A New Home & A Fresh Start

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In the deepest reaches of space, an elderly man named Rick Sanchez was wallowing in self-pity and hatred, all the while drinking some hard alien alcohol and driving a very advanced but also very trashy vehicle called the 'Space Cruiser'. He continued to drive erratically as he got progressively drunker with every bottle.

'I don't matter, you don't matter, life doesn't matter, everything doesn't matter...'

Rick cracks open another and starts drinking even more, all the while heading towards Earth.

'I did all that and for what, just to be even more miserable? Such a load of bullshit...'

The Space Cruiser enters the atmosphere, which starts burning everything; though Rick just ignores it and pulls out the photo of the person who ruined his life.

'Did I even find the guy? I don't remember, and honestly, I don't even care about that anymore...'

Rick opened the window and threw the photo out the window, where it burned up along with his ship.

'Fuck this, fuck, fuck, fuck, I'm so tired...'

Rick finished the bottle, before throwing it away once he ran out of all the drinks he had. Looking forward, he saw that he was heading towards some kind of mansion and was most likely going to crash into it. His sad, drunken expression didn't change.

'Maybe I should just die.'

All Rick could think about, before everything went black, was how much he had drunk and crashing into the Mansion. Soon enough, he slowly opened his eyes and immediately wanted to close them as soon as he saw a bright light that almost blinded him; he let out a small groan and slowly sat up.

"Fucking hangovers..."

Rick grasped his head with his hand and tried his best to collect his thoughts; before he could focus on surviving his bad headache and slight nausea, a small plate with a glass of water was presented to him, which caught his attention.

"Would you like some water for that Hangover?"

When the Old Man looked down to see who was offering him the Water, he saw nothing more than a 5-year-old child, with a cute dress, also having blue hair, unique red eyes, and the most pure and happy smile that made him want to puke.

"Who the hell are you?"

Rick wore a very annoyed expression, clearly in no mood to deal with a child.

"I'm Medaka Kurokami, Sir, sorry for not being able to introduce myself earlier, but you were unconscious when you crashed into my home, I was lucky enough to pull you out before you burned up."

The one now known as Medaka Kurokami, when she said that, not only did it help to remind Sanchez of what had happened, but it also caused her to wear a slight look of surprise.

"Right... Sorry I guess, I'll fix up your home later I guess."

Rick had a hard time trusting the words of the child on what she said, but decided to ignore it and simply accepted the water and moved on.

"No need, I can do it, please just rest, also I hope you don't mind if I wash your clothes and bandage your body, I just couldn't leave it unattended."

Medaka took the empty cup once he finished drinking from it, realizing that he had been lying in bed wearing nothing but his boxers; fortunate enough to have received proper medical attention, which caused him to frown and narrow his eyes.

"... Ok, what do you want from me? Trying to get on my good side? Trying to be some kind of brown noser? Trying to get me to serve you because you saved my life? Cause that's not gonna work, I Didn't Ask To Be Saved! I Would've Been Fine Being Dead!"

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