The Journey ✨OS

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Having a final check of all my essentials whether I have packed them or not I started pulling off my bags all set to leave for mumbai....back to home after 15 days...

Yes..mumbai a place where I have born and been brought up, before it screws up your mind I am aksha rawat belonging to uttarakhand and here i am now in uttarakhand completing my corespondance master's degree in chemistry, where we just have to attend college for our exams... Being in the first semester it was my first experience staying away form my family for 15 days also not to forget the journey back home.. I am excited but also nervous at the same time..

I reached the railway station as soon as possible and started looking for my seat ... Pushing through the crowd, frantically moving from one berth to another I was finally able to located my seat....having pity on my feets and just wanting to relax myself after the tiresome 2 weeks of exam I had practically planned my whole 32 hour of journey but I could literally see my dream being brutualy shattered........

Scene 2:

BLOODY HELL! Mom seriously train?
Can't we just postpone it for a day or two? It's a bloody 32 hour journey.....

"ARJUN BETA BETTER MIND THE TONE AND LANGUAGE. No we cannot postpone the return the reception date is already finalized and all the preparations are done there we need to there before the date, so rather than cribbing over it start packing your stuff we have a train tommorow and a long journey ahead... Comeon kids start your further arguments."

Making faces on the sudden news all the youngsters dispersed to their rooms some excited for the journey whereas some highly disappointed with the duration...

Here I am ARJUN RANA so our whole family had come to uttarakhand for my cousin brother's marriage professionally I am a WING COMMANDER in INDIAN AIR SERVICE. So majorly I stay in AFSB, dehradun for service but basically was born and brought up in Mumbai.... Now we are heading back to Mumbai for the reception party I had to take a leave of nearly a month as mom was getting all riled up by my workaholic behaviour and work schedule, she gave me an ultimatum to attend this wedding and have a proper leave for a month. For the first time in my 3 years of service I have taken a month long leave and that is making me cranky and upon that to test my patience this 32 hour train journey....

The other day started with a lot of hustle with every one running through trying to have a final check on their luggage making me groan in irritation. Finally after a tearful vidai of bhabhi and a lot of emotional farewell we all reached the station. Finally now I can sleep in peace orelse in this whole week with the wedding chaos it all have affected my mood. Finally getting in our respective berths we settled down...

The whole berth was booked by us except one seat maybe that's empty or so shrugging it off i placed all my luggage helping the others with the same and now finally I can sleep peacefully. Streching myself I occupied the empty seat slipping into a deep slumber..

When suddenly I could feel someone franticly shaking me, jerking off the person I turned around to again slip into my lovely slumber when suddenly I could feel a sudden blow making me fall down...

Growling in pain I looked up to come in contact with a beautiful ....but.. angry face...god Arjun ... !!! I was mesmerized until my trance was disturbed...

"It's my seat Mr." She said snapping in front of me....

"Huh!!! U could have said that in a mannerly way what's with this violence women" I said finally getting up.

"For you information Mr. Sleepy bear I was trying to wake you up for some good half hour" she retorted with hands on her hip...

In order to confirm I turned towards my family to see them gawking us as if some alien graced them with their presence... I looked towards my mother who finally braking off her illusion nodded her head confirming the newly found information about me.

THE JOURNEY.....✨(OS)Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu