Chapter 18-Blushing

Start from the beginning

"I had to meet a friend in town." Josh said as we walked into the kitchen and dining area. He placed the bags on the table and we all grabbed a burger, except Sam who had a salad and fries.

"Who?" Jake asked sitting down next to Sam

"None of your business Jake." Josh replied with a twinge of sass, Jake gave him a weird look before turning his attention to his food, I also gave Josh a look wondering why he was being so secretive. It wasn't like him, he was usually very transparent. I shook it off for the moment, making a mental note to ask him later. We all sat and chatted as we ate. As we finished Josh grabbed my bags from by the door and motioned for me to follow him upstairs. I stopped on the stairs looking at all the baby pictures of him and the boys.

"Is this you or Jake?" I asked pointing to one,

"That would be me," He said as he continued walking

"You were so cute." I said as we walked into his room

"Were?!" he turned and placed his hands on his hips as he dropped my bags, "I'm not cute anymore?"

"Of course you are still cute you dingbat. You know what I meant." I said looking around his room. It wasn't what I had pictured but it was very Josh.

"I am going to go shower, you can hang out in here." He said as he disappeared out of the room. I cuddled up on his bed and continued to look around. I must have drifted off to sleep.

The next morning, I woke up to Josh kissing at my jawline. I smiled but kept my eyes closed, I didn't to get up yet.

"Good morning," he said sweetly,

"Good morning" I groaned as I stretched, "What time is it?"

"It's time for breakfast, my parents are waiting to meet you." He said, he jumped as I immediately sat upright in the bed.

"They are waiting on me? Why didn't you wake me up earlier!" I said urgently

"Calm down," he laughed as he grabbed my hand, "I mean they aren't actively waiting on you, but they know they are meeting you today, and mom made breakfast."

"I have to get ready," I said as I went to dig through my bag,

"You don't have to get ready, it's just breakfast?" He said as he walked towards me

"Josh. I am meeting your parents and sister for the first time. I want to look decent." I said giving him a look telling him not to argue.

"Ok, well I will be right here waiting. But if all the food is gone its your fault." he said crossing his arms as he sat on the bed. He watched as I changed into jeans and a sweater. Putting on minimal makeup and putting my hair in a half up half down style.

"Hows this?" I asked as I looked in the mirror, then turning to him,

"Beautiful, as always." he said as he walked over and took my hands, kissing me on the forehead. "You ready?"

"Ready as I'm going to be." I sighed. He held my hand as we started down the stairs. I could already hear laughter and smell the delicious aroma coming from the kitchen. The closer we got the more nervous I got. I stopped for a moment on the stairs still out of sight from the kitchen and Josh stopped on the step in front of me. He gave my hand a gentle squeeze and stepped back to me,

"I know they are going to love you, because I love you." He whispered into my ear. I felt myself blush as the words left his mouth. He pulled away and looked at me, waiting for me to indicate I was ready. I took a deep breath and nodded. As we turned into the kitchen Jake was the first one to spot us, or at least the first one to say something

"About time you two woke up." Jake said as we walked into the kitchen.

"Oh leave them be." A girl sitting next to Jake said as she shoved him. She stood up and started walking over to me,

"Rhiannon, this is Ronnie, my younger sister." Josh said motioning to her,

"Hi, nice to meet you," I said as she hugged me. At this point Josh's mom had seen us and pulled Josh into a hug. I watched as a smile spread across his face. I knew he was a huge mama's boy and really missed her on the tour. I wanted to impress her so badly, knowing how much her opinion mattered to Josh.

"Mom, this is Rhiannon." He said as he stepped back so that she could hug me next.

"Sorry honey, we don't shake hands here, we hug." She smiled as she wrapped me in a reassuring hug.

"Thats perfectly fine with me," I laughed nervously,

"We have heard so much about you, I've been dying to meet you." She said as she handed me a plate,

"Only good things I hope," I said as I sat at the table, Josh sliding in next to me. He placed on hand on my leg and the other around my back.

"Oh, only that Josh is head over heels in love with you." Ronnie said as she placed her plate in the sink,

"Is that so?" I looked over to Josh who was blushing,

"Like you didn't already know." He said back as he grinned at me, I just shook my head and looked back at my plate. We all sat and talked for a while. After breakfast the boys and I all settled into the living room to watch movies before we had to start prepping for the party. Josh's parents had gone to the store to pick up some last minute supplies.

"So Joshua," Ronnie said walking into the middle of the room, "I took the liberty of doing some of your laundry."

"Oh thanks Ron," He said

"And I found these in your pocket." She said holding up a pair of panties. I felt myself sink further into the couch, trying desperately to disappear. Josh quickly shot me a look, Sam and Jake both snickered.

"Yup, that lines up." He stood up, "Those are mine." He said trying to snatch them out of her hand. She jerked her hand away. This prompted Sam to burst out into laughter, Jake just shook his head. I could feel my face turning redder by the second.

"Josh is a panty thief" Sam said between laughter, this made me giggle as I covered my face. I looked over to Jake who was smiling as he waited to see what Josh would say next,

"I am not." He snapped at Sam, "I just said they are mine, would you please hand them over Veronica" he said proudly, putting his hand out,

"These, lacey black panties, are yours?" She smirked at him.

"Yes." He tore them out of her hand and stomped up the stairs. She came over and sat next to me.

"I'm sorry I didn't mean to embarrass you, I just wanted to see how far he'd go to cover for you." she grinned as she nudged me. "At least I waited until the parents left." She shrugged,

"No worries, I am a little embarrassed but that was hilarious." I smiled, "It is really fun to mess with him."

"I knew I was going to like you." She said as she got up and went back into the garage. I got up and made my way upstairs. I walked into Josh's room to see him sitting at his desk. He turned in the chair when I walked in. He shot me a look with a raised brow, a smile on his face. I couldn't help but giggle

"Next time you slip your panties into my pocket, you need to remind me to take them out." He said as he tossed them to me, standing up and walking over.

"My panties? Sir if I remember right, you just said these were yours" I said jokingly. He playfully glared at me, shaking his head. He grabbed me and started tickling my sides,

"You have no idea what you've done! I'll never hear the end of that!" He shouted as I squealed from being tickled.

"Stop! Stop!" I said as I tried to push him away. He shifted us so that we fell onto his bed, both of us laughing at this point. We both slowly stopped as we stared at each other. He pushed a piece of hair behind my ear as he grinned at me.

"What do you say I go get us some hot chocolate and we hang out in bed until its time for the party?" He asked pulling me closer.

"I'd say that sounds amazing."

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