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Lily, Lydia and Allison sit on the bleachers of the lacrosse field looking at the team practise. Well actually, Allison was looking at Scott, Lydia was looking at jackson and lily was secretly looking at stiles who was sitting on the bench. Lily seemed to snap out of her daze when she heard, "Hey! Had anybody seen Gallagher!? Where the hell is she?!" Coach screamed across the lacrosse field.

Lily stood up, waving her hand in the air. "Here coach." She said with a bright smile.

"Ok good, now we can start." Coach had always favoured lily, besides being the coach of the lacrosse team and also a teacher, he was known for favouring her which nobody would blame him for. Lily was like a bright star that shone across a dark night sky, as stiles liked to say.

"What was that?" Allison said with a chuckle.

"Coach sometimes refuses to start practice unless lily is there." Lydia replied which made lily and Allison laugh. Lily shrugged innocently as her eyes drifted to the game. During the girls conversation, it seems as though couch has put Scott in goalie, which is a horrible idea that was proven what Scott got hit in the face with a lacrosse ball. Lily internally groaned, knowing this was definitely not gonna turn out well. To her surprise however, Scott was powering on after the first incident, showing moves lily didn't even know existed, but the best part of it all was seeing the amazement on Stiles' face as he watched his best friend deflect every single lacrosse ball. After Scott beat jackson it sent lily and stiles jumping in the air, screaming cheers and exciting squeals.

Lydia stood up, sending a nonchalant expression jackson's way, before high-fiving her bestfriend.


"I don't know what it was, it was like I had all the time in the world to catch the ball." Said Scott. The trio was currently venturing through the woods again, trying to find the inhaler that Scott seemed to loose last night. The boys failed to mention the fact that Scott had lost his inhaler right before getting bitten by which Scott claims is a wolf. They didn't want to worry the sweet girl, knowing she would be non-stop stressed about the matter.

Scott turned his head towards stiles, changing his voice to a whisper, trying not to allow the girl to hear. Not like she would anyways, she was far ahead of them, drifting into her own fantasy world.
"But that's not it, I can hear things, smell things I couldn't before."

"Smell things? Like what?" Stiles replied back

"Like mint mojito gum in your pocket." Scott said. This alerted Lily's attention, making her rush over to stiles, him getting flustered at the sudden closeness of the two, she stole his gum from his pocket, gave him a swift kiss on the cheek and started eating it, completely forgetting to ask how long it could have possibly been in his pocket for. Lily started blocking out the boys voices again, the only thing she heard was stiles' howling, which made her let out a little chuckle. She was feeling guilty though, she was supposed to be looking after Liam but lied to Ian saying she had to tutor some kid from school. Ever since lily could remember, she's taken care of the kids, including lip and Ian, even though they are older than her. That's how it was in the Gallagher house hold. Fiona would take care of the money, financial situations while lily stuck around the make sure everybody was okay. She wanted Fiona to have as much of a normal life as she pleased so she took care of all the kids while fi went out and partied, just like a normal 20 year old should. Some would agree that lily should be the one partying which she does sometimes but she prefers to put family first.

"I swear this is where I dropped it." Said Scott, bursting Lily's train of thought.

"Maybe the killer moved the body?" Stiles suggested.

"Why would a killer leave it here in the first place, I personally would have dug a 6 feet deep hole, burry the body with some dirt till it's half way than place an animal carcass on top, layer more dirt and then your done. So if there are police dogs searching the area and sniff the dead body the police will find it's only an animal body and move on." Lily said in her usual innocent tone. The boys were never gonna admit it but they were kinda freaked out. She's lily though, so it wasn't anything out of the ordinary.

All of the sudden lily sees a figure move from over stiles shoulder, causing her to let out a small shriek and continuously hit stiles' arm.

"Ow ow ow! Lily would you-" stiles cut himself off once he saw the man, slapping Scott on the shoulder and standing in front of lily in a protective manner. Although she probably didn't need protection, she could bitch slap somebody so hard they'd fly to the moon. The man started approaching them with an Angry stomp that reminded lily of a grumpy toddler.

"What are you doing here? Huh? This is private property." The man spat.

"Uh, sorry man we didn't know." Stiles spoke.

"What's got your panties in a twist?" Lily blurted out. Which man the man glare at her.

"We were just looking for somebody, but... um, forget it." Scott said trying to get the man's attention off lily. Suddenly the man threw Scott inhaler towards him, causing Lily's face to turn from creeped out to amazed, wondering how he got it. The man started walking away but before he could disappear lily yelled a big "thank you!" Which made stiles hit her, telling her something about stranger danger.

"Ok guys come on, I gotta get to work." Said Scott

Stiles pushed Scott back abit, "dude! That was Derek hale. You remember right? He's only like a few year older than us." That got lily thinking until something clicked into her head. "The fire." Lily mumbled.

"Yeah, his family, they all burnt to death in a fire like 10 years ago." Stiles backed lily up.

"I wonder what he's doing back." Scott questioned. Stiles just scoffed before grabbing Lily's hand with a little "cmon." She wasn't complaining.

Stiles dropped lily home on the way back to his house. He sat in his car for a-bit, wishing that one day she would finally let him in. The girl had been in the stilinski house hold all the time, so much that now she doesn't even knock before coming in, not that either of the stilinski men minded.

In the Gallagher house, Fiona happened to see the jeep outside their house still, she sighed before walking into the kitchen to see lily feeding Liam some crushed up Oreos and milk, a combo that she proudly invented.

"His cars still out there you know." Fiona stated, pulling out food to make toasties for dinner.

Lily sighed, "yea, I know."

"You should also know that you can let him in the house." Fiona said in a half joking way, wanting to encourage the girl to bring at-least one more of her friends into their home. All she got was a nod from lily. Fiona sighed once again before deciding the conversation was over. Lily walked upstairs and placed Liam in his crib, placing a small kiss on his forehead. She made her way to her own bedroom, before plopping down on the bed and deciding to have a nap before dinner, knowing her twin brother would wake her up.

omg I'm so sorry I haven't updated, I just didn't think people actually like reading this 😂 comment if you want more updates!

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