Chapter 6: New Beginnings. (Mostly Sophie POV)

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(Author's note: Haha gay people. Felix's voice actor said that Felix is bi so I'm taking that to heart)

||Quick Felix POV||

     Sophie's words had made Felix begin to question himself, and after thinking it over while cooking up dinner, he realized that it was always a bit odd that he had never really... decided. He always liked women, but he also had liked men. He never thought anything of it, though. He just assumed it was normal. He was glad that he had a word for it now.

||Sophie POV||

     Sophie sat silently on the couch, just waiting for Jenny. When the doorbell rang, she shot up from her seat, opening the door. She welcomed Jenny inside, just as Felix finished up dinner. Felix was wearing a very colorful tie, and Jenny was wearing a brightly striped turtleneck. These two items oddly complimented each other.
     "So, you must be Jenny! Sophie's told me lots about you!" Felix said, shaking hands with Jenny. 
     "Sure am! Nice to meet you, Mr... Walten?"
     "No, my last name is Kranken." He said, smiling and shaking his head.
    "So then, you aren't Jenny's uncle?"
     "Well, not exactly." Felix frowned slightly. "I was good friends with Sophie's father. We were so close, we were like brothers. When her family went missing, they left her with me." 
     Jenny gasped slightly before enveloping Sophie in a tight hug. Both of them sat in silence before Sophie hesitantly wrapped her arms around Jenny.
     "I had no idea. Are you okay?" Jenny asked, holding Sophie by the shoulders and looking into her eyes with genuine concern. Sophie's heart fluttered. She paused for a moment, her eyes wide, before nodding.
     "Y-yes, yes, I'm fine. Thank you for your concern. I guess... I guess it was a chance for some new beginnings." She replied. As they both stood there, Sophie couldn't help but run a hand through Jenny's hair. 
     "Alright, lovebirds, it's time for dinner." Felix said. Upon hearing this, Jenny and Sophie quickly separated. Sophie frowned, flustered and embarrassed.
     "Uncle Felix!" She exclaimed in a scolding tone, but he just smiled his crooked smile, shaking his head. 
     "Oh, to be young and in love!" He said, despite Sophie's protests. He chuckled, putting on oven mitts and bringing dinner out to the table. One of his favorite dishes, both to make and to eat. Lasagna!
     "This is delicious, Mr. Kranken!" Jenny exclaimed, a smile on her face. Felix smiled and waved his hand as if he were swatting the statement out of the air.
     "Please, just call me Felix! No need to be formal with me." He said, going back to eating. 
     After dinner was finished, Jenny went up to Sophie's room with her. They chatted for a while before eventually falling into silence, simply sitting next to each other and enjoying the company.
     "Uh... Jenny?" Sophie asked softly, turning to look at Jenny. 
     "Yeah, Sophie?"
     "Do you... do you like me?" Sophie asked, looking away.
     "Of course I do, Sophie, you're my best friend!" Jenny said.
     "I don't mean like that, Jenny. I mean... like..." Sophie shuffled her hand, placing it on top of Jenny's. 
      Jenny paused, her eyes wide and her cheeks flushed. 
     "I do, Sophie."
     The two stared into each other's eyes for a moment. They began to lean in, getting closer and closer. All of a sudden, Felix opened the door.
     "Hey, girls, I made... cookies..." He paused for a moment, Felix staring at the two girls and the two of them staring back. "I have a feeling I ruined a moment." He said slowly. Sophie continued to stare at Felix, but Jenny leaned over and delivered a kiss to Sophie's cheek. 
     "Alright, I'll leave you to it. Cookies are on the coffee table, and no closing the door. I'm still in the house." After his statement, Felix was promptly shooed from the room by a flustered Sophie. She then turned back to Jenny, nervously twirling one of her curls around her finger.
     "So. Are we dating now?" Sophie asked. Jenny smiled and stood up, opening her arms for a hug. 
     "Yeah. We are. Well, if you w-" Sophie tackled Jenny in a hug before she could say anything else, burying her head into Jenny's thick hair. It smelled like apple-scented shampoo. Jenny hugged back, planting a kiss on Sophie's head.
     "Alright, let's go get cookies." Sophie said, smiling brighter than she ever had before.
     The two went downstairs holding hands, sitting on the couch and chatting while enjoying the chocolate chip cookies that Felix had baked for them. The topic eventually moved to Sophie's family.
     "What was your family like?" Jenny asked, tilting her head slightly. Sophie shrugged in response.
     "I don't really remember much. I don't even remember when Felix took me in. You'd probably have to ask him about it. In fact, why don't you?" Sophie smiled and turned. "Uncle Felix!" She called. He walked into the room, smiling. 
     "What is it?" 
     "Can you tell us what my family was like?" Sophie asked with a grin on her face. Jenny was also smiling excitedly.
      "Well, I don't see why not." He said, coming into the living room and sitting on his armchair. "We'll start with your father. He was tall, very tall. 6'2, if I remember correctly. He had this thick and curly black hair, and it bounced when he walked fast. He spoke with an accent, and sometimes he would say something to me in Spanish that I just wouldn't understand. I always went along with it." 
     Sophie's eyes sparkled with wonder, and Jenny listened, fascinated.
     "He had a real temper, but he wouldn't scream or anything when he was mad, which just made it even scarier. You could just see the anger blazing in his eyes. We both majored in business in college." Felix smiled, glad that Sophie wanted to know about her family, even if he knew she would just forget again. 
      "Your mother was around the same height as me, I think an inch taller. She loved slow-dancing with your father, and they both loved Christmas. She was an artist. She even helped us with some of the concepts for my- sorry, OUR business. She had wavy black hair, kind of like Jack's."
     Sophie smiled at Jenny, before turning back to Felix. 
     "What else?"
     "Well, I always thought you looked more like your mother, but you definitely share your father's smile, and his naturally quiet, sort of whispery voice. You've definitely got a temper like his, too!" Felix chuckled. Sophie rolled her eyes, still smiling. 
     "Say, where did you get that scar from?" Jenny asked suddenly, gesturing to the mark on Felix's forehead from when he had crashed his car. "And, I also noticed you walk with a bit of a limp. Sorry for asking so many questions, you don't have to answer." 
     "Oh, no, it's alright. I... I got into a car crash once. The scar is from the windshield, and my limp is because my leg never healed right." He shuddered slightly, remembering the awful night. "Saint Juana forest. That's where I crashed." He said softly.
     "Are you alright, uncle Felix?" Sophie asked, concerned.
     He quickly nodded, smiling. 
     "Yeah, it's just a bit scary to remember. Oh! I just remembered! I still have the missing posters of your family, if you want to see them!" Felix stood. Jenny and Sophie both nodded excitedly. Felix went upstairs and soon returned holding three picture frames. He set them down on the coffee table. 
     "I've got to go over to the restaurant to check up on things. I'll be back soon. Jenny, if you want to stay the night, I'm fine with it. Just call your parents and make sure it's alright with them." Felix said, waving goodbye and heading out the door.
     "Eh, my mom doesn't care about where I stay as long as I'm back the next day." Jenny said, stretching her arms and yawning. Sophie laid down on the couch, putting her head in Jenny's lap. Eventually, the two of them both fell asleep. Meanwhile, Felix was now caught in a dire situation... 

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