2. In the flight ✈️

Start from the beginning

'No I haven't. They don't amuse me at all.'

'Then why are you reading 'Will' ?'

'Because he's an actor and I'm generally curious about them. So I am reading this. I have read Malala and Wings of fire also.'

Just when I thought we were having a good conversation, Rishabh pant who was sitting in the back seat called Shreyas.

'Come back, right. We'll watch something together. Shardul is so boring. He says he wants to sleep.'

'Sleeping doesn't make someone boring. Don't you sleep?' scowled Shardul.

'I do. But not at irregular times. Now you shut up and sleep. We'll see our timepass.' Rishabh said and he began patting shreyas's shoulder.

'Stop doing it .' said shreyas and removed rishabh's hand.

'Ok. I won't. But come back.'

'Stay at your places. And Rishabh, our new intern has come. Did you talk to her?' Dravid sir said pointing at me.

'I haven't seen her though I heard about her from someone.' said Rishabh pant.

'Be careful with her. She's gonna administer booster shots and take samples from you for covid tests. So make friends with her.' joked Sir.

'But you are supposed to be a manager right?' asked Shreyas.

'I have actually done MBA in pharmaceutical management. And I am mainly here to ensure a covid free bio bubble. As that's not gonna take much effort, I will also be assisting Sanjana.' I stated.

'Brave of you to think that it's easy to get your work done fast with these people. They suck our blood.' said Dravid sir.

'Bhai, you were also an cricketer. So you can't accuse us like that.' said Virat coming from nowhere.

'This guy has started again. Virat can't you sit properly in your seat?' said Ishant sharma who was sitting in the seat before ours.'

'He's done with irritating us. So it's your turn to bear him now.' said Hardik who was sitting in the two seater row.

'Bhaiyya come and sit with me here. Shardul is so boring.'said Rishabh and Virat had happily obliged.

'Ninu anu maduttarive?' he spoke to Dravid sir who couldn't stop laughing listening to it.

'Why are you laughing bhai?' asked a confused Virat.

'Your pronunciation is terrible Virat.'

'What did you want to say Virat?' asked Shreyas.

'I asked him what he was doing.' said Virat.

'What did he ask?' Shreyas asked Dravid sir.

'It doesn't have a meaning of itself. But it's understandable.' said sir.

I sat there calmly listening to their conversation.

'Where are you from?' Virat asked me.


'I am from Hyderabad.' I replied.

'Oh! Bahubali.' he said.

'And also Pushpa now.' he added.

Not knowing what to reply, I just smiled.

'The language there is Telugu right?' he asked.

'Before you answer anything else, let me warn you. Don't admit that you have a good hold on the language. If you admit so, he'll kill you asking you to teach him Telugu.' said Hardik.

'Why did you come here now?' Virat asked him.

'You are all talking here. I didn't feel like being there, so I came here.'

'See, joy is where I am.'

'He killed me to teach him Gujarathi and Rahul to teach him Kannada. So don't agree to him irrrespective of sweetly he asks.' hardik told me.

'I am talking to you and how can you ignore me like that?' Virat asked him by pulling his hand with so much force such that hardik lost his balance and tipped off. He fell on the floor then.

'Don't do stupid things, both of you. Hardik go to your seat or sit beside Ishant.' Said Dravid sir.

'Bhai, scold Virat also. He did this.' whined Hardik.

'He loves me. Why will he scold me?' said Virat sticking out his tongue.

'Even you Virat, stop this now.' sir said sternly.

'Ok bhai.' Virat said in a childish voice.

Nobody were calling him sir. Everyone were only mentioning him as bhai.

 The journey from then on was quiet. We soon landed in South Africa. I took out my phone to call my sister, Ishika to inform her that we landed in SA. 

'I was waiting for your call since so long. How was your journey. And tell me how are they?' she screamed with excitement.

'I am starstruck. And you know I sat beside Shreyas Iyer in the flight.' I whispered, making sure no one could hear me.

'What? Are you serious?' 

'Yes I am. But between us two Rahul dravid was sitting.' 

'Did you talk to him?'

'Yes. Dravid is the reason. He pointed out that we were reading the same book.' 

'THAT'S INSANE!!!! Ok, how's my cutu boy?' she asked referring to K.l.Rahul. My sister was obssesed with him.

'He looked so cute with Athiya. They definitely are couple goals.' I teased her.

'Don't talk about her. Ok, let's leave this  topic. Tell me all that has happened.'

'I don't know if I am just overthinking, but I feel like things aren't good between RohiRat. I haven't even see they have an eye contact. Also in the airport with both of them being present in the same room, it seemed as if the others were forced to choose a side. Ro was sleeping in the flight and with only Virat being there, the atmosphere seemed normal again.' I told her everything I've felt.

'Is it so? Observe them properly and I need an update daily, on them as well as on you.' she said.

'Yeah I'll. Tell mom and dad that I've called. I'll call them later.' 

'Sure. Bye.'

I put my phone in my pocket and began walking. 

'How was your flight?' asked Sanjana and began walking with me.

'Good.' I replied. I was still angry at her.

'With how many people did you talk?' she asked.

'Dravid sir, Shreyas iyer, Virat kohli, Hardik pandya and Rishabh pant.' I told her.

'If I kept accompanying you all the time, this would have not happened. I'll be there everytime you'll need me. But you should also go and connect with everyone.' she said giving me a side hug.

I was no longer angry with her.

'But the moment I saw you with them, I was so angry with you.' I confessed.

'I know. Now come let's go fast.' she said.

And we all left to our hotel. 

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