Chapter 4

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Molly had given me a good start, and John and I had gone to hunt down this 'Thomas Feeley.' We'd found him easily, as he wasn't exactly the criminal genius I'd hoped for. "Thomas Feeley?" I called as I stalked towards him, John following close behind. I flicked up my coat collar while I walked, watching him carefully for any signs of him taking off.

He didn't.

He just turned to look at me with a confused expression. But I could see right past it. He was clearly nervous, eyes flitting about, hands fumbling around. Something was up with him.

"Uh-uh, yes sir?" He asked, voice shaky and stuttery. Good Lord, I ask for a case and this is what I get.

"Do you know a Marcus?" I asked, voice clearly agitated by this child's horrible attempt. If he was trying to look guilty, he was doing a wonderful job.

"Um.. Yes, I believe I have some classes with him.." Thomas went on, staring at his feet.

"Did you know that he was dead?" Thomas' gaze met mine for a split second and I could see everything I needed. He was clearly scared out of his mind.

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to. It was an accident I swear! We were just messing around. I was just trying to scare him, stand up to him, y'know. Then he fell and I didn't know.."

"Slow down, start from the beginning!" I ordered, folding my fingers in front of me.

"Marcus was a straight up jerk.. He was a bully and when he punched Melinda -- my girlfriend -- I said he'd taken it too far. Later that night I told him to come to my house and I took him out to this tree in my backyard y'know --" he paused to take a deep breath, as if he was about to start crying. "It was just a joke, I pulled a gun on him and told him to climb the tree and put the rope around his neck.. He did, it was meant to be a joke -- the gun wasn't even loaded.."

"Yes you said that. Get to the point." I muttered rather bored of this tedious child's speech. I could see where it was going so, I didn't see the reason behind listening to the entirety of the boy's words. But I did, because John had told me about being rude.

"I started laughing at him and he looked really pissed off.. When he was about to come down he slipped before taking the rope off and fell out of the tree -- I tried to help him, I promise, but he was freaking out so much and I couldn't cut it down in time.. I freaked out and tried to move the body to his apartment.. I didn't know what to do.. Am I going to jail?" His voice quivered and I could clearly see the shine of tears in his green eyes. Disgusting, really.

"Most likely, yes." I stated with a bored shrug before walking off.

Here I was, getting stuck with the moron class of criminals. Wonderful.

John would deal with everything -- like calling the police -- and I would grab a cab. There was something I needed to think about -- well, someone.

Molly Hooper to be exact. I needed to think about why I kept looking at Andrew with hate boiling inside me. I needed to know why I felt guilty when I noticed she was upset with me about something. But in particular, I needed to deduce why I had to tell myself I didn't have feelings for her instead of that registering automatically, per usual. This was all very strange and new to me.

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