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✿ "Y/n, you shath asketh your male and female suitor if they would liketh to accompony our party to supper" ✿

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✿ "Y/n, you shath asketh your male and female suitor if they would liketh to accompony our party to supper" ✿

Alma's POV

I waited for everyone to leave La Casita. Once I was sure that everyone had left I made my way to Bruno's room. I made sure no one was around and I knocked on his door. 

"One second!" I hear him yell on the other side of the door.

Bruno finally opens the door holding and petting one of his rats. I sigh and look at the rat. "When are you going to throw those things out?" I asked him staring at the creature. 

"Mama their like my best friends! They're my pets!" Bruno answered proudly. 

"Whatever you say mijo. Listen, I wanted to ask you for a favor." I started. He looked unsure but nodded. "Tonight... the little triplets were acting rather... odd. Wouldn't you agree?" I asked him.

"Um... I don't know, maybe I guess why?" Bruno asked. 

"I want you to look into their future. See what's wrong with them, why they're acting so strange. I know they're trying to do something to my Encanto." I spoke with pleading eyes. 

"Yes, yes, Encanto, Encanto, Encanto." Bruno spoke clearly annoyed. "I would love to help mama but theirs two problems. One it's an invasion of privacy to read someone's future without them knowing and secondly, I never got a good look at the three of them. Unless you have a picture or can somehow allow me to actually see them more, I can't help." Bruno spoke. 

"If I invite them to dinner would you get a good look at them then?" I asked annoyed. Bruno nodded. "It's settled I will invite them tomorrow!" I spoke clapping and walking out.

Camilo's POV

"Camilo! Despierta ya! Ya es tarde mijo!" My mom spoke while shaking me. 

"5 more minutes." I spoke turning over and covering my face with my pillow. Mama grabbed my hands and pulled me up waking me up. Mama left the room and I got ready for the day. 

I was walking out my room when Aubela stopped me. "Camilo! There you are. I've been looking for you everywhere." Abuela spoke with relief in her voice. 

"Oh sorry! What did you need?" I asked.

"Could you go to the village and invite the triplets to dinner tonight?" Abuela spoke in a very cheerful tone. I looked at her suspiciously. 

"What's the occasion?" I asked.

"No occasion, I just think it would be lovely to have them over again." Abuela spoke pushing me towards the doors. 

Before I could ask or say anything else she pushed me outside and making me loose my balance. I yelled as I rolled down the little hill that casita was placed on and into the village.

I finally got up as I bumped into someone making them fall. I opened my eyes and Y/n was on top of me.

"I am so sorry!" I spoke while getting up quickly and helping her up. Atlas and Luna just stared confused as to what just happened.

"You know most people walk... on their feet instead of rolling around the village like a bowling ball and hitting people like bowling ball pins." Y/n spoke, not in a rude tone, it almost sounded like a joking tone.

"Bowling ball?" I whispered to myself. "What's bowling?" I asked curiously.

"Oh, um, nothing." Y/n spoke going back to whatever she was doing before.

"Did you need something?" Y/n asked as I followed them while they shopped around.

"Yes actually." I spoke and cleared my throat. The three of them just stood there staring at me as I figured out what to say.

"Are you going to propose or what?" Luna asked impatiently.

"Y/n, you shath asketh your male and female suitor if they would liketh to accompony our party to supper." I spoke confidently.

"What?" The three of them asked in unison.

"Suitor? Do you know what the word means?" Luna asked laughing a bit.

I ignored their comments and tried to repeat myself.

"Asketh your-" I began.

"Speak English!" Atlas spoke harshly. Y/n and I both turned to him and I just glared at him.

"Oh my God, ask Luna and Atlas if they want to go to to dinner with us." I spoke less excited.

"We'd love too!" Luna spoke smiling.

"Why didn't you just say that?" Y/n asked laughing lightly.

"I was trying to speak like, proper high class, Y/n." I spoke making her laugh. I had to admit her laugh was contagious. I started laughing and soon we were both laughing together.

"They sound like they're on something." Atlas whispered to Luna and she nodded in agreement.

"We'd love to have dinner with your family. Tonight?" Y/n asked. 

"Yeah." I spoke nodding. She nodded. "I'll see you later then?" Y/n spoke. I nodded.

"BYE CAMILO!" She yelled smiling and waving. I smiled and waved back heading home.

A/N: I know this chapter is shorter than usual but it's okay I'll write a longer chapter later or tomorrow. 

Also why do I always update at night? LMAO anyways.

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