Chapter 9: Singularity

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You thought being in the back of the trunk was the most afraid you'd ever be. But you were wrong. In the trunk, you had Taehyung to hold your hand, but now you have no one. You don't know where you are. You don't know how many people are in the room. You don't know where Taehyung is. You know nothing and that's terrifying.

Sometimes the door opens and food is put in front of you, stuffed roughly into your mouth with orders of "chew" and "swallow." Sometimes you think they bring Taehyung because you can hear their taunts of "look at her," along with shuffling and pained groans. Sometimes the Chairman comes in, sits on the bed next to you, and tells you stories about an upstart little label that took over everything he built so took their "secret weapon."

So, that's why they took Taehyung? Petty revenge. BTS took over the world so the Chairman steals V? There's an insanity to his story that sets you on edge. He talks about the world as if everyone has done something to him specifically. Everything that had ever happened to him is someone else's fault. Taehyung and you are to blame for all of this as you both got in his way. The Chairman is obsessed with Hitman Bang which is sort of like salt in the wound for you because you are scared shitless and Taehyung has been traumatized into losing his memory and all of this is all about someone else.

It's not fair, but you're old enough to know life isn't fair. But still... this is bullshit.

The door opens again.

"There she is," says a man, like clockwork. This happens daily. "Alive, fed, warm, alive. Happy?"

"No," Taehyung says and everything inside you jumps to alert because he's so close. "Why the separation?"

"It's what the boss wants," responds the Goon.

"If I must perform, I want her to see it too," says Taehyung.

You stiffen because you're confused as hell. Taehyung is negotiating but it doesn't make any sense. How does he suddenly have the power to negotiate? Perform? Perform what and with who?

"Fine," says the Goon and suddenly the blindfold is ripped from over your eyes. You blink, the light is shocking as you haven't seen anything but the blindfold in days, maybe even weeks.

When your eyes clear, you see him - Taehyung. He looks roughed up and a little worst for wear but beautiful. When his brown eyes meet yours he smiles a bit, his blindfold and gags have been removed but his wrists are still bound.

"Are you ok? Have they hurt you?" He asks, his voice urgent as his eyes roam over every piece of you that he can see.

You nod, yes, you're ok. You shake your head, no, you're not hurt. But damn are you afraid and so relieved to see him alive.

Taehyung nods, "Ok, I'll do it."


This cannot be happening,you think as you look around the room in shock, because... this cannot be happening.

You're sitting on the floor of an extravagant living room amongst the Chairman's Goons who are excited and hyped up for what is about to happen. Taehyung stands at the front of the room with a mannequin stand and you know what's impossibly about to happen.

When the music begins and Taehyung starts to sing "Singularity," you feel like you're having an out-of-body experience, because what? They're holding literal guns on you as an incentive to force Taehyung to perform.

"Not every day you have an Idol in the building, you know?" The head goon in charge, also known as the short guy who came to your house looking for "Paul Kim," says to you as he watches Taehyung dance with awestruck eyes.

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