Zuma cried, hugging his two plushies.

George quickly walked over, seeing the crying pup- instantly feeling defensive.
"Zuma- shh shh..." he cupped zumas cheeks.

Zuma just reached for George, still crying.

"What's wrong baby.." George gently took zuma from dreams grasp, cradling him.
"Are you okay.."

"You- left-" Zuma whined, he thought the two left him- he didn't want to be left alone.
"I thought you left me.." he sniffed.

"Oh zuma.. we will never leave you." Dream walked up to the two, resting his hands on the pups stomach.

George kissed zumas forehead.
"Baby.." he rubbed the pups cheek.
"Don't worry, we will never leave.. we can spend time together all week.."

"Uh- except for Thursday." Dream awkwardly rubbed the back of his head- they have the shipment.
"We are busy"

George looked up at Dream, frowning.
"Why not Thursday." He wanted to stay with zuma.

"Because you, me, Punz and Sapnap are going to pick up my shipment Thursday night." Dream smiled before making his way towards his door.
"Now hurry up- I have a meeting with the bitch." He opened the door.

"That is rude, considering I'm right here." Hannah stood next to Dream, glaring at him.

He just kept his face at George- feeling that his soul just left his body... fuck.

George just giggled, adjusting zuma in his arms... he didn't like hannah- but it was funny considering the situation.

"Hannah." Dream took a deep inhale, glancing over at hannah.

"Dream." Hannah responded coldly, glaring at Dream.

"You here regarding halo correct." Dream glared down at Hannah, scrunching his nose.

"Yes, now move." Hannah moved passed Dream, walking towards the desk.

Hannah caught glanced of George.
"George." She looked down at zuma, humming.

Before George could say anything- zuma interrupted him.

"Zuma!" Zuma quietly giggled- he liked saying his name.

"I didn't ask for you name child." Hannah glared down at zuma.
"Speak when spoken too." She held her hand up.

Zuma had a small wince, glancing down at the floor.

George growled, looking up at Hannah.
"Do not treat my child that way." He bared his fangs... he may be an omega but he will stand up to a alpha if it means protecting zuma.

Hannah just had a small smile.
"Your not as weak as you used to be.. but your still an omega." She waved her hand.
"You need work."

"I may be an omega but I'll still kick your ass." George growled, walking towards the front door.
"I'll be with the koi if you need me Dream."

He didn't want to say exactly where he was going- in case Hannah was plotting something... but Dream knew where he was going- and that he will be safe.

"Alright darling, I'll come find you after." Dream nodded, adjusting his shirt and tie.
"Make sure to keep zuma close."

George and zuma slid there way out of the office, leaving Dream and Hannah alone.

Dream watched as the door closed behind george, turning his gaze to Hannah.
"Why are you really here Hannah." He growled.

"We have some business we need to handle." Hannah flicked out her black rose fan.
"This is not regarding the code."

.: My little Pet~ :. The Sequel .:. Mafia x OmegaverseWhere stories live. Discover now