chapter 18 (part 1)

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Sorry for not posting I was busy. warning signs of abuse, blood, mental trauma, Panic attacks, and manipulation I will put a warning.


"Looks like we need help then." He said walking to the phone.

Y/n's pov

It was February 10, 4 days from Valentines day. This was going to be the first time I spent it with someone I loved. I was currently placing decorations around the house pink and white heart fluffy blankets where laid across the back of the couch, the tv had heart stickers decorating the border of the tv, my bookshelf was now covered in heart confetti and fake roses. I was pacing back and forth in my living room trying to think of what other decorations when I had a Idea to try and put little heart lights on the ceiling. Walking to my box filled with decorations I grabbed a chair moving it over to where I wanted to place the lights. I was standing on the chair trying to reach the celling, but because of my height it wasn't working. I stepped on the back of the chair and it wobbled slightly correcting my balance I stood up straight still just a inch to short. I stood on my tiptoes and finally got the lights to stick on the ceiling. Having a proud moment for myself I took a step back forgetting I was on the back of the chair trying to steady the chair by swaying back and forth only made it worst. The chair leaned backwards as I yelped in fear I finally feel of the chair and closed my eyes preparing to met the floor. The height I was would surly break a bone I knew I was getting closer to the ground, but was surprised when a pair of arms raped around my legs and back.

"Love you really should be more carful, I don't know what I would do if you got hurt." Al staticky voice rang out in the room.

"Hehe, sorry Al." I apologized.

Al let out a aggravated sigh "Next time just ask me to do something for you if it's dangerous."

"I promise Al" I said with a happy grin.

"What is with all the decorations anyway?" He asked looking around at all of my decorations.

"Oh well it's almost Valentines day and this is the first year I've had a lover so I wanted to make it special." I answered.

He hummed as he looked down at me in his arms. He gently lowered me to the ground leaning down he pressed a gentle kiss to my head causing me to giggle. He stood up straight and let out a yawn.

"Aww is somebody tired?" I asked in a teasing tone.

He nodded his head slowly as his eyelids slowly lowered. Taking his hand I brought him upstairs to the bedroom. He snapped his fingers as his clothing changes into red silk sleeping pajamas. Laying him onto the bed and pulling the blankets up so he was nice and warm he feel asleep immediately. I turned on my heals to walk out the door. However I stopped when I heard I soft whine coming from Al. Turning back around I saw he was moving his hand in the empty area where I usually sleep. A small laugh escaped my lips at how gentle he was when he wanted to be. Turning to my dresser I changed into a pair of spandex and a oversized hoodie, walking over to the bed Al was still whimpering but he now had a death grip on a pillow. I gently slid into the bed with my lover, I reached over to set a alarm so I was awake in time to start dinner tonight. I checked the time and it was around 4pm so I could start dinner in 2 hours. Setting the alarm I turned o my side as I gently set my hand on Al's shoulder to show him I was there. He turned on his side towards me pulling me into his chest nuzzling his face into my (H/C) hair. The warmth of him and the slight static background noise quickly lulled me to sleep.


In Y/n's dream

My eyes slowly opened as I sat up looking around the room I saw this wasn't my room. I stood up but was immediately met with a cold feeling against my wrists and ankles. Looking down I was met with metal cuffs and shackles that where nailed to the concert floor. My panic was starting up as I moved to try and escape from the restraints, it was no use I was stuck. Looking down I noticed I was in a very old looking shirt with blood seeping through it and a pair of shorts. My upper thighs had bruises all over them and so did my arms. My heart rate and breathing picked up as I quickly took in the situation I was in. My lungs where being constricted by my chest and I realized I was about to have a panic attack. I quickly started to count backwards from 10 taking slow breaths like Al thought me when I was beginning to have a panic attack. My breathing slowed down a I started counting down.

A lifetime together (alastor x reader)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz