Chapter 6: Break The Wall

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When Reina opened her eyes the first thing she noticed was the bright light shining from the ceiling. The first thought that crept in her head was that she may be dead. That was until she heard a quiet meow by her ears and a warm creature licking her hand.

It all came back.

Reina shot right up, her head slightly dizzy from the sudden movement. She noticed that she was lying down in the toyshop when the strange smell appeared. The toys were beautifully placed on display, everything was exactly how it was before.

"Oh darling, you're awake!"

Reina remembered Gloria, the pretty woman that owned the toyshop. She thought about her for a while since the last time she met. The warmth in her smile and gleam in her eyes. The beautiful blue dress and the white scarf wrapped around her neck, the type of beauty that would easily catch anyone's attention.

"Are you alright?" Gloria placed a hand on her shoulder.

"Y...Yes!" Reina shook her head from her thoughts, "Um..."

While Reina was trying to figure out what else to say, Gloria brought a cup of hot chocolate and a towel that she placed on Reina's lap.

"Come on, you should have some of this. You must be freezing."

Gloria took the towel and tried to dry her hair but Reina got up, feeling slightly uncomfortable from a stranger touching her hair.

"I'm so sorry for the inconvenience, I should get going," Reina finally managed to blurt out.

"But you're soaking wet, you should get changed. I could bring you some spare clothes?"

"I really need to go. I'm sorry."

The memories of the lake rushed back and all Reina wanted to do was get home to her bed and sleep. She didn't want to think about what happened or any of the strange occurrences that was happening that day.

"Who did this to you honey?"

And there it was again. The words danced in front of her eyes. She heard those words before, she could hear the sweetness in them and it almost made her want to cry. It was those words that she hated. But right now, what she hated the most was the way Gloria would look at her with those eyes that said she was concerned. She was a stranger. Reina had no idea who she was and yet she felt moved by her simple act of kindness. In some ways that hurt her more than the ice cold water burning her skin. Because no matter how much someone cared, there was a wall. A long wall that reached the skies and she was trapped.

'Who did this to you?'

They would ask. They would stare.

'Why are you like this?'

They would stand in a place she couldn't reach and look down on her while she would struggle to simply form words in her mouth.

If only she could answer. If only she could-

"Break the wall."

Reina's eyes widened in shock, "What?"

Gloria held Reina's face and stared right through her eyes, "Let me help you."

Reina stared at her as Gloria's eyes brightened and she felt strangely unsafe. As if something was not right. She had to get out of there.

"Please. Let me go."


'No? Excuse me, who are you?"

"Please, let me help you."

"I don't know what you mean."

"Yes you do. We know someone did this to you, you need to get help. If I-"

"You don't know anything. You don't know me."

Gloria sighed, there was a moment of silence. Reina was still soaking wet, drops of water dripping down her hair. The smell of hot chocolate filled the room.

"This may sound incredibly strange but if you give me a chance and hear me out."

Reina stared at her.

"I can take you somewhere. Away from all this mess if you just trust me."

Strange to trust someone she barely knew and met. Her only encounter with Gloria was an awkward one, she did save her cat once. Although, that may be pushing it, she was pretty sure the cat was fine from the start. The truth was Reina couldn't remember the last time she fully trusted someone. She couldn't even trust herself.

"I know this will be hard to hear but you see, I'm not who you think I am. And you're not who you think you are."

At this the cat meowed louder and jumped down the table.

"I'm not from this world, exactly. I can't explain but I can show you if you come with me. It will all make sense."

It did make sense. Reina fell into the lake and either she hit her head and really was dead, facing some type of hallucination before her final moments. Or this lady was smoking something strange. She didn't mind whichever option it was, both seem pretty fun as long as she doesn't get kidnapped. So Reina didn't say another word. Instead, she got up and ran towards the door.

"No listen!"

The door slammed shut.

"Wait! Dang it, I went too hard."

Reina ran faster than she did in a long time. There was a small growth of excitement filling inside her but she couldn't figure out where it was coming from. And as she ran, she couldn't think of anything apart from Gloria's words. A part of her wanted to stay longer to hear what she had to say. But she couldn't let this small glint of hope grow any bigger. Hope? Was that what it was?

When she finally reached home, she pushed the door wide open. It was unlocked. Strange.

"Ok mum I'm home!"


Reina looked around, her mum wasn't home yet. Reina looked around to see if she could find a note left behind. Finally giving up, Reina was just about to get to her room when she noticed a figure in the kitchen. Turns out she was home. Maybe she wasn't loud enough.

"I said I'm home," she muttered until she realised there was something off about her mother.

Reina squinted her eyes, her smile slowly faded, her heart beating faster.

"Mum?" Reina whispered.

The black shadow grew, changing shape and distorting with the light. It was when Reina realised she couldn't recognise the woman at all. It was not a stranger. The hands were long and bony, a yellowish green skin, long black nails. It was not her mother. When the dark figure turned around, she took a handful of food and stuffed it right down her mouth, some which dripped down her neck and into the floor.

It was not human either. 

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