The Offer

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「Kumagawa Speech Patterns」
'My son should be coming out any minute now.'

Outside of a school building designed for very young children, a young woman, a very young-looking woman, dressed like a doctor, with a red backpack and bow in her blonde hair, could be seen standing near the front entrance of the school she was at; judging by her name tag on her coat, she was known as Hitomi Hitoyoshi, and she was, no doubt, planning to pick up her child.


While Hitomi was waiting, she suddenly heard something nearby and coming closer, so she looked up and her eyes widened slightly to see what appeared to be a UFO made of junk and random garbage slowly descend from the sky and land right next to her.

"Yes, I built this bitch, yes, I am that smart, and no, I'm much more amazing than that~"

And the one who both built and is currently driving the ship was none other than Rick Sanchez himself, which he wasn't ashamed in admitting and even declared loudly for all to hear, which Miss Hitoyoshi simply clapped and looked beyond amazed.

"Then there is nothing more that I can add with what you've already said."

Hitomi giggled softly, which Sanchez took as a compliment and used it to boost his ego, leaning back in his chair and then taking out his flask to drink from.

"So, you must be Hitomi Hitoyoshi, the lovely and mature Mother to that Zenkichi kid~"

Rick did not hesitate to smooth-talk and flirt with the very young-looking woman, who blushed lightly at what he said.

"Well, I don't know if I would call myself mature, hehe~"

Hitomi smiled sheepishly as she embarrassedly rubbed the back of her head, clearly appreciating the compliment.

'I wouldn't either if not thanks to my profile analyzer.'

From Rick's POV, his cybernetic eye managed to scan and provide him with all the information he would ever need about this Loli Doctor, who was apparently 32 years old, much to his surprise.

"But how did you know I was Zenkichi's Mother?"

Hitomi managed to snap him out of his momentary surprise when she asked him a question that made her curious about him.

"I always see him around the mansion whenever he plays with Medaka."

Rick was able to quickly explain himself, not really lying, but ensuring that any suspicions were directed away from him.

"OH! Are you perhaps Rick Sanchez then?"

Hitomi's eyes widened, as her curiosity and interest grew for the older gentleman standing before her

"The one and only~"

Rick smirked as he took another sip from his flask

"My Son talks a lot about you, being that sweet girl adoptive Grandfather."

What Hitomi had said nearly made him choke and spit out his drink.

'God damn it, ugh, might as well own it then, more benefits for me to be her Grandpa instead of a random stranger who just took over the house...'

Rick couldn't help but be annoyed by officially being known as Medaka's grandfather by everyone he met, though he decided not to complain too much and just own the responsibility.

"I know it isn't my place to say, but I must thank you for taking care of that adorable child."

Hitomi thanks the scientist, who clearly didn't expect that.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 18, 2023 ⏰

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