Abby's already in front of me, tilting my chin up, "you okay?"

"Is it supposed to hit this quickly?" I practically moan out, my vision fading. "It's working really quick." I exhale hardly as she rubs my arm.

"Maybe it's just cause you're a lightweight."

I try to catch my breath, the room spinning as my body goes numb. I feel like I cant stand. Like my brains shutting off but im still human from the inside. "G-give me a second." I nod, "its supposed to feel good, right?"

"Yeah, sweety." she brushes back my hair. "When it kicks in it's fun."

The room spins, colours bouncing as sounds go slow and funky. I even crack a smile, reaching up to bop her nose. "You look funny right now," whispering under my breath I feel another hand hold me up.

My eyes feel like they're twitching and that brief euphoric moment fades.

"Just a party drug," Abby says but it sounds like she's telling herself. I'm not sure who it is. The voice is distant.

I nod, hands beginning to shake as my heartbeat slows. "Harry," I say under my breath. I shouldn't have done this without him. My heart goes slower as I barely mumble. "Where is he?"

I try to walk once more but I only fall, hands catching me again. "Slow down."

"Where is he?" panic forms in my chest but my heartbeat is slow. I feel like my forehead is sweating but my body is ice. "I need him."

"Ill get him." a voice call but as soon as the voice moves away I fall on one side unsupported. Someone catches me. "Someone get him." the voices get louder.

"Lets get you to the couch." the rims of my eyes go black and my head rocks back in darkness before I blink it away.

"W-where is he?"

"You're okay." im set on the couch as a hand brushes my hair. "Don't be scared we got you."

"Ive done this before and i-i-i-its-" I stutter as everything goes numb and my tongue feels like it's disappearing.

This was a mistake.

Harry Styles

Were outside as we put up the new security for the house. It's a type of computer-automated system that sounds when someone enters. It locks every door, big cameras and all that stuff.

We've put them all around the house and were simply drinking beer as we set it up.

I'm not sure what the girls are doing but it seemed like they were up to no good. I think I smell weed. Im sure Violet will be out here high as shit soon.

Niall sits down on the ground, "my neck hurts."

Its currently night but we're working with a flashlight and the porch light. This has to get done.

"From what?" Louis asks as he types on his computer.

"You haven't done anything," I shake my head as I screw in the cameras to the corner of the door.

He throws up his hands, "who do you think put all the cameras up around the property? I had to walk like half a mile."

I hum, "maybe you did leave. It was quiet."

"Dick," I get an empty beer can thrown at me. "Respect me."

I swat it away. "Nasty."

I screw the last bolt before I turn it on. The system shinning a red light. I wave into the camera so Louis can see if it's working. Louis goes, "got it!" and I step back to crack my knuckles.

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