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✿ "Mariano kind of sounds like marinara sauce" ✿

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✿ "Mariano kind of sounds like marinara sauce" ✿

Y/n's POV

"Must we always come to this casita?" Atlas asked in a mocking tone. "Like honestly, I feel like we eat dinner here everyday." Atlas groaned.

"Suck it up! If you want this plan to work we need to roll with it." Luna spoke annoyed of Atlas always complaining. 

I walked up to casita and it waved using the window shutters. As I was about to knock on the door it swings open-

"Welcome to our-" Camilo started but was interrupted by me knocking on his face. 

"Shoot! Sorry! Sorry! I thought you were the door and I was gonna knock-" I began apologizing.

"It's okay, barely hurts." Camilo spoke shrugging. He led us to the dining room where everyone was seated.

"Hi." The three of us spoke in sync, while taking our seats. "I would just like to say thank you for inviting us and having us over. What an honor and pleasure it must be to have dinner with THE Madrigal's." I spoke smiling at all of them to which they nodded and smiled kindly. 

"The pleasure is all ours." Alma spoke smiling. She looked over at Bruno and they made eye contact before looking at us intensely. I shrugged it off and turned to everyone else at the table.

It was silent and weird. The silence wasn't comfortable. It was like a 'I want to throw myself off the roof of the casita' type of uncomfortable.

"So, I have to ask, do the peasants-" Luna began but stopped herself and she saw the looks everyone was giving her. "I MEAN the townspeople, do they ever get you know jealous that you all got powers and they don't?" Luna corrected and asked. They all remained silent.

"Well, I mean considering from the story I heard, please correct me if I'm wrong but you were fleeing a village, your husband died and it was really tragic, I suppose and like the lake gave you a candle." Luna clarified. Alma looked taken back but nodded.

"So why didn't the other people who were also fleeing their home get gifts as well?" Luna asked. 

"Pedro sacrificed himself for us." Alma answered.

"Correct but is not leaving your home a sacrifice alone? I mean even when I would assume some people died at the old village and on their way here. That's a sacrifice to leave everything behind." Luna spoke.

"Did you not leave your's?" Pepa spoke in a rude tone.

"I sense it's a sensitive topic, for some if not all of you. I was only curious. I apologize if my tone, questions or comments were out of line." Luna apologized. 

"Isabela." I spoke getting the topic and attention off Luna. Isabela looked at me questionably but nodded. "I hear you and Mariano are a thing? No?" I asked trying to be polite as possible.

"We are." Isabela spoke neutrally. I nodded.

"But it's serious though right?" I asked. 

"Yes? Is that an issue." Isabela asked.

"No." I spoke plainly. "Not for me anyway." I spoke smiling. I noticed Dolores tense up in her seat. 

"What's that supposed to mean?" Isabela asked clearly getting annoyed. 

"It means that I know a person who doesn't like the fact that you and Mariano are a thing." I spoke plainly.

"Mariano kind of sounds like marinara sauce." Camilo joked. I turned to him and we started laughing. Isabela kicked my leg from under the table to get my attention. I stopped laughing and turned to her.

"Don't kick my sister like that!" Atlas spoke irritated.

"Isabela, keep your feet to yourself." Camilo spoke shooting his cousin a glare.

"Who?" She asked ignoring Atlas and Camilo.

"Dolores." I mouthed to her. Dolores turned wide eyed and suddenly her food was the most interesting thing on the planet. Pepa, Felix and Camilo looked confused while Isabela looked unconvinced. 

"I just think that going on multiple dates and showing various types of affection in public, is a bit odd. No? I wouldn't want my boyfriend kissing my cousin-" I spoke.

"KISSING?!" Isabela asked. "You kissed him!" Isabela turned to Dolores.

"I-I... Isa-" Dolores began. Isabela got up quickly and left the room, Dolores chasing after her.

"Why would you do that?" Luisa asked.

"All my sister did was tell the truth." Luna defended. 

"Everyone's action's have consequences." Atlas added.

"It's not that! It's that you seem like you wanted them to fight." Luisa spoke frustrated.

"Luisa, calm down. I'm sure Y/n didn't mean it like that. She only meant to tell the truth." Camilo defended me. I gave him a smile.

"Besides, you wouldn't want your sister looking like an idiot dating marinara sauce over there while he's making out with your cousin right? I mean... that's just embarrassing." Atlas spoke. Luisa just glared at us.

"Well, I sense we are disturbing your dinner, and although it was lovely we should be heading home. Bye, bye." I spoke waving and walking out. 

"Y/n wait!" Camilo spoke following me out the room. I turned and looked at him. He pulled me away from everyone and asked me, "Do you maybe, want to hang out tomorrow or something?" 

I pretended to think about it watching him get nervous. "It's fine if you don't want too-" Camilo spoke fidgeting with his fingers. 

"Sure, chameleon. I'd love too." I spoke whispering the last part while pointing at the chameleon's on his rauna. I smiled at him and walked up to my siblings walking out the house and heading home.

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