Chapter 53

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A big fat chapter just for you...this is probably the last time I update in a while since my school starts this Thursday, so please, vote, comment, show me this story is worth waiting for, so I can write the last few chapters with love, for this story, for all of you, and hope. That probably sounds desperate and dramatic, but this story has come a long way, and your support has always been valuable and appreciative and- you know what, I'll leave the speech for after the book is done heh. Anyways, have fun reading 7000 words!

Aygul became sleepy after a while, so Ceyda tucked her into her bed while she left to help prepare for the wedding. She watched the Hatuns boil and cook the feasts and the Alps training for the dance farther into the tribe. Then, her eyes landed on Konur, Boran, and Dumrul Alp by a stall where the Alps usually rest or make weapons. 

It was clear they were having another of their competitions; Konur and Boran showed off tricks with their swords, each intimidating the other. As much as Ceyda wanted to know more about their competition and what the loser would have to do, she started for the edge of the tribe where she would find various herbs for the medicine she would make for Aygul. Her cousin wasn't normal, and Ceyda was afraid she had lost her mind after learning the truth about Batur. Ceyda had been through the same thing a long time ago and was afraid she hadn't been fully cured. Before finding herbs though, she would ask Dundar Bey and Zohre Hatun about Aygul's condition.

Osman Bey called her as she headed for them, and she walked over to the steps of Ertugrul Ghazi's marquee, where Osman, Bamsi, and Gunduz Bey were seated.

"Beyyim, did something happen?" Ceyda asked. 

Osman laughed softly. "I was going to ask you the same thing. Why are you so tense?" 

"Oh," she chuckled half-heartedly. "Nothing Bey, I was just going to pick up some things for Aygul." Osman's expression turned serious. "Is she alright?" Ceyda shook her head. "I don't know. It seems she's become...mad after..." Osman understood, and he looked at his brother and Bamsi. "I believe Dundar Bey and Zohre Hatun have called a doctor...we'll see how it goes. May Allah cure her," he prayed. "Ameen," Ceyda said.

"On a happier note," Gunduz started with a sly smile on his face. "Ehh...Osman kardesim is finally all who's left is you, Ceyda bacim."

Ceyda groaned inwardly. "Are you sure about that, Gunduz Abi? I don't see Ayse Hatun," she smiled, and Gunduz made an 'I-see-how-it-is' noise as Osman and Bamsi laughed.

Then they turned serious. "You know..." Osman began. " is time. If you have anyone in mind-"

"Ya Abi, it's your wedding, and you're making this about me. If I find someone, I'll tell you, I promise. But for now...well, shut up." Osman laughed softly, "However you want it."

Bamsi furrowed his brow playfully. "Gunduz Bey?"


"Aren't you going to punish this Hatun for speaking to an elder like this?"

Ceyda widened her eyes and bit her lip as Gunduz made an agreeing noise. "Later," she said quickly before running off to the Healing Tent as the Beys laughed.

"That was not the answer I got when I asked eight years ago," Gunduz remarked, surprised.

"Why would you ask her when she was..." Osman shook his head unbelievably, and Gunduz just laughed as he reminisced.

"That was mine, you can't do that!" a 12-year-old Boran yelled, grabbing the sword a younger Ceyda had just taken from the weapon stand in Ertugrul Bey's marquee.

The boys from the training field dared Ceyda, Boran, and Konur to sneak into the Bey's marquee for the real, iron swords to practice with. Bamsi Bey only allowed them to practice with wooden swords and made sure the real ones were out of sight, saying they would get to use them once they turned 14- though this rule didn't apply to Osman as he was already better than both his brothers. And he didn't listen. Since those three were the best in the class, they would go steal Ertugrul Bey's swords- the only place they were certain Bamsi would not touch.

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