Chapter 26

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Ceyda let out her battle cry and raised her sword. She was about to attack when Kongar held up a hand. "Dur!"

She lowered her sword. "What?"

"You never attack first. Wait for the enemy to attack and then defend. From there, you will get a basic understanding of their moves and know how to defeat them."

"But I wasn't going t-"

"Attacking may work for us, but for Turks, defend."

"Why? W-they're smarter?"


Ceyda chuckled, "I was going to do-" She attacked just as she had done before, and while Kongar's confusion led him to a mix of attack and defence position, she ducked and kicked his shins, making him kneel. She put her sword to his throat and whispered into his ear, "-this."

Kongar's shock could not be hidden, "I-I wasn't ready. Come on, go again."

Ceyda rolled her eyes and let him go, "You don't get second chances on the battlefield."

"Oh, so you're teaching me now."

"I guess so. That means training is over."

Kongar frowned. He wanted to spend more time with her. Ceyda made all his worries go away with her light-hearted, fun personality. She was like the light in his dark world.

Ceyda grabbed his chin and said, "Aw don't be sad. I'll let you ride a horsey when we go back," as if she was talking to a toddler.

Kongar smiled sarcastically and playfully smacked away her hand. He pretended to start walking ahead, then tripped Ceyda, unsheathed his dagger on her neck and smiled victoriously, "Aw, the fierce Commander Ceyda lost her balance?"

Ceyda groaned, "I wasn't ready..."

Kongar held her chin and mocked Ceyda, "Don't cry. I'll let you ride a horsey when we go back."

Ceyda held back the smile that was creeping up. "Shut up," she muttered, moving away from his hand.

Kongar chuckled and offered his hand to Ceyda, who had a mischievous glint in her eye. Right when he understood what she was about to do, he warned, "Don't even think about-"

She pulled his arm and pinned him to the ground, "Whoops, too late."

They were now face-to-face. Kongar resisted looking into her deep dark eyes and managed to roll his eyes, "You don't ever stop, huh?"

Ceyda smiled, resisting to dive into his ocean eyes and got up, not even bothering to offer him help. She looked around and found a way one could enter the camp. There was a tree in front of it, and Ceyda remembered the letter she hid. Kongar was up and ready to go back. "Balgay mentioned something about a celebration. We should go back now."

Another party? "I'm coming, you go first," she answered, distracted by thinking about whether Osman would infiltrate.

"Come with me."

"I just need to collect herbs for the horses first."

"Okay, I'll come with you."

Ceyda held back a sigh of annoyance, "The herbs are not easy to find. I'll need silence, and your loud footsteps won't help."

Kongar was about to argue but thought otherwise. Ceyda was getting annoyed now. He didn't want to piss her off any further. "Okay, but be careful."

"I'm collecting plants, not going to war... softie."

Kongar clenched his fist at the nickname 'softie' and started to leave before remembering the reason he brought her here, "Wait."

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