Chapter Fifty Four

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Kenzie ~

The terrain was rough and uneven with jagged rocks concealed by thick foliage. The mixture of unstable footing and her fatigued injured body made the journey nearly impossible. Kenzie stumbled and fell multiple times, catching the sharp edges rocks to her shins, knees and palms, but she kept going.

Every impact with the ground seemed to steal some of her momentum, but Kenzie was determined to get as far away as possible

By her count, it had been over two hours since she'd emerged from the escape hatch and she knew her father would be hunting her.

Every few minutes Kenzie would freeze in place and retrace her own steps backwards, breaking branches to form a fake trail for her father to follow. When she decided on a new path she'd fling her body as far as it could go in the other direction, trying to leave no trace of her change in direction by jumping to a new pathway. She was zig zagging her way through the forest, trying to evade her father and his men long enough for Hunter to find her.

Occasionally she'd hear a motor running or footsteps, causing her to conceal herself behind trees or the dead leaves and snow peppered branches that littered the forest floor. Feeling like an animal Kenzie relied solely on the experiences of her childhood to save her. Miles had dropped her and Banks off in remote locations and timed them to see how many days it took for them to return - this was no different.

Kenzie found a stream and slipped out of her bra, using the fabric as a filter so she could safely drink the water. Her dehydration was evident in her cramped muscles and fatigue, so she took her time, slowly consuming the water. She crouched by the stream, being careful to keep her feet dry as she rehydrated and rested.

 She crouched by the stream, being careful to keep her feet dry as she rehydrated and rested

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Snow flurries danced around her as she laid down, propping her back against a tree. Allowing her mind and body to rest for a few seconds, she watched the small flurries float and fall through the cold air. It was...peaceful.

Her body started to go lax and her eyelids became heavy as she slumped against the tree. The thirst that ached in her throat had been quenched and the deep searing pain at her side had drifted away. Even the bruises and cuts on her legs and arms didn't seem to hurt anymore as she sunk closer to the ground, feeling her head bob and hang. She wasn't hurting, she wasn't even cold - she was just...peaceful.

How easy it would be to stay here -like this. No pain. I'm just going to rest my eyes for a little while. Just a little while.

Closing her eyes Kenzie let her mind go blank, thinking about nothing, feeling, nothing as if she was being drained of life on the forest floor. There were no sounds other than the quiet flow of the stream and light tapping of snow flurries hitting leaves, but a familiar voice ripped through the quiet - Hunters voice.

"Get up Kenzie."

With eyes wide, Kenzie's body jolted itself awake and sat up, looking around the dense trees, searching desperately for the source.

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