Chapter 29

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Batur went back to his tribe with the laws and passed them onto his father, who gave them to Balgay while Osman figured out Batur's second betrayal and headed towards the tribe.


The alps looked at each other in confusion. "What happened, Bey?" Konur asked.

"Betrayal! Betrayal, Konur'im, betrayal! Where is Batur, Erkut?" Osman looked around and furrowed his brow once he realized Ceyda was missing too. "Where is Ceyda?"

Konur was told Batur and Ceyda went to get some fresh air. He would have gone after them, but Boran stopped him. "They went hunting, Bey," Erkut answered. Konur stood up, "But we have meat. Why would he go hunting? Boran, you said they were just going to get some fresh air."

Boran shook his head. "I didn't think it was a big deal..."

"That dog didn't give up on being a dog!"

"Where are you going, Bey?"

"I am going to take Batur's life!" Osman swore before leaving the cave in fury.

Boran and Konur looked at each other in concern. "So then, where did he take Ceyda?"

Konur held his head and sat down. "Ah Batur ah."

"Where did he take her, kardes?" Boran repeated.

"There is only one place he could have taken her... To Balgay."


Ceyda walked through the surprisingly empty camp. She could not see Balgay or Kongar, or Cerkutay, who was usually the last person she wanted to see. Once again, you come here and they are gone. She peeked into Balgay's tent, but there was no one there. Two soldiers guarded the tent, and Ceyda mentally facepalmed. "Why are you guarding an empty tent?"

"Commander Ceyda, you're back?"

"Do I look like a ghost?"

"No, I mean Balgay was looking for you."

"Where is he?"

"At the Kayi Tribe."

Ceyda almost gasped. "What is he doing at the Kayi Tribe."

"Dundar Bey gave him the laws of Genghis Khan. Balgay set a trap for Osman. He will kill Osman there."

Ah, Batur abi. Why would you let Dundar Emmi give the laws to Balgay? And Osman? You would not put his life in danger. Ceyda had to go to the Kayi Tribe now. Both to inform Balgay about her return, and to somehow help Osman. However, she did not know if Balgay would become suspicious, or if he would like it if she joined him there. Ah, what the heck...I don't care what he thinks. "When will they be back?"

"Not anytime soon."

Ceyda decided. She would go to Balgay. She walked away from the soldiers and grabbed the reins of the spare horse Balgay brought her. She did not want to reveal Kahraman, for she did not want to draw any more attention to herself. She patted the horse and headed for the Kayi Tribe.



Ceyda froze. "What is he doing out here?" She quietly jumped off her horse and let it go, knowing she would regret it later. She hurried towards the forest, using the trees as her cover and walked closer to the yells. Craning her neck, she could see at least ten Mongol soldiers raising their swords at Kongar, who waited for their attack confidently. Part of her wanted to stay hidden to watch Kongar and see if he could beat them, but she knew if she was to present herself in front of Balgay without suspicion arising, Kongar would help. Right when she was about to step into the open, she heard footsteps coming her way. Ceyda turned to see a slightly injured man, running into the forest. She somehow recognized him, so she reluctantly left the trees to follow the man, Kongar and the Mongols' yells slowly fading away.

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