Chapter 2: Struggling. (Mixed POV)

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||Jack POV||

     It had been a month. A whole month. Countless calls to Felix, sleepless nights, sitting in the bathroom and crying, putting on a brave face for his family. Jack was done with this.
     "Are you going to work? Didn't you say you're taking the day off?" Rosemary asked, watching Jack adjust his tie in the mirror. He was wearing a red suit and black dress shoes.
     "No, my dear, I'm going to find Felix. I'll try his house first." He said, turning to Rosemary and sighing. She nodded, hugging him tightly before brushing his coat off.
     "Come back soon?" She asked, looking up at his dark eyes.
     "I'll try. I can't guarantee anything, though. If I don't come back by tomorrow, and I don't call, something may have happened to me." He said, his brow furrowed.
     Rosemary nodded, giving him a kiss on the cheek. He turned and left, hopping in his car and starting the engine. Sophie watched through the window as he left, not knowing that this would be the last time she would see her father.
     Jack's car ride was silent. He didn't even bother to turn on the radio. When he got to Felix's house, he saw that there was no car in the driveway, but a light was on in the living room. How odd.

||Felix POV||

     Felix flinched when he heard somebody banging on the door. Who was that? Who could be there? The cops? Rosemary? Was it... Jack?
     He limped to the door, hesitantly placing his hand on the door knob. Most of his wounds had healed. The only one still bothering him was his leg.
     Suddenly, the doorknob started to turn and he stumbled backwards. The door slowly opened. A familiar head of thick curls appeared in the doorway. Jack Walten.
     "Felix! Jesus Christ! Where have you been? Why didn't you ever call me back? I want to know where my kids are!" He said, hints of anger and panic in his voice.
     "I... th-they... we... you..." Felix stuttered, slowly backing away. He had always been scared of Jack, but never more than he was scared now.
     "Spit it out. Where are my children, Felix? You have to tell me what happened." Jack said, approaching Felix.
     "THEY'RE DEAD!" Felix suddenly shouted, his eyes wide with terror. He was shaking, and tears were starting to stream down his face. Jack just stood in shock for a moment.
     "They're... what?" Jack asked, his face dead serious. His voice was filled with fury.
     "Dead. They're dead. I g-got into a car crash, Jack, they- they were mangled! If you saw them you would never recover from it, I-" Felix was interrupted by Jack grabbing him by the collar of his shirt.
     "I trusted you, Felix. THEY trusted you." He said, his eyes blazing as he stares into Felix's eyes. Felix, panicking, clocked Jack in the nose. Jack promptly dropped him and stumbled back.
     Felix stood himself up and limped away from Jack as fast as he could. He was standing in the hallway now, and Jack was walking towards him. He put his hand down on a table in the hall, searching for a moment before grabbing what he needed. A pistol.
     Felix scrambled down the hall as Jack chased after him. Eventually, he was stood facing a wall. Jack placed his hand onto Felix's shoulder, but he spun around, pointing the barrel of his gun at Jack's stomach. Both men stood there for a moment, staring at each other in shock.

||Jack POV||

     Jack stopped when he saw the pistol in Felix's hand and felt the cold metal of it press against him for a moment before Felix steadied his aim.
     "Felix, I-" He was cut off by Felix, whose face had twisted into a mix of horror and fury.
     "Take another step, hell, say another word and I'll shoot!" Felix exclaimed, looking up at Jack. Jack assumed he was bluffing. There was no way Felix would do that.
     "Please, just-" Jack, in trying to reason with Felix, had gotten himself shot. He stumbled back, gripping at his gut and coughing. Felix fired two more shots, causing Jack to collapse, clutching his wounds.
     Felix dropped his weapon and rushed over, falling to his knees. He carefully lifted Jack's head, looking down at his friend in horror. Jack looked up at Felix, wincing and coughing.
     "Felix, I just wanted to talk." Jack said, shakily reaching a hand up and patting his old friend on the shoulder. Felix shuddered.
     "Shut up! I mean- be quiet! Save your strength, you're gonna be okay. Yeah. You'll be fine. I'll get you to the hospital, and you'll be just fine." Felix said, starting to cry.
     Felix shuffled Jack closer to him, gently holding his best friend in silence, tears streaming down both their faces. Jack winced and let out a groan of pain before his body relaxed, going limp. He wasn't breathing anymore.

||Felix POV||

     Night soon fell, and Felix had stayed there, holding Jack. Even after his friend had passed away, he just sat there, crying and holding Jack's body. What could he do now? Should he turn himself in? Should he...
     "Hide the body. That's it, I'll hide the body." He said, standing up and brushing himself off. He knew just what to do. He lifted Jack's body, struggling under the weight, and he got going.
It was a long hike through the woods to finally get to the back entrance of Bon's Burgers. It was very late, nobody would be there. They didn't bother with security guards, due to the opening of Bon's being delayed.
     He pulled out his keys, unlocking the back door and walking inside, shutting the door behind him and going to the storage room. There they stood, The Showstoppers. Four animatronic characters that they had come up with, Jack handling the concepts and Felix bringing them to life.
     Felix carefully set down Jack and walked up to their largest model, Bon. He peeled the fuzzy torso exterior away from it, revealing the endoskeleton beneath. He opened the torso hatch. It was mostly empty, except for some wiring. Perfect.
     "Sorry for this." Felix whispered, hauling Jack up and dropping him into the chest cavity. He had to fold and bend the body into some uncomfortable angles, but eventually, it fit into the animatronic.
     Felix shut the torso of the animatronic and re-attached the exterior, leaving Bon as he was found. He went to his office in the back of the restaurant. He always kept an extra suit there.
     He quickly washed his hands and face, getting the blood and dirt off. He then changed his suit, shoving the old one into the dumpster outside. He hated to see it go, but there was no way he would be able to explain all the blood.
     He walked on the sidewalk this time, not wanting to get this fresh suit dirty. It helped that he wasn't carrying a dead body. His leg was almost completely healed, but the wound had been slightly worsened from the day's struggles.
     As Felix limped into his home, he felt that something from that day would always stick with him, both physically and mentally. Little did he know, this was more than true.

(Author's note: I hope you all like this! It's fun for me to work on! And, even if you don't, I'm having fun with it, and I'm glad I can post it here :D)

Pick Up The Phone. (The Walten Files AU)Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu