"The faster you just do as asked, the sooner you're out of this dress and I can talk to the coordinator about other options." Instead of arguing, I let her drag me to just above the stairs where the large landing was for guests this weekend. There was a ton of natural light filtering in from the early summer sunlight. Not quite golden hour, but certainly an early morning version of it.

"Alright, pose. We will take a few photos and then you're free to remove yourself from this so called torture device."

I did my best to invoke my inner model as I stood just above the stairs. Anyone could see me from the team or even a different team if they came in to visit like we sometimes had. My eyes continued to wander, checking the stairs every few minutes. All I could think was that someone would see and I wouldn't hear the end of it. I was right and the worst possible group of people were the ones that walked in on me modeling the agonizingly uncomfortable garment.

"Maeve? Holy shit!" My face fell as I looked down the stairs and saw the one person that I didn't want to see me in this outfit walking in.

Daniel, Blake, Michael, and a hobbling Max were standing just a few steps below the top, noticing that we were taking photos they had stopped. Max was already laughing as he saw how uncomfortable I must feel, while Michael just had an eyebrow raised and Blake was expressionless. Daniel however was staring, shamelessly with a dropped jaw. Max saw it as he laughed and leaned over to Daniel to say something that I couldn't hear that made Daniel blink a few times before walking to the top of the stairs right in front of me as the others passed and started up a conversation with Angela and Pyrita. In these heels, I stood a few centimeters taller than him.

"Wow. This is..." He trailed off just looking up and down at the dress. His right hand twitched, as if he wanted to reach out and decided against it.

"Embarrassing, I'm aware. I'm trying to get these photos done so I can take this thing off." Daniel shook his head at my attempt to end the conversation as soon as possible, finally moving his hands and placing them on my waist as he stood in front of me.

"You look incredible Maeve. It's far from what I would call embarrassing..." His gaze and touch made me uncomfortable after our text conversation. In a way, I had subconsciously tested the waters between us there. Now I was seeing a physical reaction to what Max had told me. It was unsettling, but I couldn't help the blush that came to my cheeks.

"You have to say that, you're my best friend." He opened his mouth to say something, instead snapping it shut and taking his hands away to turn towards everyone that was talking in a small circle behind him while we stood awkwardly in front of each other.

"I really want Angela to take these pictures so I can change...." I practically whispered and crossed my arms to shield myself from everyone. Daniel bit his lip and nodded.

"Ok, You do look stunning, gorgeous. Definitely the way to get whoever you are pining over." He gave me a soft smile before stepping away.

He said a few words to Angela and Pyrita before gathering the guys and going to his own room. Angela returned to taking photos and I immediately ripped the shoes off before going back to my room.

"Maeve, I know we just started working for you, but I have a personal question for you." Angela stated as I walked out of the bathroom, now happily in a pair of black leggings and my team polo.

"Well that seems like more of a statement than a question." I laughed as I sat down to slide my street shoes back on.

"It was, but is there something going on between you and Daniel?" I raised an eyebrow as I sat back and looked at Angela and Pyrita standing in front of me.

No Regrets, Only MemoriesWhere stories live. Discover now