Ch 13- That's a lot to take in

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"Yes, may I know the reason for you to call?"
"Sir, your sister has been wounded and your parents are not answering."
"S-So what am I supposed to do?"
"Sir you might want to visit her now. She is crying a lot. Out of pain. The school-doctor says she needs someone to take her home."
"And what about the injury? Will she recover?"
"We can brief that only to an adult."
"I'm an adult."
"A guardian. Like the parents. Can you please contact them?"

My mind was not even working anymore. I cut the call and wondered only one thing.
Why were our parents not answering?

Both Lisa and JHope saw my eyes widening, in fright. "Is something wrong?" Hobi hyung asked me.

"I-I have to go."
"Where? We have classes after this period you know?" Lisa replied.

She was right. But my sister is in pain.

"One of you, just make some fucking excuse of my absence. I don't think the teachers will notice much, but just in case."

I ran out of the gates, easily avoiding the security. And that's when I started calling my parents.
First, mom.
Then, dad.

But no one replied.
"I could still meet them later. My sister needs me" I mumbled to myself as I boarded the first bus which arrived at the bus stop.

Taehyung POV~

After his detention, Jungkook didn't really text me or even come to the next class. Which was natural, but he does inform us in the group chat.

I received a notification from Hoseok, a few seconds later.

Hope for Sunshine☀

Dude, somethng is rong with Jungkook.
[A/N: Dude, something is wrong with Jungkook]

Hobi, your spelling sucks.

What is?

He stomed of in angre.
[A/N: He stormed off in anger]

That guy's always angry. Plus RM

He seemd worid too
[A/N: He seemed worried too]

4 whom? 
I saw Eunha in the class, so no chance.

He has a famly too, u dmbo
[A/N: He has a family too, you dumbo.]

Okay, that's a point.

If there's any problem, he will tell us.
Don't bug him.
And for god's sake do something about your spelling.

Disgurstang Shat.
[A/N: Disgusting shit. *Reference to Lee Min-ho😉*]

I was looking at my phone and walking, so obviously I wasn't looking upfront. And then I tripped. 
Landed on my nose.
And I think I broke it.

I heard some footsteps behind me, and I had a feeling I knew who the culprits were.

"Jennie, you idiot. Why did you pull the rope? This was meant for someone else!" I heard Jisoo yell, as she slapped Jennie on the back.

REVENGE of the EXes || A Liskook Fanfiction||Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin