Chapter 5: An unexpected meeting. (Mostly Sophie and Jenny POV)

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(Author's note: You read that right. Jenny's getting introduced in this chapter!! Prepare yourself for Jophie >:D enjoy the wholesome chapter)

||Sophie POV||

     It had been a while since Felix had taken Sophie in. She was in her senior year of high school, and she had spent her whole High School experience friendless. She had been teased a couple times for this, but Sophie didn't care.
     Sophie kind of expected the school year to go the same as the last. Scrape by with grades that are fine, keep lying to Felix about friends, finish the school year with nothing to do. She was walking down the hall, not paying attention to where she was going, when she suddenly bumped into somebody. 
     She looked up and was met by a pale face, spotted with freckles and framed by a puff of curly red hair. The two girls stared at each other in shock for a moment before Sophie finally spoke up. 
     "Oh, I'm so sorry, I should have been paying attention to where I was going!" She smiled awkwardly.
     "It's no big deal, don't worry about it. Say, I'm new here, mind showing me to my class? I'm looking for room 25. I'm Jenny, by the way!" The redheaded girl grinned, and Sophie smiled back.
     "Oh, that's the class I'm headed to right now! I'm Sophie." She said.
     Jenny and Sophie hurried to class so that they weren't late, but they spent the class whispering to each other and giggling. When the school day was over, Jenny walked Sophie home. They only lived a couple blocks away. When Sophie walked inside, Felix was sitting in the living room, reading the newspaper. 
     "Who was that?" Felix asked, not looking up from the article he was focused on. 
     "Her name is Jenny! She's new here, and we met when I accidentally bumped into her." Sophie giggled a bit, and Felix smiled, folding the newspaper and setting it onto his lap.
     "Reminds me of somebody I once knew. We were old college friends. I bumped into him one time, and it scared me so bad, I went running the other way! He was a lot taller than me, you can't blame me." Felix chuckled, and Sophie laughed along before going up to her room. 

||Felix POV||

     Felix had enjoyed reminiscing on old memories of him and Jack, but he was getting hungry. He didn't feel like cooking, so he called and ordered some Chinese food to be delivered. When the food arrived and he called Sophie down for dinner, she didn't respond. He called again, no response.
     "Sophie?" He asked, poking his head into her room. She looked up, her eyes wide, and quickly shut a notebook that was open in front of her.
     "Oh! Hi, Uncle Felix! I didn't, uh... didn't hear you. Haha. Ha." She said nervously. Felix narrowed his eyes. 
     "Dinner is here. I called you twice." He said before turning and walking downstairs. He was suspicious, but he ignored it. Surely all was normal.
     Sophie went down the stairs, a bright smile on her face. Felix looked up at her, and she skipped happily to the table, sitting down excitedly. Felix smiled, sighing. 
     "You've got your father's smile, Sophie. What's all the excitement, eh?" He asked, serving himself some rice.
     "Oh, mind your potatoes, Uncle Felix!" Sophie said lightheartedly. The two of them laughed.
     "Well, I haven't seen you in such a good mood for a while, is all. You sure you won't tell me?" Felix questioned. Even if Sophie didn't give him an answer, he was just glad to see her so happy. 
     "Oh, fine. It's just that I'm so happy from meeting Jenny, that girl I mentioned earlier! She's sweet, and smart, and pretty, and her hair is so beautiful, and her eyes sparkle in the sun, and..." Sophie paused, realizing Felix was staring at her, an eyebrow raised. "Aaaannnnnd I've said too much. We're friends, just friends!" Felix smiled, letting out a snort of laughter. "If you insist, kiddo." 

||Jenny POV||

     The next week, while walking to school, Jenny crossed paths with her new best friend, Sophie. Although she did have a crush on her, she was happy to just stay friends if Sophie wanted to. 
     "Sophie! What's crackin'?" Jenny asked, messing up Sophie's brown locks. Sophie laughed, playfully pushing Jenny away.
     "The usual. How are you?" Sophie asked, her eyes sparkling with happiness. Jenny loved that sparkle. Sophie was probably the happiest person she knew. 
     Suddenly, Jenny was pulled to the side by Sophie. She stumbled, bumping into Sophie before tripping and landing on the ground. Sophie laughed, pulling her to her feet.
     "Watch where you're going, you goof, you nearly ran into a telephone pole!" She gave Jenny a soft punch on the shoulder, who proceeded to do the same. The two spent the rest of their walk chatting. 
     It was yet another mundane school day, but Jenny's classes that she shared with Sophie were always brighter than the rest. Jenny was walking Sophie home like usual, when suddenly, she got an idea. 
     "Say, Sophie, why don't I come over for dinner some time?" As soon as Jenny asked this, Sophie's face lit up. Jenny loved her huge smile, it was probably the most recognizable and unique thing about her. She could spot it in any crowd.
     "You could come over tonight! I'm sure my uncle Felix will be willing to cook for three." 
     "Then that's a plan! Should I come over in an hour?"
     Sophie nodded, and the two hugged before Jenny continued on to her home. She dropped her backpack and turned to her mom. 
     "Hey, ma! I'm going to have dinner at a friend's house tonight." Her mother nodded, not looking up from the book she was reading. Jenny rushed up to her room, jumping onto her bed and hugging a pillow tightly. She was very excited.

||Sophie POV||

     Sophie walked into her home and set down her backpack, stretching. She sat down on the couch, waiting for Felix to come out of his office to greet her after school. When Felix came downstairs, Sophie sat up straight, smiling.
     "Jenny's coming for dinner, make sure you make extra!" She said. Felix's eyebrows raised in mild surprise, but he nodded. At least Sophie was making friends. 
     "Also, uh... I have to tell you something." She stood up and began sweating. Felix turned to her, a questioning look in his eyes.
     "What is it?" He asked, stepping forward.
     "Uh... I..." She gulped, avoiding eye contact, and he crossed his arms.
     "Spit it out, Sophie!" Felix said, his brow furrowed.
     "I like girls! I like girls and boys, Uncle Felix." Sophie said. She expected an angry reaction, but instead heard a sigh of relief. 
     "Jeez, kid! You had me thinking you were admitting to a crime or something! That sounds normal to me, I don't see why you had to say it in such a dramatic manner. Boys are attractive, girls are attractive, that's that." Felix said, turning and walking into the kitchen to start dinner.
     "So you're telling me that you're bi too? And you never said ANYTHING about it?" Sophie asked, now extremely confused. Felix paused, thinking.
     "Could you, could you elaborate? What does that mean?" Felix asked, pulling ingredients from the pantry. Sophie couldn't help but laugh. 
     "It means you like boys and girls. And it's not something that happens to everybody, uncle Felix." Sophie laughed more as Felix paused and stared at her, completely clueless.
     "Oh. Guess I am." Felix said, shrugging before returning to cooking dinner. "And so, why did you have to tell me this now? Is it about that Jenny girl you always go on and on about? Seems like you've got a big crush on her." 
     Sophie crossed her arms, but she nodded, before going to lay on the couch and read. The two of them had gotten that out of the way, and that was enough for Sophie. Now all she needed to do was wait for Jenny.

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