chapter 27

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Walking into the large library in my house, Y/n jumped off of me and looked at me excitedly. I nodded letting her look around as I searched for the book. She scurried off her tail happily wagging behind her as she looked around.

Y/n's pov

Al's library was huge shelves of books ran to the celling and everything was in order. I quickly ran to one of the shelves that said history on it skimming the books I picked up one that said the Salem witch trials. Picking up the book I skipped over to a chair by a fireplace, I looked at it for a while sad that it wasn't lit. I walked over to the couch sighing as I sat down.

'Why don't you light the fireplace?" The giddy voice asked materializing in front of me.

"Ha and how do I go about that?" I laughed out.

"Imagine the fire lit and order it to lite." The shadow said.

"This is stupid." I grumbled.

Doing what the shadow said I closed my eyes imagining a nice cozy fire lit. opening my eyes I narrowed them at the fire before ordering it to lite itself. I stared at it for a second and nothing happened rolling my eyes I looked at the shadow with a glare. The fire roared to life as I jumped back letting out a yelp of pain as I fell of the couch. I heard the quick tapping of dress shoes rung through the library, in a matter of seconds I was lifted up into the arms of someone still staring at the fire in awe. My shadows were laughing and it was really creepy like a distorted glitchy laugh. I glared at the two as I let out a scoff and crossed my arms, they continued to laugh as I tapped my foot waiting for them to stop. The more mature one saw my face and froze my eyes were glowing a reddish orange color. They looked at me in fear nudging the giddy shadow before disappearing the giddy shadow looked up at me before trying to also disappear but stopped when a f/c aura surrounded her. My eye twitched in annoyance I wasn't mad per say I was more disappointed. My eyes turned to a dark F/c as I walked towards the shadow. My grin grew wider as my teeth sharpened, my tail fluffed up in annoyance as the shadow began to struggle.

"So didn't think it would be nice to inform me about the intensity of the flames." I growled.

"S-Sorry mistress I-It won't happen again." The shadow whimpered in fear.

I calmed down as the aura around the shadow disappeared giving the shadow a chance to escape. Turning around I was still annoyed but my eye color was now a light f/c, I looked up rubbing the bridge of my nose. Finally a sound of someone clearing their throat made my attention go to them. I looked at Al before sighing picking up the fallen book and laid face first into the couch. My ears pined backwards in annoyance at my shadow, I had the feeling of being picked up under my arms like a child before a clawed hand began to scratch my ears. My body immediately relaxed at the feeling, a purr came from me as Al continued to pet me. He pressed a kiss to my head causing butterflies to swirl in my stomach, looking up at him my eyes where a hot pink color causing him to chuckle.

"Shall we see what else you can do love?" He quipped.

I nodded my head as my eyes went back to white, he stood up setting me in the spot he was sitting in. He grabbed the book on the coffee table I had yet to notice, he flipped the book as I read he name of it "Powers demons can have.".

"So we know you can summon thing, light stuff on fire, your eyes change colors based on your emotion, and have shadow demons. Let's see what else is there hm....." He paused a second before continuing "Let's try levitation."

I nodded as he walked over to me lifting me off the couch.

"now dear I just want you to picture something floating." He stated.

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