debt has been paid since they did help us get rid of the zombies that invaded our realm"

"Yeah but.. They promised us that they would be there for ha whenever we need them"

"I do hope they didn't mean it like us being their snack and that after the job is done... I hope their motto isn't Eat the ghosts up"

"Don't be silly they will just go right through us"

"Really I so believe that sonakshi was able to turn you into a carrot and almost used you to make a carrot soup... What if the wolves have evolved and learned their magic"

"We will do what we do best, if that happens "

"And that is? "

"Run like you mean it and escape the realm"

"If I become dog food today... I'll follow you to hell and make sure to marry you again... I'll even bring our kid along"

"Isn't this hell.... I mean I did marry you after dying? "

"Oh you just did not" With this Rebecca picked up her beautiful heels and began raining the slaps in her husband dearest till he finally apologized

"Sorry darling... I'm just joking" He replied and Rebecca stopped her heel assault on her husband.

"Look we are here... Their is the alpha of all alphas.. King alpha Jordan, his mate queen Luna Jilly and their 18 year old son prince alpha junior james... Commonly known as the triple J family" Said Alex as he swooped down

Rebecca appeared as an entire being while her husband well... The trunk came first, followed by the eyes and mouth

"You majesty" He said just as his feet pooped out

"Forgive us... He has an appearance problem" Said Rebecca as she watched her husbands feet appeared

"It's heredity your majesty.. Passed on from our ancestors" Said Alex as his arms and hands came

"When will the head come? " Asked Seth

"Just about now... Ahaha" Exclaimed Alex as his head appeared

"So your bald? " Asked king Jordan

"Of course not your majesty my hair should arrive as we proceed with the meeting. " He said

"So what does this family own the ghosts presence to? " Asked Jilly as she poured them all a cup of tea and served some rice cakes.

"We need your help in fending of the devils" Said Rebecca

"The devils as in Asha and bijoy, queen sonakshi's parents... " Asked king jorden

"Yup those asshokes need to go back to hell" Said Alex as he watched his hair speeding up to him with a young pup chasing them

"Jimmy dear... Leave Alex's hair alone... Go on now beta Kim has some yummy chicken waiting for you upstair" Said James to his younger  brother.

"Oh so now you all are the quadruple J family" Muttered Rebecca

"Yup... Just had him six months ago... He is just like his father.... Feasty and naughty" Said the queen

"So about our question... Will you help us fight the devils and send them back to their master Satan? " Asked Alex as he fixed his hair

"Of course... Those devils will die... They killed many of our pups during the war with the cursed mates " Said the king.

Just then James stood up and said the one word which made Rebecca tremble

"Mate" He said as he charged full speed towards her husband

"My husband"

"James  found his mate"

Said the two women one terrified the other joyful.

James charged eight through Alex and hugged the girl behind her

"Mate" They whispered and before you know it they were kissing and the clothes were shredding off

"Let's give them some privacy.... I'm sure the younger pups in the daycare  would love to meet you" Said Jilly as she saw her son flip his mate on her back naked and moan

"Yeah... That would be great" Said Rebecca as she tried to block out the fact that the going wolves were mating right behind her

"Word of advice... Don't call them domesticated pups else what happens next won't be our responsibility" Said jorden as be led them out the house.

"Enjoy love dogs" Said Alex as he closed the door

"Wow this pup looks so cute... He is so joyful and he looks just like a wolf" Said Rebecca as she played with a young one

"A wolf pup will look like a wolf... Just like a peacock son will look like a peacock" Said Jilly  as she rolled her eyes

"Uhm I beg to differ your majesty.... We have a shape shifting peacock p
Back at our safe house... He and his wife are both peacock yet their daughter is a snake" Said Alex as he put the pup he was holding down  " It pissed on me " He mouthed to Rebecca in absolute disgust.

"My god... Peacocks gave rise to snakes... That's a first... I would love to meet that young family" Said king jorden

"Of course... They are handling our kids right now but once we all head back we will surely make sure you meet them" Said Rebecca.

"Of course for now... Let's go for a pack run... Our son found his mate" Said Jilly to her hubby

"Of course darling... Anything you want" He replied

"Your majesty we shall also take your leave now... The journey back is long" Said Alex

"Of course... Send us the details of the plan and the date and venue... We shall be their... The entire wolf community shall be their to seek revenge from those leaky devils of hell" Said the king

"Once a person dies.. They should remain dead... How do they come back alive like that? " Asked Jilly

"Like we came back as ghosts" Said Rebecca

"I meant once you die as a supernatural you remain dead.... You do t just come back alive like that" Said Jilly

"Of course... This time we will make sure they remain dead. " Said and Alex and the wolves nodded and waved as they warched the two ghosts fly away. Of course Alex disappeared in fractions but who cares... It a hereditary thing to occur.
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Don't forget to check out my other book
"The Wolf's mate" Chapters are updated daily on that book.

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