"Don't feel bad, I'm just happy I could help." I tell him honestly.

I could tell he was thinking about something. "How did you know how to calm me down?" He asked curious.

I look away from his eyes. "In secondary school, I had my fair share of them." He frowned towards me.

"If you don't mind me asking, why?" He asked. So I explain it to him.

In secondary school, I started up my YouTube channel. And people thought I was just wasting my time.

So they started bullying me a little bit. They bullied me, Andrew, and Mason.

"They would watch our videos and laugh. I would get a lot shit for it and it would cause me to get panic attacks." I explain.

I've actually never told anyone this. Yeah, Andrew and Mason know about it because they would help me.

But I haven't told my fans or anyone else. But I wanted Owen to know. Maybe I could help him a little bit.

"I didn't know that." He spoke to me. I take a deep breath. "I don't talk about it. But I want you to know that you're not alone." I tell him honestly.

He gave me a soft look. "Thanks, Sam. Same goes to you." He admitted to me.

"Did you want to talk about why you had one tonight?" I ask.

He just shrugged towards me. "I'm just scared I'm failing." My heart ached when he said that.

I thought of what I could say. "You're not, Owen. I promise. You're still young. You're going to have a long, successful life." I smile.

He looks like he takes it by heart. "I want you to know this has helped a lot." He admitted towards me.

I give him a reassuring smile. I feel like we bonded tonight.

"Anything to help. I don't care if it's eight in the morning, noon, or four in the morning, call me if you need anything." He nodded.

We hung out for a while, just talking and getting to know more about each other.

But around three thirty, I could tell he was starting to get tired.

"You know, you can go to sleep if you want to." I tell him.

He started to yawn as Cruzy slept on his lap. "I know it's last minute, but can you stay the night? Just in case another one happens?"

I nod my head. "Of course." That's why I brought my conditioner and comb just incase.

"I'll get you a blanket and a pillow." He gets off the couch and jogs to a closet.

He hands me a pillow and a fuzzy blanket. "Wake me up if you need anything." I tell him as I get ready.

He nods his head while taking a deep breath. "Thank you for everything." He thanked me again.

"Just get some rest." We told each other goodnight while he walked into his room.

I laid my head on the pillow to make myself comfortable.

I fell asleep pretty fast. I couldn't tell how many hours of sleep I got.

But I woke up to a vibration under my pillow. I groggily check my phone to see it was Mason.

Fuck, I forgot to tell them I was staying the night. I answer it and brought it to my ear.

"Sam, where the fuck are you?" Mason practically yelled in my ear.

"I'm over at Owens, I ended up spending the night." I inform him.

I could feel him relax over the phone. "Anything happen last night?" I could basically sense his smirk.

I groan towards myself as I sit up. "Nothing happened, Mason. I'll be home soon." I promise.

I could smell coffee so I looked over at the kitchen. Owen was leaning his back on the counter, his arms are crossed.

He had his head towards me, looking at my direction. But whenever he noticed, he quickly looked away.

I smiled at myself as Mason spoke. I wasn't even paying attention to him.

I was just thinking about the way Owen was looking at me.

"Earth to Sam? Are you still on the phone?" He asked bringing me back to the conversation.

"Yeah, I'm still here. I'll talk to you later, okay?" I ask trying to push him off the phone.

"You're pushing me off the phone aren't you?" He asked surprise laced on his voice.

I bit my lip while thinking about it. "You know we have to film right?" He asked making me roll my eyes.

"I'll see you later, Mason. Bye." I hung up before he could say anything else.

I lock my phone and put it in my pocket. "How're you feeling?" I ask Owen, grabbing his attention.

He looked over towards me as I stood up. "A lot better." I stood across from him so I could face him.

"That's good to hear. I'm just happy that I could help." I lean against the counter.

He smiled towards me. "You did. Is everything okay though, with Mason?" He asked as I nodded.

"I forgot to message him saying that I was coming here so he was freaking out a little bit. But everything's good." I tell him.

We hang out for a little bit. And by a little bit, I mean we watch a whole ass movie together.

It was nice just hanging out with him. But sadly, I did have to leave to film.

Before leaving, I looked over at Owen. "Message me if you need anything, okay?" I tell him seriously.

He nodded his head towards me. "Of course. I'll see you soon." I wave him goodbye as I sigh.

Is it weird that I already miss Owen?

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