Every Rick Needs A Morty

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"I'll come to pick you up around 7 or 8, have fun with your friend until then, ok?"

A young girl named Hitomi Hitoyoshi drives up and parks her car in front of a certain mansion, all the while talking to someone and telling them to enjoy themselves.

"I will Mom, thank you."

The young blond boy, who sat on the passenger seat next to his supposed mother, thanked her and gave her a hug before getting out of the vehicle

"Let me know if you decided to give me a daughter in law!~"


Embarrassed by her son, Hitomi sticks out her tongue teasingly before driving away, leaving behind a puffy-cheeked child, who then huffs and walks towards the front entrance of the very large home.

'We're just friends, though I feel like her dog that looks after her...'

Although he was happy to visit a friend, he could already feel the insanity he would undoubtedly experience today; however, he could only sigh and suck it up. After reaching the front door, he held out his fist and gave it a single knock. A single knock on the door was all it took for a bunch of futuristic gun-blasters to suddenly pop out and aim at him, which started and frightened him greatly, causing him to take a step back in slight confusion and fear.


Meanwhile, inside the big mansion, or more specifically back inside the lab, Rick Sanchez and Medaka Kurokami were in the middle of doing some very sciency things, that involved technology that could probably destroy the entire world, chemicals that could probably make every single species sterile, and just messing with stuff in general that shouldn't even exist on Earth at all.

"Ok Medaka, I need you to be careful, one wrong move and we might accidentally create a 2020 again."

Rick was wearing special gloves that were specifically designed to hold objects with 100% steadiness and balance, while also wearing goggles to ensure that everything was stable and safe.

"Don't worry Rick-Sofu, I'll be very careful with this-"

Medaka, who was wearing her scientist clothes, understood and knew what she was supposed to do, but before they could do anything, a hologram popped up in front of them, revealing the live feed of the child at the front door. Sanchez was confused as to who that was and was even slightly annoyed to see someone interrupting their projects, though Kurokami on the other hand

"Oh! He's Here!~"

Medaka was so excited to see the child there that she accidentally dropped the project that they were working on, which caused it to turn out badly while the Old Scientist's goggles flashed red, signaling him that it was definitely not good.


All Rick could say, before a bright light flashed before his eyes, was "What the hell just happened?" Back outside, where the boy was, still confused and slightly scared as to what had just transpired, he was finally able to calm down a little when the weapons suddenly stopped aiming at him and disappeared.

'Oh thank goodness…'

His sigh of relief was quickly cut short when the front door opened and revealed Kurokami herself, who looked like she had survived a large explosion and was covered in burnt marks, still smoking slightly.

"I know it was our hangout day, but you should've told me that you were coming, I would've prepared tea!~"

He didn't get the chance to ask what had happened to Medaka, before being crushed in her amazingly strong arms that hugged him tightly.

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