Chapter 58

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why is that arrow so interesting?? ...sadder (kinda), long chapter uwu

"And stay away!"

Ceyda yelled intimidatingly as the boys- Bahadir's friends- that mocked and taunted Konur scurried away after she threatened them with a dagger she stole from her uncle's marquee. Konur scratched his forehead in slight humiliation of his inability to defend himself. 

To get some fresh air away from the training field where there was a lesson currently going on, Konur Alp headed to the rocks under the bridge near the main marquees, oblivious of the other boys that followed him.

Ceyda noticed Bahadir's friends leaving the field soon after Konur and decided to go after them, knowing they were up to mischief.

And indeed, they were. Just as they were about to push Konur into the stream after ridiculing his scar, Ceyda threw the dagger beside their feet, distracting them long enough for Konur to get away.

She looked back at her friend and sighed contentedly. "That was fun."

"Hmm," Konur agreed sarcastically, still bothered by their words. "Why did you follow me?"

Ceyda's jaw almost dropped. "You're supposed to say 'thank you, Ceyda, I would have never survived those idiots without you-'"

"Let me stop you right there, Hatun. I could have handled them myself," Konur defended, enunciating the "Hatun" as Ceyda raised an eyebrow at him, an expression he received too much within the six weeks he'd arrived at the Kayi camp.

"Sure looked like you were handling it well," she muttered, crossing her arms before putting away the dagger.

"You know, if you're here to do nothing but insult me, please leave." He turned his back on her as she watched him sympathetically, mumbling under his breath about how the boys were wrong. He slumped by the stream, throwing a few rocks in the water when Ceyda slumped beside him, earning a side-eye from her friend.

"I would never hurt you, Konur," she said quietly, throwing rocks in the small river as well.

Konur scoffed lightly. "You're mocking me now."

Ceyda paused before she threw another rock and pressed her lips together. "No, I'm...learning from you."

Konur chuckled softly before throwing pebbles in the river with her. "Still a bad liar."

The blue-eyed Alp slowly turned his head to see whom he thought was his best friend. Nearly dry blood trickled down her forehead as a tear seeps out of the eye, her swollen lips twitching into a smirk. There was absolutely no light in her ebony eyes, and Konur only saw his shocked and horrified face in them. "What have they done to you, Ceyda'm?" he whispered.

Kongar glanced at the shocked Alp for a second before taking his opportunity and dropping his sword to the other hand. Right when he was about to puncture the other side of his abdomen, Osman Bey blocked Kongar's sword with his, pushing him away.

"Konur," Osman breathed, staring wide-eyed at the sword that pierced his stomach. His eyes then twitched as he looked at the culprits in front of him. Two people he held very dear and trusted, the look on their faces now unrecognizable. Osman did not know how to respond, so before Konur could get hurt anymore, he pulled Konur toward him, Ceyda's sword coming out oozing with blood, before killing the other Commander that came at him and pointing his sword at Kongar and Ceyda.

Konur stumbled to the side, hitting one of the trees and sliding down, watching the two people he loved most with guilt, shock, and hurt as they fought his Bey.

Sabır (Patience) - Kurulus OsmanTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang