2: 𝚞𝚗𝚎𝚡𝚙𝚎𝚌𝚝𝚎𝚍 𝚝𝚎𝚡𝚝

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The school parking lot of Kildare County High School was packed of teachers that were entering the building and teenagers that were all hanging out together. Their chatters were loud as it filled air around them. The occasional honks of the vehicle driving by could be heard as some were parents dropping off their children, others being the students of the school as they parked in a spot that was free and not taken by another car.

After parking the car, Kiara hops out of the driver's seat, Y/n doing the same in the passenger's while Pope and JJ get out from the back. As Y/n and Pope walk to the other side, them and Kiara take notice of how quickly took a gulp of the alcohol he had in the bottle he was holding before tossing it back into the car and grabbing his backpack, knowing he wasn't aloud any alcohol at school.

"Hey, chill out." Kie instructs.

"If I black out, just don't remind me." JJ tells them.

Kie shakes her head. "That's not funny."

As they all began walking towards the school building, it seemed like everyone's chatters went down as all their eyes looked to the group of four. Theories continued going around, someone claiming that they heard the four got arrested. Pope takes a glance at his girlfriend, noticing the uneasiness in her eyes and silently reaches over and grabs her hand, holding it in his to which Y/n intertwines their fingers together, feeling the pad of his thumb caress the back of her soft hand.

As the group continue venturing forward, they soon stop in front of a large rock, a memorial made for John B. A yellow surfboard leaned against the rock, John B's full name being written on it while pictures of him had, what looked to be, taped on the board and the rock. Flowers laid all around in front of the surfboard, no doubt being some of his friends that he talked to other than the four saddened teenagers.

"I feel like people are staring at us." Kie speaks up.

JJ glances around, nodding. "Oh yeah."

"Guys, I can't be late." Pope states.

As he began to walk to the building, Y/n jogged up to him, holding her hand out. With a small smile, he clasps his hand with hers, their fingers intertwining as they venture towards the school with Kie and Pope trailing behind them.


School was about halfway done now, class going on for some time now. The teacher's voice was the only thing being heard throughout the classroom full of tenth graders. Words were written all on the chalkboard as the students continued to copy it down in their notebooks, knowing they'd probably need them for future tests. In the back, Y/n could be seen, her back hunched a bit as she held her pencil, the ink meeting the paper as her curved writing comes out from the other side, copying the notes on the board.

Suddenly, the sound of a phone chiming filled the silent air, adding to the teacher's speaking. As all the students look to the Carrera girl, she was quietly grabbing her phone that laid on her desk and into her lap, ignoring their stares as she continues to look down at her paper. When the teacher looked away after getting no answer of who's phone it was, Y/n drops her pencil and turns her phone on. On the screen, a notification about an incoming text from an unknown number popped up.

Curiously with furrowed brows, Y/n unlocks her phone screen, opening the text and her eyes immediately go wide at the sight. It's a picture of John B Routledge and Sarah Cameron together, smiles on their faces and... alive. Her heart jumps at the picture, thinking if this was real or not. She couldn't help but think if her friend's and sister had gotten this to, but when the got a text from her sister saying meet them outside, she knew they did get the same text that she had just gotten.

Not wasting another second, the Carrera girl grabs her notebook and pencil, shoving them into her back as those were the only things she had brought out. Everyone looked to her, including the teacher, as she stood up, slinging the strap of her bag over her shoulder and rushing out of the classroom, ignoring her teacher's protests about it. While running through the hallways, not caring if she was interrupting a class, Y/n soon met up with her sister, boyfriend and friend as they, too, were running through the halls.

Pope instantly grabbed her hand before they continued down the hallway. As they did that, JJ managed to knock himself to the floor when he rammed into one of the janitor's cleaning buckets that he was using. Y/n and Pope were quick to help him up before they were soon rushing outside, stopping by one of the tables that the school had put down a long time ago. No other student could be seen near them.

"Is that even possible? I mean, Shoupe said that they didn't make it. He said that." Y/n reminds.

"Okay, but I think we're overreacting right now, cause we can't rule out the possibility that this could all be some kind of weird, cruel hoax." Pope argues.

"I'm just gonna ask." Kie tells them.

"What if it's actually him, though?" JJ asks.

Pope shrugs. "Then I don't know, okay? I don't know."

As Kie texted back and they waited for a response, the group placed themselves in each of their own spots. Kie was sitting at a table, JJ leaning against the wall of the school and the couple of the group sitting on the table across from Kie. Y/n nervously bounced her leg up and down, making Pope rest his hand on her pants covered knee, feeling her relax beneath his touch like she always did, but it still didn't help the anticipation as they waited for a reply.

Is JJ there?

I'm here Bree

Did you pimp my short board?

Almost right after his text message, laughs escaped past the teenagers lips. Tears all welled up in their eyes, making the texts a bit blurry, but they had their confirmation. John B Routledge and Sarah Cameron had survived throughout the storm and the police chase on the ocean waves.

Stepping away from the school wall, JJ went around his friends and gave them hugs. First was Pope, giving him a bro hug, then Y/n who was next to her boyfriend before lastly it was Kie. When they pulled away, the blonde jumped up, letting out a cheer of excitement and happiness. A sniffle and a chuckle escaped Y/n as she wiped the happy tears that fell. At first concerned, Pope relaxed when he saw the smile on her face. Reaching forward and making his girlfriend look at him, he used the pad of his thumb to wipe away her tears, pressing a long peck to her lips as his hand cupped her cheek before they were hugging one another tightly.

"Laying super low in Nassau." Kie reads as a new text had popped up.

"How the hell did they get to the Bahamas?" Y/n questions.

"You can't kill a Pogue, dude." JJ states.

"Especially John B." Pope adds with a small laugh.

Can you clear my name?
Wanna come home

Hell yeah, man
We'll clear you name

Be in touch

After John B had finished his last texts, the smiles on the groups faces wouldn't go down and they probably never will until something bad was to happen. Happiness flooded through them as the tears continued to fill their eyes

"P4L, man. That's what I'm talking about!" JJ exclaims.

𝐇𝐈𝐃𝐃𝐄𝐍 𝐅𝐄𝐄𝐋𝐈𝐍𝐆𝐒, 𝗉𝗈𝗉𝖾 𝗁𝖾𝗒𝗐𝖺𝗋𝖽Where stories live. Discover now