Chapter 1: 25 calls. (Mostly Jack POV)

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     Jack picked up the phone, gripping it tightly. Even though he never raised his voice or destroyed things, you could always tell when he was angry. He was absolutely furious as he dialed Felix Kranken's number. He didn't pick up, again.
     "Felix. It's been three hours." He spoke in his deep growl of a voice. He was absolutely fuming as he spoke into the phone, receiving no response from his business partner and best friend.
When he was finished with his rant he hung up and walked over to the couch, hanging his head. He rubbed his temples, his black curls falling in a curtain around his face. He was tired, and he just wanted to see his kids again.
     "Dad?" A small voice spoke from in the hallway. Jack turned and saw his daughter, Sophie, poking her head into the living room. Her nose was scrunched in concern, and her wavy chestnut hair cascaded down to her shoulders.
     "Come here, Sophie." Jack said, crouching down and opening his arms for a hug. He managed a smile and held back tears for his daughter. He felt regretful that he wasn't around for her much, but founding a restaurant was hard.
     She rushed over to him, wrapping her arms around him. He hugged her back, tears starting to form in his eyes. He stayed completely silent as the tears fell down his cheeks and landed on the carpet, though. He needed to stay strong.
     "Where are Ed and Molly, dad?" Sophie asked, finally pulling away from the hug. He quickly swiped his sleeve across his face, clearing it of tears. He placed a hand on Sophie's shoulders, smiling softly.
     "They're with Uncle Felix right now, okay? I'm sure they'll be back soon. While we're waiting for them," He stood, loosening his tie a bit. "Why don't you go up to your room and read a bit?"  Sophie nodded, smiling and heading up to her room.
     Jack let out a sigh and walked to his office. He grabbed a pack of cigarettes and a lighter out of the desk drawer, walking outside and sitting on the porch. It was a chilly night, but he didn't mind.
     As he lit a cigarette, Rosemary walked out onto the porch, her blue eyes deep with worry. She walked out behind him, wrapping her arms around his chest and tucking her face into his dark hair. Jack sighed, kissing her on her head.
     "I haven't seen you smoke since college finals, Jack." She mumbled, playing with one of his stray curls. He simply grunted in response, blowing out a puff of smoke.

||Time skip, brought to you by edgy shit!!||

     Jack woke bright and early, as always. He was already putting on his tie when Rosemary sat up, rubbing her eyes. She yawned and turned to him.
     "Heading to work, dear?"
     "Yes. I'm hoping that I'll see Felix at the restaurant, or maybe in the workshop. Tell Sophie I said hello." He walked over to Rosemary and gave her a kiss on the cheek, before rushing out the door.

||And now, we interrupt your regularly scheduled Jack for some Felix POV.||

     Felix groaned as he sat up. What happened? Was that some kind of nightmare? He fumbled for his glasses, putting them on. Every part of his body hurt. He saw the tape recorder next to him and clicked it on, listening to the message he had left for himself.
     "Lord almighty." He whispered to himself when the message ended. He looked down at his bloodstained suit, knowing that not all of the blood was his own. He got up, wincing at his leg, before dragging himself to the bathroom.
     "What do I do now?" He said to himself, staring in the mirror for a moment before opening up the medicine cabinet and digging through it, pulling out an old first-aid kit.
     He sat himself down on the cold tile floor, removing his tie and dress shirt, looking down at the gashes on his torso. He began by removing as much glass from the wounds as he could and cleaning them with hydrogen peroxide.
     Once he had cleaned and bandaged his wounds, sewing shut the larger ones, he looked down at his leg. Now that was going to take some work. He began to tightly bandage the broken area, wincing and cursing as he did so.
     He then dragged himself out of the bathroom, limping to the kitchen. He grabbed an ice pack, pressing it against his leg, and wrapping that to his leg with bandages. He sighed and tucked his face into his hands, starting to sob.

||And now, back to your regularly scheduled Jack POV||

     Jack started to get worried when he didn't see Felix at the workshop or the restaurant. It also fueled his rage against Felix further. He wanted his kids back, and he wanted his friend back.
Felix had been like a brother to Jack. He trusted him with the lives of his kids. Hell, he would have even trusted him with his own life. But now he couldn't be so sure.
     He paced the living room, his dark hair bouncing slightly with each quick step. Rosemary was in the kitchen, working on dinner. She watched him walk back and forth, her brow furrowed.
     "Jack, you'll wear yourself out. Have a seat, dinner is almost ready." She said, crossing her arms and frowning. Jack did as she asked, but his foot tapped nervously on the floor.
     Soon enough, Rosemary had finished making dinner and called Sophie inside. She was about to call for Ed and Molly, but she then remembered. Jack sat at the table with his wife and daughter.
     Jack couldn't stand sitting at that table. It seemed so silent with Ed and Molly gone, but it was all so loud. The clacking of forks on plates, chewing, even the ticking of the clock. Eating felt like a chore to Jack that night, and when he finished, he went right to bed.
     "Jack?" Rosemary asked, concern in her voice. Only soft snores came as a response. She stared down at the sleeping figure of her husband and sighed. She then crawled into bed, cuddling up to him. It had been rough for all of them recently.

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