Chapter 20: Cheering

Start from the beginning

"Nothing's wrong with you. You seem to have been bitten by the bug." She gave a little smile as I sat down across from her.

"The what?" I asked, confused.

"The love bug. She reminds me of your mother. There was this boy that absolutely adored her when she was about your age. Now, what was his name?"

She tapped her chin for a second, then continued, "Tony. His name was Tony. He was the swim team captain, and he just loved your mother. He would buy her flowers and leave her little notes at her locker. I thought is was adorable, but she just hated it. I guess she wasn't into the romantic kind.

"Anyway, he never gave up on her. He even kissed her at one point, and although she didn't admit it, I'm sure your mother had feelings for him too. They went everywhere together for heavens sake! I don't know what was wrong with your mother, but she never told him her feelings. Then he got a scholarship to Harvard and she fell for the first scumbag she met after high school. It was horrible Cole. Whatever you do, don't let Andy take the same path."

"I won't. I promise. It's just... I don't even know. I like her so much and usually girls just kiss me with no questions." I looked at her awkwardly, thinking about what I just told her. She just laughed and waited for me to continue. "With her, it's different. Everything's different. She makes me see things in a whole new perspective. She's a kaleidoscope that makes me realize that everything's different than it actually is. What am I going to do, Grandma?"

"Oh Cole, my boy, a girl that isn't easy is always worth it." She squeezed my hand and leaned back in her chair.

"I guess you're right. Thanks. Well, I'm going to bed. It's been a long day. Just holler if you need help with anything." I got up and started to leave when she stopped me with her words for a second time.

"I know it's been tough, but I'm still cheering for you. I'll always be cheering for you. Remember that."

I pondered over her words as I made my way up the stairs and to my room. What did she mean by that? Cheering wasn't exactly what people do in situations like ours. We just hope. That's it. There's nothing else we can do, especially not cheer. It was odd that she would say that.



"Did you just dare me, Cole Jankinson?" Andy cocked one eyebrow up and crossed her arms.

"Yes. Yes I did." I gave her a small nod and mimicked the way she was standing; arms crossed, head leaning to the right side and hip jutted out to the left.

"So now I'm supposed to kiss you?" She smirked.

"That's the dare." I winked and she wrinkled her nose.

"You are something all right." She teased.

"I know. Now are you going to kiss me or what?" I asked, a small smile dancing on my lips.

"Well, I have always wondered what your lips felt like." Her hair was lightly illuminated by the light of the TV with the movie I am Living with and Idiot playing in the background.

"I've thought the same about your lips." My heart was racing and I thought I was going to die, but I also knew that this was the moment I was going to live fully for the first time.

Then she did the thing that I thought was impossible. She closed her eyes and started leaning into me. I took a shaky breath out and mimicked her movements, making sure to not go to slow but to not go too fast at the same time. Thins kiss was going to be different, legendary even. She wasn't another girl that wanted to kiss me to boost her social status for awhile. No. She was the girl that I wanted to kiss for all the right reasons, not the wrong ones. God, I don't think I could ever hurt her. She was too special, too original, too unreal.

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