A Debt to be Paid

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╳Chapter 1 (Antons' POV)╳

The sound of murderous screams reverberated off of the stone cellar walls. This room had held so many beautifully agonizing screams. This time was no different; it still sounded like music was playing all around. I looked down at the pool of blood surrounding his feet. So much blood has graced these walls before his. The slumped man before me whose only means of standing was the metal chain hanging from the ceiling. After being tied down to a chair getting all of your fingers broken and cut off, I figured he'd want to stand a little.

I slowly stalked around his hanging body admiring the blood pouring out of his freshly whipped back. How I burned his chest repeatedly. The smell of the red hot prod still wafted through the air. His screams had become annoying by now. I think it's time we do something about it. I signaled my head to two of my men standing behind me to hold him still. His eyes shot open in fear. I smirked maliciously and slowly made my way to the tray to grab a knife and pliers. He must have guessed what was about to happen because I could hear the scuffle of feet and the chain clanking. I knew he was thrashing around but I had no worries. This would be done at my pace. You can't rush art.

Turning around I was right, he was trying to scream as my men held him down tightly with his mouth open as he tried to shake his head away from their grasp.

I got the pliers and held them tightly against his tongue. "I wouldn't move. The more you struggle the more painful this will be. It'll also get very sloppy and we could cut something besides that traitorous tongue of yours." His eyes grew wide and he stood still as if time had frozen him. To be honest I had already gotten all of the information I needed from him. This was just merely for fun. Sick and sadistic fun. I felt the knife cut through the meat like butter. Part of me wished he had struggled. I watched as blood started to pour out of his mouth. I did want him to die just yet so I heated a knife till it was red and stuck it in the traitor's mouth. He tried to scream as his body writhed in agonizing pain. Swiftly pulling it out I repeated heating the knife again this time though I stuck it flush against his open lash wounds.

"Brother. We have some other matters to discuss so finish this mess." My younger brother stated nodding to the barely alive man before me. The man weakly lifted his head up and gave a small look of hope.

"Would you like the honor of finishing him up, Matias?" A look of excitement graced my brother's face as he moved towards the metal bat in the corner. I moved out of his way as he walked past me. He told the men to let him down. He knew it was over and fear showed on his pathetic face knowing this wouldn't be swift. He tried his best to cower away from Matias, not getting very far. What happened next was no surprise. My dear brother repeatedly smashed the bat against his skull. You could hear the sickening cracks as the bat struck him. His face was rearranged to look like a Picasso painting.

When he turned back towards me with a crazed look in his eyes his chest rising and falling and he was the tame one between the two of us. His suit was covered in blood spatters. Though I'm sure I looked worse.

"How do you feel?" I asked as he tried to calm himself.

"Alive." The ironic chuckle didn't go unnoticed by any of us. "No one goes against the Serano's and lives through it. Especially if you blab to the fucking Russians." He had a point and this man was no exception. For someone so low on the totem pole. I can't believe he really thought he'd get away with it.

"Men." They snapped to attention. "Clean this up and send him back to his wife...in pieces." His very pregnant wife. I thought to myself. They immediately got to work as Matiasand I exited the room.

We walked down the corridor in silence till we made it to the second floor apart from the cellars.

"I say we get cleaned up and then you can tell me why you decided to interrupt me." Without saying a word he walked down to the opposite direction of the hall.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 17, 2022 ⏰

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