Chapter Twenty-two: Wanted: A Python.

Start from the beginning

"And your dad's okay with you staying in Angelo's place?" Annie asked me over our lunch in the cafeteria. You'd think she'll talk about something else since Angelo was literally sitting right with us.

"Technically, I'm lodged in a hotel" I stated. "For free."

"But does your dad know?" Annie asked, tapping her index finger on the table with each syllable.

"No he doesn't. Happy?" I asked into my cup of orange juice.

"Of course not!" Annie replied.

Angelo put down his burger. "Your dad doesn't know you're staying with us? I just assumed you'd call him."

"I didn't and I won't be calling him." I said petulantly, while stabbing fries with a fork in my left hand.

"What's up with both of you?" Angelo asked with narrow eyes and when I didn't reply, he resumed eating. "We are going to talk about that later."

"Well, I'm not dropping it because you can't just stop talking to your Dad!" Annie said.

"Well .... you can't just stop talking to Jason!" I turned the tables on her and she immediately looked embarrassed. "You guys were doing so well together and now you're suddenly not in good terms?"

Annie sighed and her shoulders slumped. Wow, whatever happened between them must have been really intense.
"We're too different, and I didn't want to keep forcing things..."

"Girl, you never forced anything." Susan deadpanned. She stopped her recording and put down the camera. "I mean, I don't know the details but you obviously broke the guy's heart." She gestured with her chin across the cafeteria and we all looked over our shoulders.

Jason was sitting with the rest of the jocks and cheerleaders, surrounded by them, but he looked as good as alone, picking at his salad.

Cassandra was leaning on his shoulder, trying to get his attention but not quite getting it. Then she looked up at us and we all looked away.

"See what I mean?" Susan asked. "And I know I'm right because Annie didn't even deny it."

Annie didn't say anything but just kept glaring at her lunch.

"We do need to have that talk" I nodded and despite myself, I reached out and pat my friend's hand, offering her comfort before quickly pulling my hand away. "I feel like we have so much to say..."

"Yeah, okay." Annie shrugged and gave me a grateful smile.

"Don't forget Susie," Susan said with a mouthful before looking up at someone and swallowing. "Oh shoot, Cassandra's approaching, I'm so ready for this."

"Here we go" Angelo sighed and leaned back into his seat.

"Well hello, nerds" Cassandra grinned, folding her arms as she was flanked by two of her many cronies.

"That's us, what's up?" Susan replied cheerfully, standing up and folding her arms too.

"Ugh, Susan." Tina Duke rolled her eyes and flipping her black hair.

"Tina? Eww." Susan replied with a scowl.

"Nice cast, Violet" Emily Turner smiled.

"Thanks, Emily, just got it." I replied, leaning forward and narrowing my eyes at her.

"Mary-anne." Cassandra said simply.

"Cassandra." Annie replied, looking bored.

"See girls," Cassandra smiled and gestured at three of us, "this is what failing life looks like."

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