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✿ "The only thing you'll be leading us to is death, Atlas

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✿ "The only thing you'll be leading us to is death, Atlas." ✿

"When you all enter the Encanto I want NO words about the plan. NOT A SINGLE WORD!" Mother spoke sternly at the 3 of us following behind her.

"Why not?" Luna asked curiously.

"Do you want to go back!" Mother snapped at her. Luna nodded her head 'no' with a scared expression. "Exactly! So be quiet. I will explain more some other time." Mother whispered. She was obviously annoyed with our bickering the entire way here.

We finally entered the Encanto. 

"About time we made it." I spoke tiredly. "Right?! My feet are killing me!" Luna complained.

I looked around the village as we walked around. All the houses were colorfully decorated, plants everywhere, the markets were pretty busy, people walking around smiling greeting one another. 

As Atlas looked around he finally gave his opinion. "I think I wanna throw up. What's with all the colors?" Atlas spoke up.

"Atlas be nice!" I spoke while smacking him.

Suddenly a lady carrying her baby walked by Atlas. As she walked by she smiled at Atlas greeting him. Atlas stared at the lady and scoffed. "Ew, people." Atlas muttered making me laugh a bit.

"Right? These people are wayyy too friendly." Luna spoke.

We approached a house that was much bigger than the rest of the other houses. Each part of the house was colored with a different color. Green grass covered the lawn. The brightest green plants surrounded the house. The house opened its blinds welcoming us in.

The three of us jumped except for Mother. "That's not creepy at all." Atlas spoke.

"Did they run out of paint or what?" Luna judged making me and Atlas laugh.

"I want all three of you to be kind for once, and Y/n, since you are the leader of your little trio do try to get some information." Mother spoke whispering the last part. I nodded.

"I still don't get why she's the leader, she's the youngest, the weakest and honestly I would be a better leader." Atlas spoke confidently.

"Oh shut up! You can't even cook a meal! You think you can lead a group? The only thing you'll be leading us to is death, Atlas." Luna spoke making me laugh. 

Suddenly the door opened and an old lady opened the door. She had grey hair and tan skin and wore a reddish burgundy dress. "Hola, Alejandra!" She spoke while hugging our Mother.

"Hola, Alma! Ha pasado un tiempo desde la ultima vez que te vi!" Our Mother spoke with a smile. 

"Si" Alma spoke smiling as well. "Entra!" Alma spoke while opening the door wider and allowing us to come into her home.

"Estos son mis hijos, Y/n, Luna, y Atlas." Mother spoke introducing us. The three of us waved at the same time.

"Que preciosos!" Alma said cheerfully. I smiled at her as Atlas looked like he did not want to be here and Luna held a neutral look while looking around. "Se quedaran a desayunar?" Alma asked.

"Tengo un par de cosas que hacer. Esta bien si se quedan?" Our Mother asked. Alma nodded cheerfully. Mother hugged us and kissed our cheeks and walked out. It was silent until Luna popped a bubble with her chewing gum.

Alma brought us to the courtyard in the middle of the house. She stood at the bottom of the stairs and yelled for everyone to wake up for breakfast. Luna began touching things and I lightly smacked her hand to keep her from breaking anything. She gave me a soft glare and  then looked at the people coming down the stairs.

Alma showed us to the dining room and we took our seats. A girl with tan skin, curly shoulder length black hair and green glasses ran into the room and took her seat as well and looked at us. Soon a bunch of other people piled into the dining room. We all sat in a long table inside a room where on the wall was a family tree displayed.

Once everyone was settled in their seats Alma began her speech. "Good Morning everyone! Today joining us are the children of a close friend of mine. So be kind." She warned.

They all looked at us and seemed like they expected us to say something. Atlas elbowed me softly. "Oh! Yes of course!" I spoke sitting up straight. Luna scoffed and looked at her plate. "My name is Y/n and this is my sister Luna and this is my brother Atlas." I spoke pointing at them.

Luna gave them a big smile that I could tell was clearly forced but no one seemed to notice.

"Can I guess who's the oldest?" A boy with curly brown hair asked. He was wearing a yellow rauna. 

"We're actually triplets." Atlas spoke in a bossy tone. They all looked at us with a surprised expression. Luna and I just nodded along. 

"Oh sorry, I'm Camilo by the way." He spoke nicely. One by one they all introduced themselves. Atlas looked annoyed of how long they were taking to introduce themselves.

"How old are the 3 of you?" Isabela asked.

"15." Luna answered.

"Just like Camilo!" Pepa spoke nudging and smirking at Camilo.

After breakfast, Mother still wasn't back so Alma said we could hang out at the casita and that Camilo would show us around.

"These are our rooms." Camilo spoke proudly.

"Why are they glowing?" Atlas asked.

"Because us Madrigals have gifts." Camilo answered proudly. 

"What kind?" Luna asked smirking suddenly interested in the "tour".

"Everyone's gift is depicted on their door. Julieta can heal you with a meal. Pepa's mood controls the weather, she's also my mom. Bruno can tell the future. Isabela can control plant life like a flower queen she's also like perfect! Luisa is super strong. I am a shapeshifter. Dolores, my sister can hear everything in the village, and Antonio hasn't gotten his gift yet." Camilo briefly explained.

"And Mirabel?" I asked. 

"Mirabel didn't get one." Camilo spoke. 

"How did you guys get your gifts?" I asked.

"The candle up there gives it to us when we turn 5 years old." Camilo spoke. We all turned to look at it. "It basically hold our powers." Camilo said nonchalantly. 

"So if it were to go out, your powers go with it?" Luna asked. Camilo nodded. The three of us smirked at each other.

Mother would love to hear this.

We continued to listen to Camilo rambling on about the house until our Mother came and we said goodbye and left home.

A/N: I hope this chapter didn't suck. All feedback is gladly appreciated!

Queen of the Dark Kingdom | Camilo x FemReaderWhere stories live. Discover now