Chapter 12: An Army

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Arthur enters the room, stomping his feet angrily as he walked, "you're not supposed to be here." His eyes directed at Amyra who looked indifferent as he approached them. She replied with a shrug but Arthur didn't look pleased at all.

"We weren't doing anything," she finally said with an annoyed tone.

"Doesn't matter, you still can't be here."

"Can't tell us what to do."

"Yes I can."

"No you can't. Besides, we just wanted some food."

"By bribing Pretty? I'm the one who'll get in trouble!"

"We're not causing trouble!"

"I WANT CAT-CATS!" Pretty screeched at the top of the lungs so hard that she ended up getting hiccups, specks of dust falling to the floor each time she did so.

"Ok enough! If Gloria finds you here-"

"We get it!" Amyra dragged Reina along who was starting to feel more like a third wheel in their little argument. They began to make their way outside when they noticed a group of tall men arriving in horses, armoured and walking with swords. 

They seemed to be some type of guard, but Reina couldn't make out their faces because they were covered with masks. She suddenly began to feel the tension in Arthur's eyes who glanced at Amyra and her playful smile disappeared from her face, "I got it, I'll get everyone."

Reina suddenly started to feel a little sick, knowing that something was wrong. Fear started bringing itself back and soon enough, Gloria stepped out of the shop. Reina was too far away to notice the expression in her face. She looked around to ask Arthur who was no longer there, instead a small little cat started making its way through, jumping on top of Reina's arms.

Gloria started talking to the men in horses, nodding and smiling. But something about her started to make Reina think that she was lying, although she couldn't figure out what she was saying. 

Soon, enough there was loud noises of children making their way outside in neat little rows, as if they had done this before. Amyra guiding everyone in a line and hushing a few children talking among themselves. She glanced at Reina but didn't say anything. Cat Arthur on the other hand, purred and licked his arms and started to doze off.

"Stop pretending to sleep and tell me what's happening," Reina whispered in the cat's ears which flinched at her voice but gave no response.

Reina walked her way over and stood in the line with the other children, Gloria and the men still talking among themselves. That was until she noticed her take out a few small, yet heavy looking bags. The men started walking their way towards the children, Gloria following behind him.

"Everyone, no need to be scared. It's just a normal check-up," Gloria reassured them but one of the guards placed their sword in front of her, signalling not to move further.

"That's right, we won't bite," A low, rough voice appeared from one of the masks. The children immediately placed their hands up in the air and Arthur jumped out of her arms. Reina looked around and quickly did the same, still unsure of what was happening. Then, another man about half his size and build, started searching their arms and pockets, one by one, in a line.

"No wands?"

Everyone replied no in unison. When it came to Reina's turn, the man stared her in the eyes for a few seconds before looking at his superior, "Didn't see this one before."

Gloria gulped but apart from that, showed very little signs of discomfort. The man approached closer and checked her arms, "These are not the hands of a child from here," he merely stated.

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