Chapter 11: A Gun To Your Head

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The house is quiet as you walk up the paved walkway toward the small porch. Someone was nice enough to clear the way, looks like your neighbor did you a solid with his high-powered snow blower, you'd call him later to say thank you. But now you are tired, bone-tired, and heartbroken about what happened earlier today with V.

You can't even call him Taehyung anymore, because his name is for people he's close to and he made it clear that you aren't one of those people. What were you expecting because you got kidnapped together he'd fall in love with you the way you did him? He was without memory and you took advantage. He was in the most danger and risked his life to get you out. He held your hand when you felt at your lowest and the most afraid you'd ever been, he gave you courage. Of course, you love him.

He's Kim Taehyung and he has his memories back, why would he ever love you back? Judging by the way he'd managed to take up residence in your head, rent-free you'd like to add, after such a brief encounter, it was probably for the best that he was long gone.

You open up your door with your keys making a mental note to get a new door, a new lock, and a high-powered security system for this place. You now know just how secure your house is... as in not secure at all.

Letting yourself into the house you're immediately hit with memories; you on your knees sucking Taehyung's cock, Taehyung stopping you from burning your hands in the hot oven. Taehyung watching your favorite videos of him on youtube... no, not Taehyung, V. V from BTS. Which is all he is to you now.

You close the door, take two steps into the house and suddenly a dark shape emerges from an open doorway and shoves you hard against the door. You're exhausted so it takes your brain a moment to process that you are being held at gunpoint.

"Finally," says the Chairman, pushing the gun even more secure against the back of your head, giving you no doubts that he will not hesitate to use it. "Taehyung's bitch is here"


"How did I know I'd find you out here?" asks Taehyung as he steps onto the hospital roof, gently closing the door behind him then coming to sit beside you on a bench that stares out at the city below.

You look at him, feeling a rush of joy to see him in one piece with just a sling on his sprained wrist and a bandage on the bad cut on his head. That's it. Cut feet from your run and Tae's sprained wrist is the most you both have to show for your ordeal and that's a relief. Well, cut feet, a sprained wrist and a whole lot of trauma is what you have to show for your ordeal, and you know it will take some time for you both to feel safe again, but you're alive! That's the relief. You're alive to see Taehyung and he's alive to be with BTS, again.

"What are you doing out here?" he asks, turning so that he can look at you instead of the gorgeous view.

"How we're alive and that's amazing," you tell him.

Taehyung nods, pauses for a moment, and then says "I remember everything. I remember being Kim Taehyung."

Your heart soars and you're so happy for him because you can't imagine the nightmare of not remembering who you are, your loved ones and for someone like Taehyung, his accomplishments.

"But," he says, tilting his head to examine you closely. "I remember everything else."

Your heart skips from the way he looks at you. That same intense lust that you saw that first day when he grabbed you in your bedroom, the look that hit you in all the right spots, setting your passion into overdrive, forcing you to run away from him before you committed an unforgivable sin. You've seen this look before, a horny Taehyung, so when he grabs you and kisses you hard on the lips, in a searing kiss that burns through you and pulls you closer to him like a moth to a flame.

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