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The trio began to climb up the steep hill, "it's comforting to know you've planned this out with your usual attention to detail." Scott panted.  "Maybe the severe asthmatic should be the one holding the flashlight, huh?" Scott added, stopping in his place looking for his inhaler before Lily quickly gets her spare one out of her pocket and gives it to Scott. No she doesn't have asthma, but she does take an inhaler when she's with Scott because he is really forgetful. She is the mum and the child of the group, her personality is like a 5 year old but she cares for her friends and family like a mother.

"Thanks L." Scott thanked lily. She gave him a small smile and followed after stiles. He helped her the rest of the way up the hill by grabbing a hold of her hands. She blushed slightly, luckily it was dark. But the moment was ended when stiles suddenly dragged her to the ground, Scott following shortly after, and quickly turn the flashlight off.

"What th-." Stiles placed a hand over Lily's mouth to silence her from saying anymore and pointed ahead. She looked and saw a bunch of cops with police dogs. Once again, Stiles grabbed Lily's hand and dragged her forward, bolting through the woods. They could hear Scott calling their names but the adrenaline was pumping and they didn't stop. Until they did. A flashlight covered their vision and Stiles fell. This caused Lilith to also fall.

"Hold it right there!" a voice boomed across the woods. "Hang on, hang on. This little delinquent and his friend belong to me." Sheriff stilinski said. Stiles quickly helped Lily off the floor, checked for any injuries before turning to his father, "dad, how are you doing?"

"So, do you listen in to all of my phone calls?" Sheriff stilinski questioned his son.

"No. Well not the boring ones." Stiles said matter of factly. This caused Lilith to cringe slightly but also want to burst out into a laughing fit.

"Well I see that you have dragged Lilith in this mess once again, but where is the other partner In crime?" The sheriff asked.

"Who Scott? Scott's at home, it's just me and Lily, in the woods. Alone." Stiles said while putting an arm around Lily's shoulders trying to act casual. Lily burst out laughing while the sheriff gave an entertaining look and stiles had a confused one. It took a couple of seconds for him to realise how wrong that sounded and quickly took his arm off Lily's shoulders. He started trying to stutter an explanation but Sheriff Stilinski put a hand out, signalling for him to stop.

"Well, young man, I'm going to walk you back to your car, your gonna drop Lilith home and then you and I," the sheriff grabbed Stiles' ear and Lily quietly followed behind, not wanting to get yelled at aswell. "Are gonna have a conversation about something called invasion of privacy." He continued. They got to Stiles' car and with a quick goodbye from sheriff, they drove their way to Lily's house. They got their, gave eachother goodbyes and Lily decided to make things more interesting by kissing him on the cheek, close to him mouth, then smirked and ran in the house.

Stiles sat in the car dumbfounded. He only snapped out of it when he heard Lily's front door close and began to first bump the air in celebration. He's had a crush on Lily since he could remember and it was becoming really hard for him to keep his feelings locked up but he didn't want to get rejected and then their friendship would be awkward.

"Holy shit!" Stiles whisper-yelled in joy. Before he could look creepy just staying outside her house, he quickly drove home with a smile plastered on his face.

Lily got in the house and took her shoes off at the door, checking for her dad seeing if he was still passed out on the couch and luckily for her, he was. She crept upstairs and laid in her bed.

"mousey where did you go?" Lily heard the sleepy voice of her 9 year old brother Carl.

"It doesn't matter pumpkin, just go back to sleep, I love you." And with a tired 'I love you too' from Carl, he instantly went back to sleep, Lily falling into slumber quickly after.

I rlly hope I'm not missing out on any spelling or sentence errors cause I might have to sit in a bath with my hair dryer on if I did.

ur girl, lily 💋

.𝘚𝘏𝘈𝘔𝘌𝘓𝘌𝘚𝘚 𝘞𝘖𝘓𝘍. /𝘴𝘵𝘪𝘭𝘦𝘴 𝘴𝘵𝘪𝘭𝘪𝘯𝘴𝘬𝘪 /Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora