chapter 29

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This is not my art and this chapter will have harm in it if you do not enjoy that I will put a warning.


"Couldn't have said it better myself love, anyways welcome to the cannibal colonies." He gestured to the 1910s styled houses.

Y/n's pov

I looked at everything here and also noticed the people here weren't as scared of Al as the people more in town.

"Al why aren't these people as scared of you as the people in town?" I asked.

"Well this is not my territory so I'm not allowed to kill demons at random, and I'm close to most of the people here love." He answered turning a corner.


As we turned the corner I saw three women eating a body of a dead man. They looked up and rushed over to us.

"Hello Alastor!" the women said happily "What are you doing here."

"Hello ladies I was just showing this dear around hell and I thought why not introduce her to Rosie." He gestured to me.

The women looked up at me taken aback by how I was not killed by sitting on Al's shoulders. I gave a small wave and a smile, they seemed to be awe struck by the wave.

"Oh can we see her up close Alastor." one of the women said.

Al nodded lifting me off his shoulders placing me on the ground. I was immediately surrounded my the three women as they pinched my face, touched my nose, and messing with my her. One women pinched my ear roughly and I let out a pained whimper. I had my tail in-between my legs when one of the women grabbed it pulling on it. It wasn't a gentle pull like Al does it was rough and shot pain through my body making me let out a pained yelp but Al couldn't hear me over all the women's comments on how cut I was. My ears lowered and I was lifted up by one of the women I stiffened as I didn't like not being lifted off the ground by new people.

"P-Please put me down." I whined out.

The women only squealed in joy at how childish my voice was. The women began to get rough with their pinches on my ears and face. I knew Al couldn't see our hear me so I didn't blame him for not doing anything. I felt like a ragdoll in that moment the lady who was holding me gripped my ear giving it a tug. I let out a loud scream in pain as tears spiled down my face from the burning pain in my ear. I was ripped out of the grasps of the three women as I started shaking in pain and fear. My hands covered the stinging ear as I felt Al hold me close to his chest.

"I think that's enough lady's I don't she quite enjoyed you guys tugging on her ear." He stated.

"Oh sorry little fox we didn't mean to me to rough your just so darn cute." She reached to touch my tail.

I quickly wrapped it around Al's arm as he gave the women a death glare. Tears still ran down my face as the women quickly puled away. Al pulled me closer as he turned on his heels to walk away.

"have a good day lady's we will be on our way now." He stated quickly.


Walking down the side walk Al looked down at me with a sad smile. He reached towards my head to comfort me and I instinctively flinched away pain shot through my head at my ear still being sensitive to pain. I let out a whimper of pain as Al looked at my red cheeks from them pinching me.

"I'm sorry my love I should have been paying more attention to their actions." He whispered into my uninjured ear.

"Apology accepted." I rubbed my face more into his chest as we continued our way to Rosie's emporium.

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